Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

Thanks for another great article. It really helps me to feel less lonely knowing there are people like you in the world.

I just want to also point out that many university aged kids in Israel aren’t going to class because they’re defending their people from Islamic jihad terrorists and genocidal Hamas rapists.

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Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

Eve - from my earlier posts, you know I am a strong supporter of Israel and the Jewish people… most especially my Jewish friends. It will then come as no surprise to you that the total insanity at our universities with attacks on Jews is abhorrent to me. Several of my friends, also supporters of Israel, believe that my support has me listed on various initialed sites like FBI and CIA as a radical due to my support.

That you have to write the above in defense of Jews at all is a tragedy! At my advanced age and poor physical condition, all I can do is write letters to the press in support (sadly never published) and contribute financially to those organizations who are supportive. Please suggest to me any that could use my support.


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I’m so sorry that they’ve put you on those lists

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Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

Very kind of you; however, I consider it a badge of honor! Should your travels ever take you to Central Florida, I would welcome your visit - simply let me know.

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As a 76 year old I view as the red badge of Honor 😂

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Thank you for your open, vocal and outspoken support. The Jewish community needs upstanders like you!

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"How a country like Germany, with the best universities and the most brilliant scientists in the world, could have allowed Nazism to happen?". I think we have the answer before our eyes, right now. The self-entitlement, the proud ignorance, the loud stupidity of these "Taliban" (the Pashto word for "students" by the way) are horrifying.

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Thank you Eve. Thank you. I’m happy you have a platform to clarify the facts for people that don’t know, and to be a voice for people that do... one day when this insane Hamassheep gaslighting wears off people are going to read your posts and understand the fuckin outrage we felt minute by minute

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Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

The universities should be closed - NOW. The vicious, ignorant demonstrations on streets and in other public places should be banned - NOW. Until people who live in a supposedly democratic (democratic for who is the question?) country understand that freedom brings with it responsibility, tolerance and respect, and that 'freedom of speech' does not incorporate or allow hate speech, and that they do not have the right to DEMAND anything, that they do not have licence to commit or incite violence - THAT IN FACT responsibility goes hand in hand with civil liberties, UNTIL all this is fully acknowledged and abided by, then they deserve nothing better than to be stripped of all they assume and rendered mute.

STAND UP and wield the law where and when it's needed, government leaders, police and university and institution senior administrators - STAND UP and do your job before it's too late.

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Omg Eve. You always write with courage and passion and this is the highest level. Charlottesville was a nice fake compared to what we see now. We can all unite against that but the vile shit that we see now is true Nazism. And thanks for calling out the so called intellectuals.

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Fake Nazism is right.

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Thank you Eve. Nothing to add to your article except that I respect & admire your strength, voice & resilience. ✊



Am Yisrael Chai & Chag Sameach


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Eve, you are our canary, unfortunately singing in the coal mine. Those with the power to do something about these hatefests masquerading as "protests" are either actively or passively supporting what is going on. It is 1933 again. The only difference is that this time, we know what's coming, and we will not go quietly into the night.

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The joke

The students and faculty at these universities who are Jew haters are actually infidels.....

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They’re too ignorant to recognise that 🤦‍♂️

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Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

I was talking to someone this weekend (who, coincidentally, knows you) and we talked for a while about how you are one of the most important Jewish voices we have. I wish I had what you wrote here to read at our Seder last night. It is so powerful. I’m going to forward it to everyone who was in attendance. Thank you.

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Thank you Eve. My sorrow is deep. My worries are many, especially for my daughter who is a student at Northeastern U in Boston. She belongs to the Hillel. Right now, there are no demonstrations, but I know its coming. I try to educate her, empower her and she understands what is happening. But she still lives in the bubble of youth and innocence and does not really see what is in store for her in the "real world." Her campus only had a few small protests after Oct 7 and they were relatively quiet. But I know she will face what we all face one day - the day when we truly realize we are the "other." So thank you for your strength and for saying what we all feel. You are also a treasure. Chag Sameach.

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Thank you again, Eve. I hope all of those protesters / grifters are on a national security watchlist. This is not free speech. This crosses a major line.

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Eve- as usual you are an incredible voice. Is anyone asking why all these hamasniks have the same tents, same supplies, who is organizing them? It’s obviously being funded and organized by someone.

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Ok one n more thing. Noting the Iranian attack on Israel that was miraculously thwarted by the coalition. How these haters must have been excited hearing that missiles were headed to Israel. They must have been salivating that Hamas perverts on October 7. It must have looked to them like their bloodlust may be satisfied. That must have been a profound disappointment to these antiSemitic fascists.

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Thank you 💓 standing beside you 💓

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Eve, you are one of about ten strong voices right now that I am following like a hawk and hanging onto every word. Thank you.

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