Apr 11Liked by Eve Barlow


Here’s a non Jewish Ozzie who, like all my family, is not antisemitic Eve. The vast majority of non Muslim Australians support Israel except the far left and the greens. Same as everywhere else.

We have your back. Never again!

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Happy to hear it. Your loudmouths are doing you a disservice xx

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Thank you. It's a relief to hear this.

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I’m glad to hear it. Thank you.

So much pro Palestinian noise on Uni campuses, weekly marches, port disruptions, local councils adopting BDS etc all makes Aussie Jews feel isolated. And the government and police force seem cowed by the loud bullying. Prosecution of hate speech is being undertaken by private citizens, not authorities. I’m fearful about where it will all end.

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'Australia’s on the same tip by the way. Never did I realize before October 7 that the biggest population of proud white “liberal” Nazis come from Australia. If you’re non-Jewish, Australian and not antisemitic, please show yourself. I have yet to meet you.'

Yep, here I am in Sydney and I'm yet to meet them too. I can count the openly un-antisemitic non-Jewish (and not married to a Jew) white Australians I know on one hand - and I'd still have some fingers left over. It's pathetic.

PS. Thank goodness for Coleman Hughes. I'd already seen that video, but thanks so much for including it in this post. It's a good one. Probably too calm and reasonable to hold a useful idiot's attention, though.

PPS. Just wanted to add a link to this recent podcast episode from Sam Harris. It dives a little deeper into what Coleman was trying to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMNjNFHlsY

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Best thing I can say about Joe Rogan is he allows his guests to speak, and in the video you shared his guest was the highly intelligent and articulate Coleman Hughes. As for Mark Twain, he wasn't antisemitic. When he brought his family to Vienna in or about 1895, he encountered many Jews and was satirized in Austrian newspapers for closely associating with Jews. He wrote an essay in 1897 called "Concerning the Jews" that appeared in Harpers Magazine, saying about the article that both Jews and Christians would find reasons to criticize. He wrote complimentary of Jews, moreso than of Christians, but did repeat some stereotypes which some Jews often repeat about themselves, much to my annoyance. The below quote is from Aish.com, taken from an article about Mark Twain:

"Unlike many of the writers of his generation, Twain had a soft spot for the Jews. Though he mercilessly poked fun at Mexicans, Native Americans and the Irish, his writings contain relatively few jokes about Jews. In his best-selling first book, The Innocents Abroad – a humorous chronicle of his trip to the Holy Land in 1867 – Twain was far more biting in his criticism of Christianity that he was of Judaism. He was pleased by the popularity of his books in Yiddish translation, and upon hearing that the Yiddish writer Sholem Alechem was called the “Jewish Mark Twain,” Twain said, “Please tell him that I’m the American Sholem Aleichem.”

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Thanks. I have read both that he was and was not. Pardon my error.

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Thank God for you, Coleman Hughes and anyone with their eyes fucking open.

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II too feel frustration, bitterness, a sense of deception, deep anger and yes,fear. I rarely hear or see any signs of support for the Jews massacred, kidnapped ,displaced, & being fired upon currently. The vitriolic hate for Jews and all Zioinists is palpable, even explosive. We need people to speak out against the rise of Islamism! We need Israel! Am Yisrael Chai!!

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I am not on the fence...but I read your article anyway. I support Israel and all it stands for. I pray that I will never see the political and legal system of Islam (which hides behind religion) ever make its way here to Canada in a serious way. So far, in the West (US & Canada), we have very few Muslims as a percentage of our population as compared to much of Europe.

In the major cities, we have Palestinian protests, which are to be expected. The new immigrants to Canada and the US mainly congregate in the major urban areas. In the rest of the country, the war and the protests are barely registered.

Most of the people I speak with silently support Israel and know that Hamas is a bunch of murderous thugs who deserve to be wiped off the face of the planet.

I believe, as you do, that a two-state solution was never intended to be the outcome of the Palestinians. I also believe it will not work. If I were in charge of Israel, I would take over (by force) all of Gaza and all of the West Bank. I would expel the Palestinians and add the land to Israel. I know this will never happen, but I believe it is the only solution to this problem.

The Palestinians will never stop. The Iranians will never stop. Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah will never stop. The Muslim Arabs already occupy over five million square miles of land around Israel. They have a population of over 400 million. Israel only has a little over 8000 square miles and less than 10 million people, one-fifth of which are Arabs. So, according to my math, that's less than eight million Jews in Israel. There are more people just in the city of Cairo than all of Israel.

My question to the Arabs (Islamists) is, how much more land do you need? None, in my opinion, and we know it's not about the land (acreage). And anyone who claims that Israel is the big bad wolf in the Middle East is either naive, stupid or pretending to be. The Israelis are vastly outnumbered on a tiny postage stamp of land surrounded by people who want them dead, and the world wonders why they have to fight so hard. Really?

Anyone who has studied this ongoing conflict and studied history, as I have, knows that this is a religious war. This bad blood between the Jews and Muslims goes way back to Medina during the time of Mohammed. The Jews and Mohammed had a falling out, and the rest, as they say, is history. I know I am vastly simplifying the extremely volatile and complex history of hatred between the Muslims and the Jews. In saying that, I believe supporting the Jews (Israel) is an easy decision. They are a democracy. They believe in human rights, and they are the indigenous people of the area. Also, who would you rather have as your neighbour, Hamas or Israel? Easy choice in my books.

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I am not on the fence. I am a Zionist.

We are certainly living in an upside down world where bad is good and good is bad. It’s appalling that all the progressive movements are silent to the kidnapping, the rapes, the barbarity of how they murdered and butchered babies, children and adults. But I’ve accepted that. I’m not looking for new friends or famous stars to stand with us. It’s been 6 months and if they haven’t done it by now, they’re not going to do it.

What scares me more are all the university students in democratic countries, our future leaders, embracing hamas. They might have always hated Jews but now they are just aggressive hateful anarchists and I’m sad say I hope that this isnt the downfall of democracy.

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Thank you yet again, Eve. The mainstream media has virtually disappeared October 7 and what it meant. As far as a ceasefire goes, they act as though it is Israel—or Biden—who is responsible for “negotiations breaking down.” There’s never a mention that Hamas is the obstacle—to peace OR a two-state solution. They even blame Israel for starvation in Yemen, which has had civil war for 8 years. Virtually none of their commentators are Israeli. Tons of them are Palestinians. I could go on and on. The narrative has been set, the “justice warriors” know no history and are hungry for a cause to feel virtuous about…and they’ll probably get Trump elected. Your brave voice is much appreciated.

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🎯 as usual Eve.

I do truly believe though that it’s a minority, albeit very loud one, here in Australia that supports the terror-supporting useful idiots that demonstrate on campuses & street corners. Having said that, I also don’t think they have any idea what they’re standing up for.

The silent majority needs break their silence & tell our elected leaders to find their moral compasses, get behind Israel & fight these terrorists that threaten to tear our civilization apart.

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Thanks Eve, I am still in massive fight with Tucker trying to get my money back from his clown show producers. The gall of him having that Gaza living 10-7 celebrating priest on his last show made me sick. I am ashamed I paid for his show. After his Roger Watters and Glenn Greenwald work I knew he was an anti semite but this one took the cake. Trying intentionally to get Christian’s to turn on Israel. What a little cock sucker he is. I bet his family hated Jews. He seems to have a real nasty taste for us.

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And Melbourne University has cancelled a lecture by a visiting Israeli academic due to ‘disruption’

Melbourne University where I held a chair for decades.

I have just changed my will.

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Just gave me another reason to respect Coleman Hughes.

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Joe Rogan is an ass. I didn't need this video to confirm that. As for our western liberals, they have just proven to me that Jew-hatred is never far from the surface.

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Can you provide a sharable link to the embedded video? I don't see a way to copy a link when I run the video. Thanks.

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Thank you, Eve, for your insight and truth. Keep shining your eloquent clarity on this vital fight against terrorism. Sadly, Western “liberals” seem intent on our own cultural genocide by supporting these barbarians.

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“If you ever wanted to know what Hitler Youth propaganda would look like in the age of Sanrio…! Hello Jihad Kitty!” Spot on! We’ve seen this movie before and we know how it ends! Witnessing the vapidness, narcissism and sheer stupidity of evil is so draining. Sometimes it seems the catharsis you and Lee Kern provide is all that’s keeping me sane.

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