Nov 7Liked by Eve Barlow

Today I received an email from Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the head of the Reform Movement in America. He wrote to console his Jewish brethren after the Trump victory. No mention of the October 7 massacre in Israel and its aftermath. No mention of the horrible antisemitism that has reared its ugly head, especially on our college campuses and on major city streets. For Jacobs, a Trump win was worse. And according to him, we all need comforting.

I think Jacobs and his ilk live in fairyland. He works and (probably) lives in New York. Where has his outrage been all year? Why hasn't he been out there with the Jewish students at Columbia, NYU, and CUNY, counter protesting and providing a example of strength? What are his priorities? Why is a fair election more terrifying to him than the existential threat to the very existence of Israel and the Jews?

Wake up, leftist Jews! Your despair is embarrassing and unfounded. Until Covid constrained all of us, in March 2020, we had a bustling economy under Trump. We had low gas prices due to fracking. We were building the Keystone Pipeline, which provided thousand of jobs. Unemployment was low.

Prices were fair. We were, for the mot part, at peace,

Trump pulled the US out of the disastrous Iran nuclear treaty. He moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to its rightful place in Jerusalem, Israel' capitol. He recognized the Golan Heights as being part of Israel proper. He created the Abraham Accords, which opened a road to peace for Israel and its Arab neighbors.

Let's give Trump a chance to right the wrongs of the Biden-Harris years. And let's be strong and fearless, like our Israeli brethren, as we look forward to better times for America, Israel, and the Jewish people.

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People who have buried their head in the sand don’t have the toughness we’ve acquired throughout years of shock by the attitudes of those around us. To most of us, this was a very very possible election result. There’s no shock here other than shock that many Democrats refuse to see the flaws in their own party.

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And I’ll add. As someone who was politically orphaned over ten years ago by British political events, the notion of entrusting one side with your survival is completely alien.

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I like your post, Gail Weiss. It’s well said and thoughtful.

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100 % Gail. And this is why many of us reformed Jews attend Chabad in our neighborhood where we find a welcoming, supportive, community of Jews, who will not stray from our faith and our belief in our right to exist, and the right of Israel to exist.

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I love our local Chabad. The members are mostly interfaith couples and even a Native American couple who love Judaism. The Chabad are non judgmental, not political and very welcoming.

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The fact is neither Biden or Trump is a friend to the Jews. I’m a democrat and I believe that a strong United States means a strong Israel. Trump’s allegiance is to no one but himself. How will “very fine people” and The Proud Boys make Israel stronger?

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When I was younger, I was a Canadian Jew, daughter of Ashkenazi parents. As I got older, I was a Jewish Canadian along with my staunchly Zionistic, now middle aged parents. Now middle aged myself, and post Oct 7th, I am an Israeli by choice.

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Well said Eve. Offering a sobering analysis as to why Trump has won is something many cannot cope and deal with. I have learned over the past 24 hours that many people are living in an alternate universe, selectively use media sources and have no clue as to what is happening in the real world. For them the election outcome was a shock to their system. We also know now they are no longer the majority.

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Stop caring for those who want us dead. They don’t deserve an addendum. God Bless the Americans who voted in mass to make some changes in this fiasco. Kamalah and her demo-rats can shove it up their tuchas. This is the highest form of literature they deserve right now. Hopefully the US will regain a sense of safety some time soon. If it’s too unbearable for them they’re welcome to set up their tents in the Middle East.


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Nov 7Liked by Eve Barlow

The truth and facts seem hard to see or grasp for some. Thank you for shining your light where others don't even look.

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Nov 7Liked by Eve Barlow

As always, both posts so well written! Let’s hope good changes start to happen! Xx

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Thank you Eve, and amen. ❤️

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Amen. 🙏💙

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The fact that she still got ~4/5 Jewish votes is shameful. When choosing between their religion of leftism and abortion and their people, reform Jews have made clear their position.

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Where did you get these BS stats from, Ann Selzer? The same lady whose poll showed Harris 9 points up on Trump in Iowa a few days before the election. Exit polls are unreliable. I've read reliable tallies showing Jews split their vote even between Harris and Trump, an amazing gain by Trump. Orthodox Jews voted over 90% for Trump. In my Reform temple half the members in my Brotherhood dumped Harris when she chose the silly Tim Walz who would make her look almost intelligent by comparison, over the much smarter Jew Josh Shapiro. Many of these liberal Jews confided in me they intended to vote for Trump, because they suspected I was probably a Trump guy though I'm a Democrat, because I'm made no secret of being politically homeless since I'm also conservative and 2nd Amendment proponent. For some reason that doesn't resonate with me, many liberal Jews are afraid to publicly admit they like Trump and preferred him to Harris. But with the curtain drawn they voted for Trump. I think the only reason many Jewish women stuck with Harris was because she was a woman and the thought of a woman president is powerful. I agree, provided it is the right woman. If Eve was eligible to run for President I would vote for her. In Jersey when the polls are closed the poll workers print out the results of each machine and post the results at the polling location. In my town, which has a substantial number of non Orthodox Jews, of the tally sheets I reviewed Trump received twice as many votes as Harris on three machines, and three times as many votes on another three machines. Harris won in large minority areas of Jersey, but still only won by 5 points. Amazing showing for Trump in a blue state with a large Jewish population.

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I'm Jewish and have consistently voted for Democrats until this election. While Biden/Harris repeatedly parroted their support for Israel to defend itself, they did nothing to call out the blood libels repeated over and over again by the anti-Israel demonstrators.

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Agree with you. But NY and NJ were outliers because of the orthodox population. According to the republican jewish coalition he got 32 % nationally. So my stat should be revised from 4/5 to 2/3. Improved but still shameful. My guess is he got ~1/5 of non orthodox. Glad many traditionally dem Jews switched- good. But the writing on the wall has been clear for 20+ years re. the left and dem party. Obama should have been a wake up call but most reform Jews stayed loyal to their true religion. Should be 50/50 at least.

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Eve, I would just advise you and Lee Kern to abandon your British diffidence and understatement if you want to be effective. Tell us what you really think--don't hold back, my dear! And thank you for existing.

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Well said. Unity. This is a big part of my daily meditation. Coming together. 🙏🙏

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As we boomers used to say: Right on!

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You forgot to add BADASS to that list

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This is EXACTLY what I am trying to convey to people around me. The last paragraph could have been written by me after the conversations I had all day. I’m so grateful for your voice and this slice of sanity of the internet.

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