
Another bullseye. Did you see the NYT story about the UCLA Hamasnik revolutionaries complaining about the counter protests? I had to read the following twice because I thought I misread it: “Pro-Palestinian demonstrators said Tuesday that the daily counter-demonstrations at U.C.L.A. had been emotionally and mentally exhausting.”

If they think counter-posters adversely affect their fragile well being, wait till they try Sharia law. The story goes on to say…

The “actions and behavior of these counterprotesters is indicative of the treatment of the people on the ground in Gaza,” said Kaia Shah, a researcher and a recent U.C.L.A. graduate.

I have no words.

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Most of these people have no emotional investment in their cosplay flirtation with terrorism worship. They’re completely ignorant of everything they are screaming about. They’re just parroting some crap that the real perps and Commie commissars on the faculty told them.

Can they tie their own shoes? Who did they model their revolutionary 15 minutes on, Carlton Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

And yet as pathetic as they are, they are also horrible and shameless. The shamelessness in America is a big problem. A little shame is not a bad thing. Not crippling shame, but enough shame so you finding do horrible stuff to innocent people. I guess their parents either are antisemites or raised the kids with an iPhone for nanny It’s amazingly disturbing to see the hatred springing up from so many unlikely places where people should know better. But they don’t. Abd all this Commie crap is passe. It has never worked anywhere for anybody. It’s a losing strategy. Even Commies know this. The big macher Commies are capitalists now.

Israel needs to finish Hamas now.

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Spot on, Eve! SNL could not have done this any better (though, truth be told, they haven’t produced anything remotely funny in 25+ years). Slutzky’s moaning and groaning of forced famine will age well. Priceless!

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Every single time Slutzky applies for a job, throughout the rest of her life, she's going to have to swallow those words. Hope they were filling.

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I’m still laughing Eve. Brilliantly written and the ultimate put down.Who said satire was dead?

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Self-siege: my nomination for word of 2024. Brilliant analysis with your usual acidic commentary. Thanks!

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Fucking Slutzky. I’m so sick of these brain dead kids. They will all be released by morning. It’s insanity. I hope law suits destroy some of these schools. How embarrassing they produce such obvious morons. This is our best and brightest. We are in trouble. No wonder journalism is dead. This school is where they are come from. Sad they are being funded by Qatar and Soros. They pay 90K to go to school but will act like monkeys for 7500 bucks. Losers.

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That was brilliant. Every single sentence was a masterpiece.

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It’s been building up for 20+ years, but still didn’t think I’d ever see such a dangerous shit show on our college campuses. Thanks for your comic relief — perfectly describes the situation! 💙🇮🇱💪🥰

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Oh Eve, this is one of your best yet! Granted, you had the easiest material provided by the future leaders of America (😶😐). Seriously though, the hypocrisy (is that an SAT word? Because they obviously don't know the definition) is beyond belief. I hope this gets at least some people to open their eyes to the insanity that has overtaken so many of our college campuses, but sadly, I didn't think it will. Because, of course, Jews.

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Bravo! 👏👏👏👏

They’ve inadvertently highlighted the madness of the world’s hyperfocus on Israel’s purported aid obligations to the exclusion of the atrocities committed by Hamas (and still being committed daily with indiscriminate bombings of Israeli civilians and continued abuse of hostages). The students are likewise emulating Hamas’ defacto “self-siege” (oh it’s definitely a word now). When Israel withdrew and left millions in valuable infrastructure and industry, such as greenhouses, Gaza could have been turned into a Singapore. Instead they destroyed it all and created an ISIS that necessitated Israel’s defensive actions

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Eve you are funny! But it is also so painful. Because those raging children have no self awareness, no real knowledge that they are shills for Hamas and the Republic of Iran, and lastly no idea that they are tearing the very fabric of our democracy. Are they all antisemites and anti Zionist’s? I’m not sure. I think many of them long to be part of something. To be accepted. And have no regard for consequences or any conscience. And that, is one of the saddest parts of this. They need acceptance so badly they will tear down their country. Sound familiar? We have a demented criminal needing his father’s approval running for president with the same lack of conscience and care for consequences.

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I hope you’re referring to Biden!

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Spot on, Eve. If these kids start breaking out in songs from Les Mis ("to the barricades!"), I'm going to lose my mind.

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Brilliant… need to laugh at the idiocy and ignorance of these entitled kids… however the very real supported antisemitism continues to be horrifying and shocking, if not surprising!

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‘Do you not know that there's tap water in the bathroom sink? That’s a serious question.’ Brilliant, Eve, once again- thank you for your truth.

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Too bad there is, though. The university should have turned off the water and the power.

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SO many gems in this. Fucking hilarious .

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Spot on analysis Eve, as always: biting sarcasm exposing plain truths. These children - babies really - have never had a consequence in their coddled lives. Too many participation trophies and certificates of merit for doing what’s expected of them have addled their brains. This rant about needing “humanitarian assistance” is so perfectly symptomatic of all that ails us that one must wonder if she’s real, or is it a subterfuge by someone playing a role, planted to make us understand how vapid and evil these people are? They all want more participation trophies for being part of a revolution that they don’t understand will come for them soon enough. So please, I implore you, send in the organic, free trade, additive free, all natural popcorn for me so I have something to eat while I watch it happen. It’ll be quite a show.

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