I have only been following you since October 7. I'm not Jewish, I'm not Israeli, not a public citizen and I'm sorry to tell you the only music I follow is Country. But I can say, with all my Midwestern mom heart that I'm praying for you and your people and I think you're on the right track. Go the distance and don't listen to anything but getting the hostages back and settling accounts with Hamas. I don't think there's any other answer for the future.

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Me too. What you just said. 👍

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Believe me, Eve, you are NO idiot. You are brave, courageous truth-teller who offers voice to the many of us who can't get anyone to pay attention to us. Thank you for all that you do.

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You are not an idiot. You are a gift.

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Sometimes the therapy you need comes in the most unexpected places. I’m so glad you put on your oxygen mask first. ❤️🇮🇱❤️

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Loved your talk with Eric Alper. Learned a lot more about your background in music. What stands out for me is your absolute moral clarity. The discussion of the Supernova music festival hit home again, hard. Thanks again Eve and keep going.

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I will defend your right to embrace your idiot side down to the last shot of Jack

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Welcome back, with something that gives you joy! Thanks for sharing.

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As a fellow music writer, you are an inspiration. Definitely looking forward to hearing more about that part of your life.

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so glad you had this chance to do what you truly love but also so grateful that now you’re doing what you must. we need and appreciate you💙

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That’s how you do it Eve, blessings!

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So good to see you back!

Very interesting interview. Can only echo what someone else wrote in the comments applauding your moral clarity. And re the music business: I keep thinking of the title of a book I stumbled over in the music section at the Deichman library in Oslo about the birth of the punk movement. It was titled 'Tre akkorder og sannheten', or in English, Three Chords and the Truth.

Three chords and the truth....maybe it doesn't have to be super fancy to have potential. I bet there are a lot of guitarist and lyricists out there who always just dismissed themselves as no hopers and also-rans.

But maybe if they are lovers of truth and morally courageous, perhaps their moment has come.

Have you not considered having a go yourself, Eve? Now we know that you play piano and guitar and I bet there are loads of musicians who follow you on substack....could it be time, to do something with them? You've already got the perfect band name - BLACKLISTED!

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Now I can relax! Like so many of your friends Eve, we got worried about you!

So good to see and hear you in full flow. Especially with that untainted Glaswegian accent!

Keep going for us, for the hostages and for Israel please.

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Wonderful. Happy this happened. You deserve the best.

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You can call yourself an idiot. It's a privilege we give ourselves, to realize we are idiots and keep us humble. It's a good quality, and therapeutic. Relieves the stress to perform and lowers expectations from others. I look forward to listening to the interview with Alper, in bits and pieces, to minimize the Eve Barlow withdrawal symptoms.

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Nice--wallpaper of Ripley saving Newt. Like it.

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