The presidents of universities are disgusting. “Context dependent???” Thank you for publishing Eve. Love you so much!

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As usual, you’re spot on. Briana Joy Gray questioned Bernie Sanders’s integrity for refusing to call for a complete cease fire yet she questions the veracity of 10/7 rape claims. That hypocrisy sums up where the American left exists today. To borrow loosely from Tom Wolfe, we are living in a world defined by Radical Shiek. It’s like TickTock’s algorithm runs on the remnants of Woodstock’s brown acid.

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"We are living in a world defined by Radical Shiek. It’s like TickTock’s algorithm runs on the remnants of Woodstock’s brown acid." Can I quote you?

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Eve, thank you for leading the charge. You are strong and a credit to the Jewish nation. We are right behind you.

Sometimes I get the feeling that you (and myself in a minor way) are preaching to the choir. And it is true to an extent. However, I have come to believe that in these times this is the most important thing to do. Not in the meaning of some sort of trauma therapy, but as a call to open our eyes and to see what is before us. It sounds trite, but it is a call reminding ourselves that we, the Jews, are enrolled in the school of hard knocks, as we always have been. We need to gird ourselves for the ongoing and future battles where we will be delivering some hard knocks of our own, enemy after enemy.

And still, at the same time we are preaching to the choir, there is an unflinching sub-text addressed to the anti-choir, meaning those who stand against Israel. That sub-text says: "If you are coming for the Jews you will regret it."

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I'm not preaching to the choir. I convert people every day. xx

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No-one is happier to hear this than me!

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That's what I meant, but you say it better.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Hey, Ms. Gray, if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? If a Jewish woman got raped by Hamas, does it count? The raped women can't make a sound anymore, you complete and utter numbskull. Do you need to consult your buddy Bernie?

Hey, Ms. Gay, you say, "We have expectations that that right [to free expression] is exercised mindfully and with empathy towards others." So how is all the hateful, pointed rhetoric mindful or empathic? We expect an answer. But we won't get one. Tragic, horrifying, inexcusable. I suppose, Ms. Gay, that someone could, quite literally, shout in your face that they want to hang you and your family from trees, get a crowd of like-minded bigoted twunts to join in, and it doesn't count until the noose is around your necks and you're hoisted up? Got it.

I watched the clips -- many from Congresswoman Stefanik (STANDING OVATION, by the way!) -- from the hearing so many times (I have yet to watch the full hearing), and each time, my utter disgust, horror, wrath. and fury increases exponentially. The smugness, the smirks, the refusals of these Poison Ivy League flesh sacks to answer a simple yes or no question. Resign, you repugnant, morally corrupt cretins.

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I never in a million years thought that I would ever cheer on anything that Ms. Stefanik said or did, but welp, here we are. Good on her for her direct questioning of these feckless university leaders, and bad on them for their refusal to say or do anything to protect Jewish students.

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Plus the fact that Fox News was the only network to cover the speeches by the students live and interview them afterwards. They've covered the war since October seventh without equivocation. Compare that to the coverage on CNN or the BBC. Remember this the next time the left leaning types, such as the two faced ivy league apparatchiks, call Stefanik or Fox News "alt right" for questioning their motives or reporting on the truth of what happened.

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Same here! A very close friend and I have been talking about this same thing. "I can't believe I'm actually watching Fox News now," he said, "but they're the only ones making any sense now and aren't antisemitic cunts!" I'm paraphrasing, of course, except for that last word!

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Stefanik, alas, is a hard core Trumper. We find ourselves in an odd place these days…

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Maybe. But I often wonder if the middle east would be on fire right now if Trump were still in White House. I remember the Abraham Accords happening and things seemed calm. Would Hamas have dared to pull this horrific barbarity off on Israel if Trump was in office? He was staunch supporter of Israel. Where the heck is Biden in this? Extremely disappointed in his response/ weakness.

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Meanwhile Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court have cost women their right to bodily autonomy in half the country and clinics are closing right and left. Don’t talk to me about Trump and the rape and murder of women on October 7th in the same breath!

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Yes we are in a tough place for 2024

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None of this would have happened if Trump was President! Am yisrael chai!

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And let’s also remember Trump is a rapist himself. But that’s a secondary point. Trump would in no way have prevented this attack. That’s absurd. I hope you’re joking.

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Trump pulled us out of the Iran deal and I believe it was Bill Clinton who was the rapist. Hope this shows I was not kidding.

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It shows you’re an asshole. I’m done. Don’t bother replying I won’t be listening.

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Actually your post is so typical of the 'progressive' mindset. Have a wonderful day!

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Um, no.

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Still drinking the progressive Kool-Aid, Leslie?

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Leftist/progressives are no different than the neo-Nazi alt-right.

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I call it McCarthyism of the left. It was rampant even back when Inaas in college in the late 70’s.

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Is that just "free speech" unless it turns into "conduct"? Is that just "dependent on the context"? Eve - I have no idea what Magill and Gay meant by those statement. It sounded very "lawyerly" to me - a way to avoid answering a question from Elise Stefanik and others about the actions taken by the universities to penalize students who engage in speech that is threatening to others. I guess these administrators of our elite universities will just wait until one or more of their Jewish student gets injured, or even killed, before they will do something to stop the threatening and frightening "free speech" on their campuses. I was amazed that the president of MIT, Sally Kornbluth, said she hadn't heard about anyone threatening genocide at MIT. She did say that she heard students calling for another Intifada. The bombs of busses and restaurants during the last two intifadas resulted int he deaths of many innocent Israelis. If that's not genocide, then what is? More powerful were the testimonies of four current students from MIT, NYU, Penn, and Harvard, who spoke at the Speaker Mike Johnson arranged press conference before Tuesday's congressional hearing. These students spoke from the heart about the frightening antisemitic atmosphere on their campuses and the inaction by college administrators to curb it. I showed it to my husband, a Penn grad, and he was shaking.

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The way they are creating a precedent for every possible bigotry... What will they say the next time someone calls for the killing of, say, PoC, or Trans people, or name it, without "turning it into conduct"? Their hate against Jews is so huge that they are willingly bring more terror and harm than one hundred 9/11s.

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They will contort their vocabulary and resultant response to accommodate those other victims wholesale. It's not a one-size-fits-all.

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They will, but their hypocrisy has been exposed more than ever before.

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But the rest of the hypocrites don't see it/don't care/will "explain" it away.

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The Ivy presidents were answering with language provided by their respective law schools.

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All they wanted to do was sit there, get through a day of questioning without making themselves, their students and their universities look like complete frauds, but they’re so god damned dumb they couldn’t even do that.

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Indeed. Free speech when it’s against Jews or Israel. Immediately hate speech against anybody else.

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Big fail.

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The free speech defense if laughable considering all the shout-downs and silencing permitted and encouraged by university administrations. But ok, fine, let them have their free speech. But these administrator cowards allow Jewish students to be chased into a locked library for hours. They tolerate a Harvard student being surrounded and terrorized for carrying an Israeli flag. There are many more examples. Where is campus security? Where is law enforcement? Why are these out of control children not being identified and disciplined by the deans? Why is this criminal behavior not being met with arrest and prosecution?

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Because the administration and deans of these bastions of non education have spent the better part of the past fifty years showing us all which side they're on. It isn't Israel's.

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The cruel smile on Ms Magill's face is pretty scary. I'm sick.

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Remind you of someone?

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Göring eating lunch st Nuremburg. Something in that expression.


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In her intro speech she has to end it with the usual, we are fighting (non existent) "Islamophobia" on campus too. You know if she wasn't a pres she would be marching with the Hamas side.

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We heard speeches today from brave and brilliant Jewish students from most of these schools. They are our last chance. If the presidents of these schools are not fired tomorrow we have real problems. It will be worse for the diaspora than for the people of Israel. I was nauseated watching these weak brain dead cunts speak today. These are supposed to be leaders. Fuck off.

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Took the words out of my mouth. This evil has spread throughout the west, and it is hungry and will come for everyone.

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I was quite literally screaming at my screen as I watched those three university presidents refuse to condemn what was being said to and about Jewish/Israeli students. Honestly, at this point, if you're a Jewish donor, you should completely cut off donations to any school that does not take measurable, proactive decisions to protect Jewish students.

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Any donors with a conscience should withdraw support.

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An alpha plus today my Chavele as⁶ opposed to a gamma minus for three over promoted individuals presenting their word salad wrapped up in gobbledygook and unintelligible speak for Gen Z pseuds.However, if we must (and really we mustn't), let us be charitable and quote the lyrics of that well known glee club song from that other problematic Ivy League institution called Yale in reference to their defending the indefensible:

"We're poor little lambs who have lost our way Bah Bah Bah.........

Lord have mercy on such as we

Bah Bah Bah."

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As a Yale graduate decades ago, all the Ivies have a long history of antisemitic behavior embedded in their DNA. (Possible exception of U Penn, which was founded by Ben Franklin as the alternative, inclusive university for those who weren’t allowed into the other Ivy League schools.)

I just learned that Yale provides funds for every conceivable food allergy, and Halal, but not the kosher kitchen. (Yes, students can use their meal plan, but that’s not the same thing as allocated resources ahead of time.) Basically, what was once understood but unspoken is now out in the open.

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One of Dr Day's predecessors as President of Harvard was the infamous A.Lawrence Lowell in the early part of the 20th century. A house is named after him. He has many notable achievements but the one that concerns Jews is the change from the Jewish Quota system for entry to a geographical one that favoured the South and Western US where few jews lived. The other notable whom Harvard honoured was John J McCloy an assistant to Henry Stimson secretary of war and thus a prominent member of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations who was present at Potsdam. He was also a lawyer and a business man. It would need a whole article to discuss his resume or CV as us Scots call it. Let's say he was unhelpful to Jews at the most critical time on our history and helpful to certain Nazi war criminals after WW2 and that is in addition to his German business contacts at the time. Many thanks for responding to me AB.

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My friend and I attended the #Metoo Unless You’re a Jew” protest at the U.N. headquarters on Monday and it was like an infusion of oxygen after being suffocated for eight weeks. A crowd of 100? 200? Warm, fearless, intelligent, honest, decent, impassioned Jewish women. It was like standing inside a hug. It reminded me how strong we are and how unified in our determination to protect Jewish women and to speak for those who have been brutalized. As for HRC she is and has always been the best. I will forever be #withher.

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Eve thank you again for your spot on rage! Let’s just stop giving Jewish $$ to these places! These people made it quite clear they don’t value us so they don’t deserve our support. We as Jews simply need to start our own boycott. Any business, university, politician or charity that does not stand with us loses our financial support and we make it known why.

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Anyone, Jew or gentile, with any moral backbone would end financial or other support.

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I so wish that I could hire groups of people to show up at these universities in full Klan regalia. They wouldn't be expected to actually do or say anything except carry a few signs saying "From sea to shining sea, America will be free" or drawings of Africa, Mexico, and Central and South America in trash cans with the caption "Keep America Clean".

Stand right out in front of the administration building in those white robes and pointed hats, with their faces covered and then demand that the university treat them the same as the anti-Israel protesters and protect them and their rights to "free speech". Yeah, let's just see how far your new-found devotion to the free expression of controversial views

goes, you gutless hypocrites.

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I'm pro-choice, but there are videos online of pro-life protestors and other conservatives going to college campuses and asking the students for their opinions. The protestors are entirely peaceful; often just holding signs and speaking in conversational tone, asking the students questions. In some instances the students call the police (literally), in others they start screaming profanities, in others the students start crying. It is utterly pathetic, and it's abetted by worthless administrators like the three we saw humiliate themselves yesterday.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

Just upgraded to support your voice, Eve. Thank you for your honestly, courage and clarity. Only our voices can help stem the tide of the awful transition happening all over the globe where critical thinking, truth, simple human morality and above all courage are being "taught" out of our students and in some ways everyone.

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Glad my daughter will not be considering any of those schools. She has the grades and test scores for them, btw, but why go to a school like that? Also, the UN , and the Red Cross have lost all legtimiacy. Some of their leaders just don’t know it yet.

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