I like to hope that the sequel to Screams before Silence is Triumph after Tears.

So many tears. For far too long. I have met the courageous young soldiers in the IDF and I am so proud of them. The women and the men. They have absorbed all the hideous events and stood strong for us all. The lionesses and lions of Judea.

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Thank you for all you do, you have been a beacon of light & strength & truth this past beyond-tragic year.

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We must also not forget the “peaceniks”, useful idiots, J Street, and other As A Jews who somehow believe we do not have the right to defend ourselves against this… this group includes Kapo Blinken and is being used by FJB/Heels Up to fuel their “moral equivalence” lies.. the level of utter sexual violation is beyond anything we have ever seen. The perpetrators must be eliminated Period. Their supporters must be remembered for who they really are.. accomplices..

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Thank you for your work

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I love your posts, full stop. You have become like the friend who understands.

I was shocked, but not that shocked, by the violence on 10/7, because we're talking about people whose entire existence is all about killing Jews and making them suffer. What blew me away was that the whole world jumped to excuse them and blame the Jooz. And that the world fricking loved watching Jews suffer. I've started calling it Jewish Suffering Pornography because people so get off on it. This glee informed me just how many people believe that Jews have all the money and all the power and are responsible for all the evil on the face of the earth. That was the real horror, finding out that so many people consider us the architects of all their personal disappointments, all the poverty on earth, all the inhumanity, everything bad. Think about it: the reasoning is that if Hamas is so barbaric, it must be because The Jooz treated them even worse, we drove them to it, and if we drove them to it and we have control over all the economic systems and all the news and all the political systems all over the world, then all the misfortune is our fault.

So Jewish suffering is something to celebrate.

And people actually believe this. Not one or two nutcases. People I've been close to, I have found out believe this. What were they doing all that time they were hanging out with me? When I realized that I have no idea which of the people in my life are harboring this secret belief, it made me totally paranoid and I rushed out to get a Jewish community. I live so remotely I have to drive over an hour to get to it but I do, every week, for my sanity.

But the fact remains, the barbarity of Hamas didn't freak me out nearly as much as the cheering of the crowd.

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There are few things more horrific than to learn someone you knew and seemed do be a rational human being dons a keffiyeh and screams mindlessly “from the river to the sea.” They have been indoctrinated by the evil that has infiltrated our media and our universities

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Appreciate the information it was the Mossad who came up with the idea of turning pagers into tiny targeted explosive devices. Glad Hashem was listening.

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Eve. How do I help? I need to help. Please tell me how to reach the women who are taking action and tell me how to lend my voice or my presence. Please.

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Hopefully your readers know that they cannot vote Harris-Walz if they truly want Israel to continue to exist.

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Although the events that brought you together were unfathomable atrocities, I appreciate the glow of pure joy in your face from the company of these women warriors.

I remember that in the 40s, Woody Guthrie had the war cry "This Machine Kills Fascists" inscribed on his guitar. Hamas and their genocidal allies have picked war with the wrong sisterhood.

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