This is so fascinating yet on such a very frightening level. I wish I could make everyone I know watch this and understand the depth and complexity of Iran's terrorist mastermind plan to rid the Middle East of Israel. Just WOW, Eve. Great work. I support you 100%, keep going, sister!

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We are indeed in a war of civilizations, one that the Iranians began to fight in 1979, but which we in the West have steadfastly refuse to acknowledge even exists (though there are those here in the West who do know that the war is being fought, but who have decided to fight for the other side--looking at you, George Galloway and Rashida Tlaib, among others).

And, I worry greatly that if/when Iran finally does unleash Hezbollah's full arsenal on Israel, and when Israel responds accordingly, whether the Iranians will "take the gloves off" and fully intervene, and if so, whether Israel will be able to win a war against a country whose population is ten times greater than Israel, and in a world which will immediately side with those seeking to erase Israel from the map. I'd be surprised if we also didn't see tacit, if not explicit, Russian and Chinese involvement, in the form of cyberattacks on Israel and preventing Israel from getting supplies.

Is all of this terrifying? Yes, it very much is.

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Thank you for shining a light on this Eve. All of western civilization is at stake and we can't back down if we care about the future that's in store for our children and grandchildren if we say and do nothing. If we capitulate to these savage heathens our grandchildren will never forgive us for giving up. If anyone is gullible enough to believe Iran intends to stop with Israel they deserve to go live in Iran's caliphate themselves and see what's in store for those unwilling to fight back against their sickening ideology. Let's choose life instead and do something about it before it's too late to fight back. I'm not waiting for some asshat to come knocking on my door informing me I can't leave my house without wearing a hijab or worse a burqa accompanied by a male relative before I stand up for myself.

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The ring of fire should surround all of these evil factions and keep them far away from us. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ G-d willing. Great reporting and fact gathering by all. Thanks is not enough. ๐Ÿคืฉื‘ืช ืฉืœื•ื ื›ื•ืœื

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Really appreciated you taking the time to shed light on what's happening on Israel's Northern border. It was eerie seeing those empty kibbutzim and feeling (even through the screen) the looming threat. Please keep up the amazing work!

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Appreciate the informative essay and will get to the video this weekend. As for Hamas and Gaza, one additional reason the other Iranian proxies may not have attacked simultaneously is the only Sunni proxy is Hamas and Arabs in Gaza. Iran is Shia as are Yemen, Hezbollah, and the Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria. The Shia have no affection or affinity for the Sunni.

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An excellent explanation that I am sharing. Thank you Eve and all who participated in the creation of this documentary.

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Thank you for that!

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Love those red boots! Achrai L'Tzanchanim!

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Beautifully done. Thank you

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Your much deserved break has payed off well. Looking strong Eve, Am Yisrael chai!

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Thank you for this Eve. You are doing the good work.

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