Eve Barlow, you deserve a front-row seat in the journalistic Hall of Fame. You have the courage of Queen Esther, the lyrical power of Deborah, prophetess and Judge of Israel, and the intellectual power of Bruriah.

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Damn. Well thank you ❤️‍🔥🇮🇱

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Hammer meet nail.

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Thank you Eve. You eloquently covered all of the bases. The so-called progressives and elite institutions have revealed the extent of their capture by an ideological framework that is both intellectually and morally bankrupt.

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Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

A little extra enthusiasm tonight dancing the hora at my daughter's wedding. Am Israel Chai!

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Mazel tov!

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It’s so funny, I mainly only comment online here, and had been wondering why my comment on that post was receiving so much attention —you’ve given us humble subscribers serious exposure lol!

As usual, a surplus of gems here to choose from (the Dylan quote obviously) but I’ll go with this:

“The moral inconsistencies have, in fact, been an immoral consistency.” Bang on! I’ve thought many times that you’re creating here a one-woman denial prevention archive. So many posts dense with facts and reality checks. And it’s wonderful that, for a change, the challenge is not to gloat unduly over the wins—but to carry on purposefully, as you are

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Truly I wanted to make a live document of what I knew would be a pivotal time in history. So thank you.

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Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

Brava! My joy is tempered by the loss of the lives of the hostages and the suffering of their families and the continued losses of the lives of our heroic soldiers. I keep remembering how all of this horror could have been avoided if the hostages were returned. I’m proud of the gains of our heroes and so hopeful that the strides made in damaging the terrorist leaderships will finally bring a measure of both safety and peace to the region, but the cost has been so enormous, it is heartbreaking.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

Thank you Eve. It's so liberating to witness the overt Israeli and Jew hatred in the MSM as to the absurdity by which they are fawning over Nasrallah and Hezbollah. It doesn't move the needle anymore. They look beyond stupid. They can't be serious, but they are. The quality of their work is forever tarnished and diseased. Israel has sent the world a message, we will not go quietly. To the haters on the right and the left, your lies have no impact. Go join our enemies, move to those countries, and fight against us. FAFO.

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Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

Bravo Hero

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Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

I find myself so often feeling hopeful when I read your posts. It’s the content, of course, but it is also the profound gratitude of knowing that I am not the only one that see through the looking glass.

This upside down reflection of just/good vs terrorism has been so extremely demoralizing. DARVO’d indeed.

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Yes, incredibly frustrating.

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Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

Baruch Hashem, to top off an evening spent in a safe room with my grandchildren as Iran rained down missiles intended to wipe us out, their new little Sabra sibling was born in Jerusalem DURING the barrage. Ayatollah Shmayatollah. Am Yisrael Chai indeed 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🪖😎❤️‍🔥

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Eve Barlow

This was one of your best.

Jubilant, well-documented, and it forced me to agree with two figures I have denounced many times, Kushner and Netanyahu.

I know that the West considers anyone who kills Jews to be a dear friend. I have thought many times that a good thing that came out of 10/7 is that when we finally were in trouble, all the oppressed people that so many of us Jews had been fighting for our entire lives not only did not help, they actually howled for our deaths. All those we had thought were our allies turned out to have harbored deep hatred against us the whole time they had pretended to be our friends. It's a good thing because you really want not to be confused who your friends are.

Lately I have thought about my Lebanese and Iranian personal friends, who never said or did anything bad against us, and how they might — they just might — be grateful to Israel for freeing them. We'll see what happens. I recognize that the West will never forgive us if we create peace in the Middle East, just as the Arabs never forgave Israel for making the desert bloom. But it's OK, they'll give someone else the credit, and then they'll feel better.

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Biden promises not to share US intelligence. What a disgrace.

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Intelligence? What intelligence? There is no evidence of any in this crummy administration. And if there was any remaining in DC it has been overshadowed and dumbed down by leftists. There is, however, plenty of fakery and duplicity.

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That guy and his antisemitic crew ARE a disgrace. As much of a disgrace as Corbyn is, they just hide their true feelings a little better for votes.

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I want to hear more from you! Your writing is better than an anti-depressant! Thanks for speaking for us.

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I absolutely adore you and all of your posts

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What a way to begin my day. Thank you Eve for writing so beautifully and with such emotion. This really resonated (I also shared Kushner’s x post widely this weekend and had the same feeling as you) “ I have found that something essential to intelligence is being able to receive new information and to change your mind accordingly” Filled with so much pride & awe. Am yisrael chai & Shana Tova!

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Jared Kushner’s quote is an added gem. I’ve never fallen out of faith in him.

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Nailed it.

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Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Thank you, Eve for exposing all of the Western

Hypocrisy from the useful idiots, As A Jews and sheeple.. My cousin in Herzliya who left her safe room about six hours ago, thanks you, too..

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