Thank you Eve. I am a 68 year old Christian living in the USA. Your words and actions give me hope for the future unlike the appalling events at universities across the USA.

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Eve, I absolutely love your work and your vital role for the Jewish people and Israel. Your voice is a beacon of truth and resilience in a world often clouded by antisemitic propaganda. However, while self-criticism has always been a strength of ours, it can also be our Achilles' heel. October 7th happened partly because we were too focused on criticising each other and took our eyes off the ball.

You are right in pointing out the hypocrisy that exists in all human beings. As Carl Jung wisely said, "Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people." Your warrior spirit is that of a survivor, and it's clear you do this from the heart. Don't let the distractions of those who ride on your coattails deter you. Israel and the Jewish people need true lions and lionesses like you to keep looking ahead. Remember, the lion does not bother with what the foxes say and do.

As you continue your advocacy, a Churchill’s quote, if it may speak to your heart: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Your truth is a light in the darkness, and as long as you hold onto it, the shadows cast by others might even become a blessing in the hot Israeli sun.

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Hadar, since she was a little girl I have been quoting Winstin Churchill to Eve. The great man was a hero to me, my parents and my grandparents. Eve's great grandfather Gershon Bereliovitch( George Barlow) had his British naturalisation documents signed by Churchill in May 1910 when he was the British Home Secretary. Wise words should be repeatedly quoted down the ages and did he produce a plethora of written wisdom. In fact I sent some Churchill to Eve just before her flight. Thank you again Hadar for a most inspirational post.

Daddy Barlow.

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You've taught your daughter well. Thank you. Winston Churchill is also my hero. My favourite quote of his begins with, "If you will not fight..."

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Winston not Winstin!

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Thank you, Daddy Barlow ;)

Witnessing Eve's profound impact must be incredibly fulfilling, and I can only imagine the pride swelling in your heart as her father. Our shared nod to Churchill's wisdom brought to mind Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity—a meaningful coincidence. Jung posited, "Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those with eyes to see."

This notion, painfully poignant amidst today's events, mirrors the essence of Truth itself.

Regrettably, we have ventured into an era where opinions replace identity, rendering the truth a threat to one's narcissistically rigid self-perception.

Eve's dedication and resilience are truly inspiring, and it's clear that she draws strength from the values and wisdom you have instilled in her.

Warm wishes,


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Safe flight and thank you Eve

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May 20Liked by Eve Barlow

Five Came Back is a doc about how Frank Capra, John Ford, William Wyler, George Stevens, and John Huston walked away from their careers for years to embed themselves and document WWII. It became their paths too. And they still had to fight to get shown the horrific realities they captured. But they believed the world needed to see.it. It could have been all too easy to do what so many of their contemporaries were doing, “working on fixing it” from the safety and comfort of Los Angeles soundstages. Those five guys were true heroes. It’s reminiscent of what you’re sacrificing to do this. Travel safe.

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Don't forget James Stewart, who fought with distinction in flying fortresses where the survival rate was not in your favour. Also remember David Niven, who returned to Britain in 1939 to join his old regiment and become a commando. These men knew their priorities and what they were fighting for.

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Yes! And Robert Montgomery!

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Safe travels. Thank you for using your voice and platform for good.

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N’siah Tova… Stay focused like an Arrow… missile

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Another thought for you, Eve. Your words and your work give me hope. Not that I’m an expert in these things but when I read your writing, I sense that rare alignment of mind and heart and will. It’s a beautiful thing. And when focused on something like the crises that surrounds us, it inspires confidence. And hope. We need more of the courage and intelligence you demonstrate. Be well and be safe.

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There are those who talk about “doing the work”—and there are those who do it. Quietly. Stolidly. Unflinchingly and doggedly. Thank you.

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Thank you for using your beautiful voice.

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Just so you know, you’re my hero. Truly.

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I hope your engagements are productive and satisfying.

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Safe travels Eve. You continue to do good, important and necessary work. Yours is such an important and effective voice.

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Safe travels. Sending love and support from afar. 💙

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Give ‘em hell. Speak for all of us who don’t want to mince words. This is good vs evil, nothing less. Tell them we’re not getting in the trains again and we’ll burn them down first before giving in to mass insanity.

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Safe travels!

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Thank you for going back and fighting the good fight. I’ve been back twice since October 7th to volunteer and just made plans for this coming fall. Can’t wait to hear about your week. Safe travels.

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Please let us know of your volunteering experiences. Good on you.

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