Serious question- Is there a legal case to prosecute these groups/individuals as terrorists? This is happening all over the US and Canada. There must be a legal way to shut this shit down.

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Great! Hopefully someone in 🇨🇦 will follow. They must be held accountable with criminal charges.

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What's happening at McGill is the same as what Eve describes in this article. Exactly the same. Also, anyone who tries to denounce them is the person who gets called intolerant...I know this from experience. Even the media here walk on eggshells.whem reporting on these criminals. I looked a female reporter in the eyes and told her she should be ashamed of herself for the way this is being portrayed by not exposing the heinous motives behind these demonstrations, not to mention who's backing them. Unfortunately, even if charges get filed there's very little political will to prosecute such crimes against their own and their buddies university attending sons and daughters who may very well be in the mix because they never bothered teaching their kids the difference between right and wrong or good and bad. It's still morning and I'm ranting, sorry!

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Muslims play the long game. SJP set up sleeper cells at many universities for years.

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We are now involved in Muslim Religious World War.

These are Muslim enemy combatants invading America. Please stop calling them left Democrat; Marxist ; Socialist;or Commie bastards.

These are not students in colleges.

These are not small town elected politicians.

These are not actors, writers or musicians.

Can we please start labeling them for what they are.

Muslim enemy combatants invading America.

Let's name names. Can we name every city council member who votes for a cease fire as a Muslim enemy combatant invading America?

Can we name every student arrested on every college campus as a Muslim enemy combatant invading America?

Can we name every actor, musician, author who supports a cease fire as a Muslim enemy combatant invading America?.

Can we name every Federal and State politician who supports a cease fire as a Muslim enemy combatant invading America?

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Talk about colonizers.

Today the keffiyah, tomorrow the burka.

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Is there a silver lining here? Like, maybe now the rest of the country will pay attention even though they don’t care one bit about the Jews in their population?

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You may think these followers are praying to Allah but don’t believe your lying eyes. Flash mob yoga…

Seriously, thanks Eve for the usual great reporting and analysis. If only the DoJ and FBI could stop prosecuting parents, Catholics, pro lifers, and focus on what is clearly a conspiracy we might get somewhere. Our elected, progressive officials are AWOL. Some might even be practicing their “Yoga” too.

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Great investigative post. Disturbing but vital to get this information out there. A lot of people think the student Marxists are harmless snowflakes worried just about DoorDash, so this helps to set the record straight.

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Prosecute any material destruction, laying hands on another or threatening violence. Why do we have so many mindless sheep wanting so much to be part of the in-clique that they shut down their brains and stare with glazed eyes? They allow the Mansons of the world to lead them to destruction, thrilled at inflicting misery on the non-followers.

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I’ve been thinking there has to be so much behind the scenes influence and money. Now I feel less crazy but more afraid. Sometimes I wonder if this is how it felt before WW2. “Oh those Nazi’s aren’t that bad”. I’m a lesbian, in Gaza if you are caught being a homosexual you are tied to a car and dragged around until you are dead. People refuse to look at this culture. There are people who refuse to believe there were rapes on Oct7th.

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Thanks for exposing the fact that these campus terrorists are organized and funded by well-known antisemitic and anti-democratic groups

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Gen Z kids cosplaying terrorists. This is where our society is now.

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And collaborating with them.

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May 6Liked by Eve Barlow

I am happy that some brave people are engaging in actual journalism. I wish that I had half of your chutzpah, Eve Barlow, and I admire your work tremendously. I know it's personally and professionally costly, but you are performing a valuable service. It is emotionally difficult for me to read this material and realize how bad things really are. It's like looking into the heart of darkness.

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It only starts with the Jews

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Btw Fordham university denied BDS on their campus as a club and no other university had the guts to say no

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So amazed and disgusted that this has been happening as long as it has. and fuck yeah to you sharing the files. I have been wondering how to get my hands on them. There has to be a legal avenue here. There has to be a means with which to address the radicalization of people in public spaces, trainings (I am dealing with this now actually), and stopping the insanity. Grateful for you, Eve.

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The problem being, finding people with the guts and authority to prosecute these criminals.

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Let's name a name

Azerbaijan is a Muslim country and Armenia is a Christian country

Let's see

Congressman Henry Cuellar a Democrat -has been indicted for accepting Azerbaijan Muslim bribes while Muslims were ethically cleaning over 120000 Armenian Christians

According to the

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) 2024 Annual Report.

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