May 28·edited May 28Liked by Eve Barlow

Eve, you remain our collective voice, and you act as our weathervane. I can't thank you enough.

With respect to Spain, Ireland and Norway, I say this: Israel should immediately expel the ambassadors of all three countries, and recall its own. It should immediately recognize Basque and Catalan independence, and issue a statement that any steps taken by the people in those parts of Spain are legitimate, including/especially violence. It should immediately announce that it recognizes Northern Ireland as part of England. And, find something that pisses off the Norwegians and do that, too.

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May 28·edited May 28

With Norway, are you thinking of the oppressed Sami people of "Lapland" (a settler colonial name)?

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Keep repeating, ‘I am sane in an insane world…’

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Love you Eve. Don’t stop. Fuck the progressive liars. Stay safe and breathe. 🤍

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I agree with you; Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian regime are in the same headspace as the Nazis were. Their only goal in life is to wipe out Israel and the Jewish people.

I often hear people say, well, what about the Gazans? (The civilians) I might be an asshole or cold and cruel, but I don't think about the civilians in Gaza. I believe they brought this war on themselves. I also believe that if the Islamists were winning, the civilians would be dancing in the streets.

I agree with Churchill, who compared Islamism (Mohammedism, as he called it) to rabies in a dog. The people who support Hamas, Hezbollah or any other Islamist group, regime, or territory who believe in attacking and wiping out the Jewish people are rabid. They cannot be saved, and as they did in the old days, once a dog got rabies, you put it down. That is the only cure.

I value Churchill's opinion because he was there, in the thick of it, fighting the Islamists face to face. His writings reveal that he marvelled at his enemy's fanaticism and fatalism. That was why he also said, 'No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.' He believed that Islamism was a threat to the civilized world back then, and it turns out he was right. I cannot fathom how Western Christianity and Judaism, with their civil rights, women's rights, laws and secularism, can ever co-exist with Islamism. I don't believe it's possible. People are seriously fooling themselves if they think once the Islamists are a majority in any Western country that, they will just let the Christians and Jews live unmolested. Once you understand the goal of the Islamists, you quickly see it's not going to happen; it goes against everything they (Islamists) believe in. It's the old saying: you're either with them, or you're against them. That's how they see it. There's no middle ground.

I see Israel as the tip of the spear in the fight for the West's ideals and values. I see the war Israel is fighting now as important as the Battle of Tours was to Europe on October 10th, 732. Charles Martel managed to repel the invading Muslim forces and saved Europe from the encroaching Islamization of the continent.

The West owes a great debt to Israel; they just haven't realized it yet.

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The Islamists have breached the gates of Vienna without firing a shot or unsheathing their rusty swords. Europe's window of opportunity is nearly shut and they'll find out the hard way that they're going to have a hard time reversing the tide and will have to live with the consequences of their short-sightedness and willful ignorance.

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I agree with you, Europe has gotten itself into a tight spot. The generous well-meaning people of Europe have painted themselves into a corner. If they reject the ways of the islamists and/or refuse to allow more entry to their countries, they are seen as Islamophobic and if they do nothing, they will lose their culture…it’s definitely a dilemma.

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Of course your chest hurts. Your heart is broken.

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Eve, you are one of the few if not the only one out there who is able to capture the raw essence of what happened on October 7th and how things got worse from that day onward. Keep going but take care of your body and soul.

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I don’t know how you do it. The articulate voice saving the Jewish population. Solidarity, wisdom, truth. Thank you

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I saw an item that the the people of Israel are among the happiest on earth. Let that be your revenge. And of course, destroying hamas.

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Dan Senor and Saul Singer discuss and document this in detail with their brilliant book "The Genius of Israel." Eve should read it for uplift if she hasn't already. https://www.amazon.com/Genius-Israel-Small-Nation-Teach-ebook/dp/B08VJM121D

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I know this only resonates in our chamber but you can’t make the blind see, the deaf hear .. all you can do is tell the truth 💔

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Yay! You’re here and reading this heroine of our times. X

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Take care of yourself so you can continue the mission.

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Eve, we are in this for the long haul. Please do what you have to do to sustain yourself. Your voice is heard.

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May 28Liked by Eve Barlow


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This made me laugh: “Don’t they want to have sex? I don’t think they’ve ever had sex. They are the 72 virgins. It’s them.”

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The ugliness inside them is bursting through to the surface for everyone to see. Their hatred is on full display and they revel in it. They're ululating their heinous lies and vileness at the gates of hell. They aren't innocent and uninformed useful idiots, they're what evil looks like.

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Watermelon bag. Give me strength.

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She appears to be one of those ignorami who when asked has no clue which river and which sea the demonstrators are on about. She's just using that fugly bag as a "fashun" accessory because she's jumped on the latest popular bandwagon without first asking who's holding the reins and writing the propoganda for useful idiots like her and her cohorts.

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Of course. My husband used to say “lazy minds”.

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We stand alone. We always have. You make that clearer every time you write. Stay strong we need your voice, your truth and your wisdom.

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May 30Liked by Eve Barlow

“I’m dramatic but I’m right. RIGHT? People are drifting off on an island of ignorant bliss while we stand here and battle evil.”

Women have constantly been told—and especially Jewish women have been told—they are “too dramatic.” It happens in conversations between partners, it happens on student evaluations, it happens in the mass media, it’s in cartoons. We are too dramatic. Too loud. Too argumentative. Too pushy.

And so we doubt ourselves. And so we get chest pains. And panic attacks.

Take our love and appreciation and put it against your chest, Eve.

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You have an exquisite ability to express yourself and describe the truth and angst of the Jewish nation and Jewish people. In every post I've marvelled at your ability to form words that represent not only what I'm thinking but no doubt the many others who read your posts. But for the first time you wrote something that gave me pause. Hamas is not worse than the Nazis. No need to compare horrors and award a prize to which devil spawned entity wins first place. Hamas and their enablers are Nazis only adorning themselves with keffiyehs rather than swastikas.

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Have you been to see what they did? They are worse because they don't fear death.

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I love your stance and posts Eve, and pray G-d give you strength at all times, but the Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews in death camps, traumatized and eradicated most all of European Jewish life. Our numbers since the Holocaust have not yet returned to what they were before the Holocaust. As for Hamas not fearing death, they hide and scurry in tunnels like rats and mostly avoid as best they can meeting IDF on the battlefield. I could give a shit whether or not they fear death.

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So you don’t think they have the capacity? You’re nuts.

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No, I don't think hamas has the capacity to wage war on the world, fight all of Europe, the United States, and Russia as did the Nazis, or to exterminate 6 million Jews. I've been called nuts before, but never by somebody who I've grown to respect as much I do you.

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Iran does.

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May 28Liked by Eve Barlow

Agree, especially if they obtain or develop nuclear weapons. May G-d grant the United States, Israel, or the Iranian people the will, strength, determination, and ability to prevent such a horror.

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They would if they could.

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