
I reckon Mossad recruited Lorena Bobbitt for the operation.

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Vindickation! Laugh your arse off.

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Even better: A Druze female Mossad agent! Avenging the 12 Israeli Druze children recently murdered by Hezbollah

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DEFINITELY a woman. Simple, elegant. Like the little black dress. Project Cocktail.

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Next thing we know, we'll find out that Hezbollah is communicating with tin cans connected by strings.

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Mossad will replace the strings with explosive cord!

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I haven’t laughed like this since October 6! You are wonderful! Thank you!

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Just the most articulate and intelligent article ... like you I actually laughed properly when I heard ... not much to laugh about since the 7th. Thank you Eve

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I would love to meet you. You are the best

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Eve Barlow is the little sister I never had, but somehow transmitted my wisdom and dark humor to anyway. Thanks, Eve, for being mamish eshet chayil!

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Meanwhile in Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s offices:

Briinng brinng.

“Marhaba, habibi?”

“🎼Kol od balevav penimah,
Nefesh yehudi homiyah,
Ulefatei mizrach kadimah,
Ayin letziyon tsofiyah.

Od lo avdah tikvateinu
Hatikva bat shnot alpayim,
Lihyot am chofshi beartzeinu,
Eretz tzion virushalayim.” 🎶


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So awesome. So funny. Thank you.

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Best article since Oct 7.

Please have someone translate Dr Binah’s poem.

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One of your best, Eve!

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Great job, Mohel!! $1000/job plus tips!

3000 down, hundreds of thousands to go.. to hell with you useful idiots like Occasional Cortex, by the way..

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This was perfect.

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Thank you for making me laugh today! You are genius.

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This Substack beats the Kathy Griffin show I saw tonight. Thank you!

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