Can’t wait to pre-order. Regarding indigenous people, one of my favorite quotes from the late, great Charles Krauthammer.

1. Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago.

Here’s a link to some other great quotes


Thank you Ben and Eve. A wonderful Q & A.

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I need to remember these things:

Dual connection

I am British, I love the King and the royals, I vote and I am part of British society, but I am a Jew and I am indigenous to the land of Israel

I don't define my identity by your definition

We are connected to each other and the land.

These are all things I need to remember as part of my repertoire. I'll look out for the book.


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"Dual Connection".

Perfectly stated.

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Interesting piece Eve & Ben.

The connection to Israel for Jews is uncanny. Hard to explain it, but it definitely exists.

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I am lucky to own both Jewish pride and “Jewish Pride.” :)

And I guess because it’s Eve conducting the interview, of course song lyrics popped into my head (from The Logical Song):

There are times when all the world's asleep

The questions run too deep

For such a simple man

Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned?

I know it sounds absurd

Please tell me who I am

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Love this article.

Dual loyalty thing strikes me very strongly as a clarifying issue. Let's play what if.

If someone has dual loyalty to US (or UK, France, etc) and Israel, and they go to war, which would they choose? Guess what? Never gonna happen because both are too similar with common values based on democracy, freedom,human rights, etc

If someone has dual loyalty to US etc and Iran (or Russia, Syria, Afghanistan, etc) and they go to war... Guess what? We might find out soon enough.

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Absolutely lovely piece. Shabbat shalom

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You are lucky to find each other

In the heartland of Scotland, Jewishness is more than religion, it is almost DNA , I gasped at the IDF in initial stages of recent war , how white and gorgeous they were in battle fatigues , I admire you .

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“How white and gorgeous they were”? Gorgeous, maybe. But anyone who knows the IDF knows it is most assuredly not “white”.

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Ben + Eve -- you two offer all of us so many gifts and we are fortunate to call you our own. xo

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I found this interesting and educational. His book sounds interesting. Thx.

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Thank you for this! I can totally relate to the feelings so well expressed in your interview! Growing up in New York-I always thought that there is Jerusalem to the East and Texas to the West and that about said it all!! That connection to Israel you talk about definitely exists!

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