It’s just so fucked. I saw the tic toc thing today and I figure we are totally over. While progressives were gleefully supporting LGBT and BLM they were unaware that anti-semitism was the key ingredient. Linda Sarsour at the women’s March in 2016 should have made it clear but somehow donors kept donating and liberals kept supporting this shit.

Here we are now and I’m pissed.

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I like to say everything after the LGB has to go. The alphabet and special characters all have the same rights as the rest of us.

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So... I do give a fuck! Even if the MSM does not! Their reporting and headlines are truly unforgivable!

An elderly Jewish man gets hit with a megaphone, causing him to fall and strike his head - killing him; no mention of the strike, only that he fell! No mention that the

pro-cockroach demonstrator hit him causing his death and is being charged with involuntary manslaughter!

The reporters let us know that no Arab country wants the cockroach refuges, but never the reason. The Arabs are not stupid - when allowed in, it has never been peaceful. They are like cancer cells metastasizing, causing a new cancer where they are deposited.

I pray and believe that the antisemitism is limited to a vocal minority of this country; that the vast majority are not the bigots causing disruption and trying to break

In to the Democrat’s building, fighting with Capitol Police!

Enough... I should not comment when I am so angred!

Am Yisrael Chai

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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023

And yesterday police released the name and other information about the suspect and, while all the news outlets identified the victim as Jewish, only a few Jewish ones noted that the suspect is Muslim. Why is that ?

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A Muslim and also a college professor! That information was downplayed also.

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I agree with everything you say, except "I should not comment when I am so angred (sic)!" Is there any time we're not angered (and justifiably!) now? I'm with you 100% in your fury!

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1) TikTok should have been banned long ago. Period.

2) Israel is the only country in the world that constantly has to defend itself for defending itself.

3) For all of those genius Gen Z members who are "blown away" by the "wisdom" of Osama Bin Laden, I can only say that your ignorance gives me little hope for humanity's future.

4) To all of the people who are screaming about how Israel has no right to exist, your actions in those others countries in which we Jews live show just how important it is that it always exists.

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Thank you Eve for going on in spite of the insanity. You are such an inspiration. Sending love from the East Coast. I’m going to an event at my college today and tomorrow and I will be interested to read the vibe. I went to Yale and am going back for the first time since my ten year reunion in 2006. My friends are Jewish most with family in Israel but it will be interesting and I hope not horrifying to see how the other people are. I’ll report. Love you !!!!

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“what happens when hamas starts killing jews again?”

they think we deserve it. so they either want them to kill us or they really don’t care if we die, much less how we die. they have entirely dehumanized and vilified us. there’s a reason they always talk about our extermination; they literally feel we’re a disgusting invasive species of predators.

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Yup, exactly right.

That doesn't make it any less horrifying, of course, but you accurately sum up the way I feel as well.

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thx, but honestly, horrifying doesn’t even begin to cover it. i don’t have the words to describe how it feels. the reality is so debilitating i spend much of the day avoiding it.

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Totally get where you're coming from.

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With all due disrespect toward a platform that I have hated from the get-go ... TikTok can suck my DikDok. Juvenile? Sure. But less juvenile than reading some hateful garbage letter penned by a terrorist and thinking you know everything. Or anything.

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Very scary. Curious that the vast majority were women.

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Yes, that is embarrassing to me as a 63-yr-old feminist and retired sailor. Same goes for the rabid, screaming transmaidens attacking women and supporting their male freaks.

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True. And have you noticed how many of them are all wrapped up hajib style? If they had to wear one, on pain of being arrested and having the belly button lint that passes for their brains beaten out, they'd be howling that they were being "oppressed". Wonder how many of them have checked out what passes for "women's reproductive freedom" in Gaza?

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I believe we, the USA, needs to require military service of all young adults. We are becoming more and more atomized, shredding the fiber of our nation. A common experience and shared commitment to our nation is needed badly.

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Great point about the yellow ribbons. Americans, we should all be wearing blue ribbons right now.

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Eve has created a community of like minded individuals and that is a wonderful thing. I can't think of one thing Eve has written that hasn't echoed how I've felt about the situation since October 7th. The comments have also been great. It's a relief to not have to read through comments in other venues that gaslight Jews, or even when granting that October 7th was wrong respond with the unhelpful and grating "But what about the Palestinians in Gaza!" phrased more as an exclamation than a question.

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Funny how no one ever demands the obvious thing that would immediately end the fighting: Hamas surrendering and giving up the hostages. No chants from the TicTok tossers and radical chic posers for Hamas to stop the fighting and end the ongoing suffering of their people.

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Ruth - thank you for that bon mot… I should have guessed!

Am Yisrael Chai

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