Sep 17Liked by Eve Barlow

Hezballah wife “I don’t want anymore babies! I need birth control!”

Mossad “I got you.”

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RemovedSep 17
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Don’t you have to pay to comment? Kind of ironic – Hezbollah was paying for beeper service

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Hey Aaron, would you be kind enough to share your pager number?

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Excuse me?

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RemovedSep 18
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You are definitely not Jewish b/c you have no sense of humor. TROLL

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Cleaning up the gene pool, one pager at a time.

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RemovedSep 18
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Sep 18·edited Sep 19

All i want to know is who pissed in your gene pool? ...directed to the now deleted comment.

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Would it be unchristian of me to say I am delighted!! I’m really sick of my own country and much of the world clutching their pearls about terrorists meeting Allah.

Negotiating with terrorists is impossible. There is one answer. Annihilate them.

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Projection much?

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of bloodthirsty terrorist dickheads.

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For a "journalist", your grammar is atrocious. How embarrassing for you!

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Don’t care how….this is smile-worthy 😸

Way to go Mossad. Thanks Eve 💙🇮🇱💙

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Pager invented by Jewish engineer, Al Gross! Lol...the sweetest revenge.

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We are bursting with nachas! Also, thank the TWO True Jewish Doctors who invented, and gave away for free to the benefit of the whole world, the Polio vaccine that just saved half a million Gazan non-Jewish children's lives. Funny looking genocide with all that free life-saving Zionist medicine.

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This took real balls!

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RemovedSep 18
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And you're a nut

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Sep 18·edited Sep 19

So says the keyboard troll who has nothing better to do with his life than spread hate like his syphilitic dick drip...also directed at the now deleted comment

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This. This is the kind of creativity that will help Israel win.

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RemovedSep 18
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🎶 vapor, vapor we'll burn you with our vapor 🎶

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Seminal tactic in every sense 🍆🔥

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Get them schvitzing about their schvantzes

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🎶"Beeper, beeper, hit me on my beeper" 🎶

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Premonitions triggered here by Eve. Perfect substack to read with my coffee. Morning funnies. Good for these MOFO’s. ☠️

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Hezbollah finds out that another term for a pager is pocket mohel.

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I really really hope Nasrallah had a pager

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FAFO. Hezbollah. You’ve been fucking around since October 8 2023. You found out.

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Damn, Eve!! You made my day!!

Is this a candidate for the Darwin Awards?

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