You MUST take care of yourself Eve. That comes first. We need you. The world needs you. Put your own Oxygen mask on first. We will be here waiting for you no matter how long it takes.

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You have completely summed up how I feel and I haven't been able to put my finger on it, but you just did...I have become a fucking hostage to Hamas. A ghetto-ised Jew unable to experience lightness, joy or a spark of life. I need a huge self check before "they win." You know...."you better check yourself before you wreck yourself." THANK YOU EVE. x

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Thank you for these words, and all that you have shared previously. Now try to go rest, try to heal, try to restore yourself. I can’t say if you’ll be successful, but I hope you will and we will be here when you are

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Thank you Eve. You always manage to put into words what we are all feeling. We can't let them win with their continued attempts to tear us down. We are strong and we will overcome their hatred. #wewilldanceagain

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Thank you for all that you do for us. Your words resonate so much. When sitting having coffee with my non Jewish friends, I too think I’d like to be them right now, I’m there having pleasant conversations, my lips stretched into a smile all the while screaming inside. I’m physically present but I’m just not there.

Rest Well, feel better and come straight back because we need your voice and your strength, it’s contagious.

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Spread the word

This is a religious war against us infidels

Muslims have killed 80000 blacks in Nigeria Muslims have killed 45000 Christians in Nigeria

Muslims persecute Christians everyday

See the Christian post

Stop using hamas or hazbolla or sunni or shite

Use only the Muslims

It is a religious war

Spread the word it has nothing to do with the Jews

It is a religious war

Scream at the Scotland cop you are an infidel they will kill you next

Scream at the judge in GB who did not send them to jail

You can not escape Muslim murder

Scream at Harvard and MIT and Brown

You are infidels and Muslims will kill you next

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Your strength and resilience will see you through this Eve. You are amazing. Your writing is incredible. Thank you. 🙏

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If course we'll wait, Eve. We love you. What kind of friends would we be otherwise? Heal yourself a bit and reach out to us for help if we can give it.

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I’ve been missing you so thank you for checking in and also for checking out- if only to heal and self-preserve. I think we all feel guilty if we’re able to check out for a while knowing there are many who don’t have that luxury. But we’re no good to anyone if we don’t give ourselves the space to breathe and re-energize

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Don’t let them take your soul. Shine your light. Shine it brightly, Eve. God bless you.

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I'm glad you're not a cold, uncaring asshole. In a weird way, your words these last few months allowed me foster so much more love that I ever expected after Oct 7. You helped remember that the freedom/peace/safety (all relative) we felt for decades is fleeting. So, it is imperative to enjoy each blessed moment. Everything can change tomorrow, for each one of us and for all of us collectively. Today, I have air in my lungs, a safe home for my family, food on our table, and healthy loved ones close by. I use this gratitude to strengthen my prayers for our collective healing and peace. I truly hope you find healing during your break. Take as much time as you need to rekindle your love light, we will wait.

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This is exactly how Israelis manage to truly ‘live’ during this time. By focusing on the small daily gratitudes of life. We all have to do it. I had moved to Israel and stayed during Gulf War 1. The community all around you keeps you going as well. They have had a lot of practice at this. Thanks to Eve, we’ve got a community as well.

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We love you. We thank you. Please try to unburden some of the weight you carry. We will wait for you. x

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Hi Eve - take it easier - U have been a warrior - u are definitely need. Stay strong

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Thank you, Eve. You feel this deeply. So do I. We thought we were done with this— I thought so, when my grandparents emigrated from Central Europe. It’s shocking to learn how deep the hatred goes for Jews, and how it’s spread through the Leftists, through Marxist fairytales and boogeymen oppressors. I used to think of myself as a leftist, too.

For me, I have to read more and see the long picture, and, like you, I have to put the nightmare aside for a while, take a breath, and remind myself that we are also more than these cultural convulsions of insanity, Shibboleths, and violence. For me, the main horror is that so many minds are unavailable to reflect on their beliefs, no matter what “messaging” is on offer. The sleep of reason produces monsters.

I’m reading Robert Spencer’s “The History of Jihad” and it brings the long picture of Islamic culture into focus. A scary, but corrective deep dive.

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Thank you, Eve, for your brilliant mind and your ferocious love. Rest.

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Thank you for being you, for all you do and share. Please take care of yourself. ❤️‍🩹 Will absolutely be here.

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