Oct 13, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

THIS alone is worth the subscription fee. The well-articulated primal scream (is that an oxymoron? as well as a Scottish band? which is why I’m happy to leave the writing to you). Thank you (again) for fighting the good fight, for taking the public hits for so many of us (not only on this issue), for staying clear-eyed, for the calling out, for being so wonderfully “stiff-necked” about speaking truth.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Shapiro's comment was a loser. As was Rogan and all his Jewish fans who will say nothing when he shills for Waters. It's good to see a few public Jews standing up for Jews for a change but of course West is a "right wing" figure so it's easier when it can be tied to their politics. Waters and the campus crowd are much more dangerous as they use their anti "Zionism" to inflame antisemitism and most liberal Jews will be clueless on how to deal with that until it's too late.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

I agree with so much of what you say and was overjoyed to find you on Instagram etc a few years ago. I had family members telling me I was alarmist a few years ago - a cousin who is a professor, my nephew recently graduated from a college. The hairs on the back of my neck and the intuition honed by our people over thousands of years weren’t truthful, to be believed. The rise in both left, Islamist and right Antisemitism has literally come full circle and those who ignore it - seem to be doing so purposefully. We are stuck in the middle and politically homeless, but what else is new. I for one will continue to call it out and fight by whatever means necessary. I personally believe that Ye is mentally ill but that doesn’t excuse him at all. I’m watching those who say nothing and those using it politically. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Or the second or the third. But please - start seeing it! I am most disappointed by our Jewish leaders - so busy with their social Justice of other groups - not doing their jobs to stand up against Antisemitism for fear of their own social and political situations. They have lost their way.

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I am not Jewish but I guess you could call me a Zionist. Pink Floyd has recorded some of my favorite music. It is heartbreaking the Roger Waters has turned out to be such a voice for evil in the world, and that he is freely given platforms to voice that evil - as have too many other prominent, influential people. This growing epidemic and mainstream embrace of Jew-hatred is disgusting, distressing, alarming and must be called out. Ms. Barlow, I am so sorry for your pain, but please keep fighting the fight, there are way too few in it. Peace.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Agree 100%. You have written what I have been thinking for a few years now. Next piece, perhaps explore what is happening on college campuses….scary

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Please know that your writing is influential. I'm Jewish and agree with what you wrote. That said, reading your essay reinforces my views and shifts the way I see the world. It may not be a profound shift, because of my agreement with you, but it its a shift in prioritization.

So, that's one answer to your question of why you have to write this again and again.

Yasher Koach!

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I share your views........and your despair.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

G-d Bless you Eve. Reading this made my day. I already went after Ben Shapiro for his cowardice. Nothing disgusts me more than his association with Candace Owen’s as she promotes her BLM film. I guess Ben doesn’t see a conflict of interest here. Bloody spineless.

Why is it left to Jamie Lee Curtis to show disgust? Thanks Jamie, you rock. Where are the big Jewish celebrities in the entertainment industry? Hiding in their mansions afraid to say anything lest they be accused of ‘racism’?

We’re back in the 30s and we can’t even see the writing on the wall. G-d help us and G-d show us the way.

Keep up the good fight. Your voice is much needed in these times. G-d Bless and keep you.🙏

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Petrified. We have hosted holidays for USAmerican Jewish students in Spain for several years now. It's always been an open invitation for the students to bring their friends and to join us for Shabbat/RH/Break Fast/Chanukkah/Pesach...I have a group coming this Shabbat for tapas and challah.

I think it may be the last that is open to anyone...you're right it is time to protect our sacred spaces.

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Very sage advice, I agree completely.

“When counselling one of these friends, I told them to stop letting colleagues into their most intimate spaces; their Shabbats, their candle-lighting, their breaking bread. Keep it business. Get what serves you out of the relationship. Protect your family. Thrive as you deserve to, because you deserve the best. And under no circumstance lend the gifts of your spirit, your soul, your ancestry to people who will hurt you, spite you with those gifts, and ruin the memory of your ancient traditions for you. That is not respect. That is not love. Be careful who you let in, and when you teach those people what is good and they choose to ignore it and they choose to spit in your face, show them the door.”

Thank you so much for all that you do.

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Brilliant. I’m scared also.

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A classic quote example off “Schrödingers Whites” in the example of passing as white, therefore privileged, therefore anti-semitism is not really that problematic. David Baddiels small essay “Jews don’t count” on this blind spot is really on point I recommend it to all in this thread. Thank you Eve for putting words to some of my own non-formulated worry on this subject.

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Hashem decide to have his only son raised by a Jewish mother and father

Clearly Kayne west was not raised by a Jewish mother and father ye ha

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

If you consider non-Jews as your enemies, you do nothing but encourage antisemitism. The Israel lobby (lobbies, really) in the US, mostly in Washington, DC, is larger than all of the other lobbies combined. Israel is a multibillion-dollar recipient of US taxpayer funds. Israel receives the latest military hardware and training in addition to our defense itself, fighting their wars with Arab nations. It is disgraceful that you hide behind all of that crying, "Why is everybody always picking on me."

When I was a child the most repeated advice to us was, "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you." You should memorize that.

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Petrified. WE have hosted holidays for USAmerican Jewish students in Valencia for several years now. It's always been an open invitation for the students to bring their friends and to join us for Shabbat/RH/Break Fast/Chanukkah/Pesach...I have a group coming this Shabbat for tapas and challah.

I think it may be the last that is open to anyone...you're right, it is time to protect our sacred spaces.

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