Nov 25, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

Everything Eve writes has been cathartic for me. Her boldness and strength gives me strength. Today I did something I've never done before. I took a bold step and wrote a statement on my IG page to my fellow artists letting them know that their silence since 10/7 has truly hurt my heart. Artists are, in general, pretty generous people and they've contributed their art to many causes. Their silence showed me just how deep Jew hate really is. What I learned from posting this is that there is healing in sharing our words with others. I don't have many followers and who knows how many artists will read it, but it was good for my soul. I'm glad I put that out in the world. And I'm grateful for Eve and all the other people out there speaking for us. We truly are stronger together.

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bless you

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Thank you. I may be small in stature, but I have a big roar! :) If you have any inclination to check it out, you can find it at @catherineclancyart Normally I write emails directly to presidents of institutions, boards of trustees, reps, etc., but this time I just couldn't be publicly silent and oddly I just sat down, wrote it, and posted it...with my heart pounding, but I did it! Take care!

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Not sure if this was meant for me or Eve, but thanks!

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Yes!!!! I’ve been physically sick since October 7 and I only feel okay when I publish something pro Israel or talk to my Israeli friends. Even some of my American Jewish friends are equivocating. I get that they are exhausted and collapsing under pressure but I’m not giving up. I attempt to fall asleep every night with images of the hostages in my mind. Thanksgiving with my Christian family was surreal. All these people who are living what they call normal lives. Fortunately my father is the one who taught me about Israel and he is totally on the right side. I did not take my Star of David necklace off. It’s exactly like the one I had when my best friend returned from Israel in high school and gave me one. Some of my Jewish friends are afraid to wear theirs so I’m wearing mine to remind the world that we are still here!!!! Remember how when Hitler said the Jews had to wear the yellow star on their arms and the King of Denmark and almost the whole country wore them too? Then they got as many Jews as they could to safety in Sweden? I figure if they’re coming for you they’re going to have to get me too. An attack against Israel and the Jewish people of the world is an attack on every moral value of civilization. I like civilization. I’m going to fight for it.

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"I like civilization. I'm going to fight for it." Very well put April. I'm standing right next to you.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

Oh Eve, I have had a never ending headache since 10/7.

Last night at thanksgiving no one spoke about Israel, I was in shock. I was shushed when I tried to bring it up. "Please, we are having such a nice evening", they said. My family is only comfortable sending emails about it but no one wants to discuss anything. Thank you for saying all the things that need to be said. I guess I'll forward your email around and hear back about how powerful it is but not actually have a conversation.

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I've already dropped 1 paid subscription and another unpaid as the disgust came tumbling out. The first one has done a few image rehab interviews, to no avail. In fact, after losing people from the first publishing of his hate and saying nasty things about his former subscribers, he then doubled down. There went more, including me. On one point I disagree with you, and that is that non-Jews can't understand. I may not be able to fully understand the ties Jews have with their history, but I do understand evil. I'm a 63-yr-old, retired military woman and I have a very clear understanding of the difference between rape, torture and murder of civilians, and a military operation. I wish the IDF well in their hunt.

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You are 100% right about the non Jewish understanding which is critical. Plus ex military too, I was in the US Navy 8 years and I know a significant majority of US military veterans know which military is just in this war.

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Hello fellow sailor! Drilling reservist in the USAR 79-86, active USN 1989-2009. Husband is also retired USN, a frog, and he did some cross-training with IDF frogs. We unequivocally stand with them. Hamas is not a military; it is a terrorist organization that uses terrorism as a tactic.

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If you havent seen it, Jack Carr USA, former Navy Seal who wrote Terminal List, has a great youtube show, recent one with Doron Keidar, an Israeli special operator that was very interesting.

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I will check it out. Thanks!

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deletedNov 25, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow
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I've been contemplating what the connection (everything is connected) must be between the Jew-hate and the misogyny we are seeing in the west. I believe both are connected to the status of women. Judaism is probably the most advanced on women's rights of all religions. Then there's the requirement for able-bodied women to serve in the IDF. There's nothing that enrages a misogynist more than a woman trained with a firearm, or a free woman dancing and enjoying herself at a music festival. Consider the rampant rape on 10/7. This war has a two-pronged attack; Hamas and the trans cult. I don't believe that is a coincidence. I won't hesitate to drop any substack that attacks a military responding to a terrorist attack on civilians. While social media has unleashed hatred, it is also connecting those of us that stand against destruction. I'm connecting with people that otherwise would never hang out together but who find we share the conviction that some things are black and white.

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Great comment

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

I just upgraded to paid, in part because I've stopped donating to a woman with a small charity that I've supported for years, so now I have the spare cash. Unfortunately, her initial (genuine) horror at 7/10 has steadily given way to spreading anti Israeli propaganda and using her platform to demand a ceasefire while forgetting to talk about the hostages. I'm becoming disillusioned with so many people I used to look up to. I'll be marching in London tomorrow against antisemitism.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

First of all, as I've said before, I can no sooner leave the house without devouring your magnificent words than leave without brushing my teeth (or washing my coffee cup and the coffee pot and making the bed, and so on). I don't know how I lived so long without having you in my life -- even if just here, online, with you in LA and me in NYC. You covered EVERYTHING I was thinking in this one piece, so as I was reading, and saw you addressing yet *another* thing I was thinking about, I was, like, "Is Eve reading my fucking mind?!?!!"

Maybe the misguided miscreants (to put it lightly) who defaced the New York Public Library on Thanksgiving Day could use their time more wisely by actually reading some of the books housed within the library instead of defacing it so they could, y'know, like, "educate themselves." There is so much to be said for the bullshit during the Macy's parade as well, where they weren't drinking the fucking Kool-Aid but dousing themselves with it while dressed in white jumpsuits that, oh, how fittingly, I thought, resemble straitjackets. I'm calling them all "Elmer" for the nonsensical hand-gluing performance.

Yesterday I met up with a friend who's in town from L.A. I never knew her stance on any of this, but when we sat on a bench in Central Park, we discussed it, and she is 100% with us and with Israel. I already loved her, but she rose to the top of my non-Jewish friends list immediately for her unwavering, steadfast support -- more so than "friends" who have remained silent any time I post anything, however small, about Israel on Facebook, where the silence, as so many of us say, is deafening. A hideous post about an acquaintance who called me a "Nazi bitch" received far less reaction than a gorgeous photo of the foliage in Central Park. It's appalling, to say the least, and incredibly telling.

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Every word true. What has this world come to and how will this end? We need to wake up on a new day.

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omg some weeks ago I started telling what this Dr. Einat wrote and my interlocutor didn't let me finish and interrupted with a "BUT ISRAEL BLAH BLAH BLAH"!

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"the international community legitimized a terrorist attack since day one and...", I said. And he, "PALESTINE IS UNDER OCCUPATION BLAH BLAH BLAH".

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Painfully I have recently learned that the only thing that has changed in over 80 years is that as Jews we are no longer silent. Unfortunately the non-Jews who we can count as our supporters equal the Righteous Amongst Nations. I’m a guy but have/had a group of white Canadian woke feminist middle-aged (plus) women who were my ‘friends’. Other then those who have remained altogether silent or apolitical as they are on most topics or the one who had spoken up in support of me/Israel, the rest have unequivocally demonized and delegitimized Israel, have never spoken one true word against the rape, murder, and kidnapping of innocent Israeli women and children or the elderly. They repeat the most vile Hamas propaganda, blame Israel and Israel alone for every civilian death. They spout antisemitic tropes without hesitation pointing to Zionism as the evil and not us Jews - just the one’s who support Israel. They are emboldened by the UN, UNHRC, WHO, Doctors without Borders, BBC, CBC, etc. as their legitimate sources of the depravity of Israel. It isn’t clear to me where we go from here but I have called them out and moved forward without them. I won’t be silent.

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Sending love Eve. The world is upside down. But we have each other. Keep being the warrior you are.

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Thank you for posting about that execrable interview where the Israeli spokesperson was accused of being racist for the three for one exchange. My mouth quite literally dropped open when I first saw it earlier yesterday. I thought that I’d seen everything over the last seven weeks in terms of overt Jew-hatred from the media, but that was a new low.

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Like many, I believe, I see what you see and feel much the same: the outrage and disgust, the pain and terror, to see how alive Jew hate still is in the world, to see it surfacing, and to see the apologists and deniers in the media and glitterati. The difference is that while those reactions usually shock me into silence, you just keep talking, naming what you are seeing and putting your reactions into words. Keep on talking, Eve, you're doing us a world of good. I only hope it's good for you too.

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This is a completely different topic, but I have relatives with a last name of Farber. Now I'm actually wondering if there's any chance we're related. I did the 23andme test and I am seriously related to half the country!

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Jews have come to learn what the Jewish state has known all along: friends are a sometime thing. Through decades of double-dealing and betrayal--and that's just by America--Israel has persisted. It has no choice. Many of us have felt the pain of seeing "true" friends outed as false. If you can't embrace the pain, you must at least accept it. It's not a "you" thing (much less a Jew thing). "Why do they hate us?" contains its own answer: they hate.

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Eve you are the canary in the coal mine and you simply cannot fade! You must remain strong! I feel like we are in a twilight zone where people believe and follow narcissistic influencers with no education, sense of right or wrong or knowledge of history and their alternative facts are all antisemitic and anti Israeli. It frightens and infuriates me. Eve keep writing! We need you!

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Heartbreaking times Eve. Thank you for posting this. I’m hurting too and so angry with this lopsided deal even as I am grateful for each hostage released.. You are very resilient and your gift of articulation will help you, as it helps me and so many others

Todah Rabah/Thanks Eve 💙🇮🇱💙

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When the Leftist, fake progressive Muslim, alliance from Hell closes down a business, defaces a public library, stops a Thanksgiving parade or highway traffic, I don't think it earns them any net PR points other than in the Academy or with Musk's antisemitic new right bro cult. However I am surprised at their aggressiveness and internet and on the ground organization skills but as i said before, like the Hamas attack, this attack on the diaspora Jews was in the planning for years.

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Musk's antisemitic new right bro cult? I am not sure what that even means. Musk is NOT an antisemite! In fact, he will be visiting friends in Israel this week.

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I'm afraid to tell you Musk is an antisemite.

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Yah I know the mentality. If you are on the right, only Leftists can be antisemitic and if you are on the Left, only right wingers can be. Since he took over twitter the neonazis are all over the site, with this maga commie, pro Hamas guy Hinkle somehow in the new Musk algorithm becoming the fasting growing site. Then his biggest promo is isolationist Tucker and his Colonel Klink (the Israeli lobby controls it all), then Musk finds some obscure neonazi comment to promote about the Jews being the ones who single handedly caused the Islamic immigration to the West. Maybe he is not himself an antisemite but I think he believes to save his money hemorrhaging cesspool called X, antisemitism is part of the business model.

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Wrong in every way. Eve posts on X, 5 or 6 times a day. Guess she is part of the cesspool!

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