I never thought in a million years that we would see more support for Israel in Jordan and Saudi Arabia than on pretty much any college campus here in the US, but welp, here we are……..

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Maybe the Arab world knows better than the youth of America what its priorities are.

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Spot on. We need a version of kitchen nightmares for campus politics where Douglass Murray shows up and chastises everyone until they figure out how frivolous and incompetent they actually are.

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This is right on point. It’s clear - and always has been - who the aggressor is. This Administration has placated and appeased Iran. It will try to moderate Israel’s response. We cannot let that prevail. Israel must swiftly and aggressively respond. Otherwise the “new normal” will inexorably lead to further violence against the one Jewish state.

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As a Canadian I can’t wait to vote the liberals out of office. Trudeau has been an absolute disgrace with his party’s policy on Israel.

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I'm an American and I watch Pierre almost daily. He gives me hope.

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In another Maccabean miracle, Israel not only survived but overcame. Closer to home, a missing 14-year-old shepherd boy, Binyamin Ahimeir, was found murdered. His sheep had returned without him on Friday, and Arab villagers attacked search parties sent to look for him. I've read grisly details of the cold-blooded killing that don't seem to be online anymore. This happened not in Gaza, but in Judea/Samaria; not Hamas, the so-called Palestinian Authority. A great tragedy was averted last night, lesser ones are no less tragic. They murdered a shepherd boy.

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Thank you Eve. I have been praying non stop. You are a light to the world. We aren’t going away.

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Thanks. Try not to vomit after reading Biden’s statement. Ironclad wont be enough I’m afraid. I know the people of Iran sure hope the Mullahs are destroyed. It’s the only option at this point. Hezbollah will have to go as well. Maybe Yemen, Then peace.

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Great post.

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Wonderful article Eve, nailed it again!

Am Yisrael Chai



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This probably cements the IDF going into Rafa. Every day, before that campaign, Israel must announce to the world that if the Palestinians give up Hamas, the campaign will be limited to ground forces. Every day! If the Palestinians refuse, what can the world say then?

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I feel like we are watching the military industrial complex in real time. Biden is funding both sides of this war. Someone is making a lot of money benefiting from this conflict right now. I’m am sickened to my soul seeing how Israel is being used. Just as the Jews have been used for centuries. We are the first line of defense, when we go the rest of the world follows. But the kefiyah kids are too stupid to realize that.

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Thank you for lucidity as usual✡️🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thanks for this article. You see things so clearly. You really are a light in the darkness. My worry is that it will become normal for neighbouring countries to attack Israel, like it has for the Palestinians and the Lebanese to fire rockets at Israel. I remember when Israel signed the Abraham accords and they fired rockets then, the media called it “mostly symbolic”. What happens when they start using that language with the Iranian rocket attacks?

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I'm sorry, but every time I think about Rafa, a line from the movie "Aliens" keeps popping into my head. "Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

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Thank You Eve!🙋🏻‍♀️✡️🐕

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Iran sends missiles that could kills thousands of Israeli Arabs and destroy the Al Aksa Mosque, and Iranians cheer as well as Arabs who supposed care about other Arabs and the Al Aksa Mosque??? Shows how deep goes their hatred of Jews, and the hypocrisy of their claim how important this mosque is to them. Maybe that is why other Arab nations acted in some ways to assist Israel in intercepting the missiles.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Biden said "Don't" to Iran and they gave him the finger. If only Biden would say without qualification or equivocation the U.S.A. will stand 100% behind Israel, and not waffle in their "ironclad" support, the attack would most probably not have occurred. I'm not only talking about the drone and missile attacks, but October 7th as well.

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