I wish this day could be one of unbridled joy but I’m bereft by the loss of hero Arnon Zamora. What a cost. I wish we could have a day of complete unadulterated celebration.

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One can hope Almog's father is in a place he can know (this may sound strange to the nonreligious). In any event, as always with death, the worst anguish is with Almog and the living. Peace and comfort to the family at this time of triumph and grief.

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I woke to my husband’s cries of joy. “They got four. They got Noa!”

Am Yisrael Chai

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I got texts from my family too, none of whom are Jewish. It’s weird because in some ways some of them think this is “April’s thing” when they should realize that it’s the entirety of civilization’s thing. But it was wonderful news. How sad about the young man whose father passed away right before he got home. There was a music festival in my neighborhood (which is horribly anti Israel and antisemitic, the home to white hippie anarchists who fly Palestinian flags in pride colors) and I walked around all day in my Bring them Home t-shirt that I got at a Jewish event last weekend. Maybe I’ll write about how these people would feel if their music festival was attacked by terrorists. Great post Eve. Enjoy the good news. We love you !!!!

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Good for you for wearing your shirt!

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My friends don’t understand why I care so much about all that is going on since 10/7. I reply “did 9/11 scare and upset you, do you know that the Jews are God’s chosen people, do you realize Iran and minions hate the US probably just as much as Israel if not more”.

I am bewildered, sickened and angry by the current wave of antisemitism happening around the world. I am stunned other countries and mine, want a cease fire, and mostly, how the world is blaming Israel for it all.

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Yes. Very good news. I heard Eli Copter, despite still being severely injured from his last mission, picked the hostages up from the beach and flew them to safety.

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ברוך שעשה ניסים ♥️

May this be one of many. Am Israel Chai.

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Love this post! May they all come home! But also, sad my ghormeh Sabzi wasn’t your first. ;). Gd willing a Shabbat later this summer! Am Israel chai! Bring them home!

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This was a good day for Israel. Life is something you have to fight for. The youth of Israel understand this and have stepped up. All glory to them.

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A day to remember, waking up to this news, and then understanding - through texts from family and social media postings - that not just Israelis but Jews everywhere were thrilled and inspired. A true “where were you when you heard?” moment, uniting again - albeit too briefly - all of Am Yisrael in a moment of joy. Let there be more such moments soon.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

That video of the lifeguard made me cry - for a change, in a good way

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Can we please stop calling them innocent civilians? They are few and far between. They are combatants wearing civilian clothes. Not one of the "innocent civilians" is telling the IDF where our hostages are - and if it comes out later that they did, I'll stand corrected. But very soon after her release it was announced that Noa was held by an Al Jezeera journalist, his doctor father, the wife, etc..... All fall under the category of "civilians". But they aren't. Whats more civilians don't fire RPGs and weapons at hostages getting rescued. We are in a war, those who take up arms against us or aid those who take up arms against us are combatants.

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I agree. As I have said in the past, Hamas are the civilians, and the civilians are Hamas. I was watching Caroline Glick the other day, and I have to admit I was surprised to hear on her news channel that they estimated 3000 terrorists entered Israel on October 7th, but over 5000 civilians also came in. What was surprising was that she reported that from eyewitness accounts, it was the civilians who were also raping, murdering, robbing and burning down the homes that contained Israelis. If this is so, then how are the civilians different than Hamas?

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I have no doubt many Gazan civilians are just trying to go about their lives while Hamas and their supporters carry out war. The IDF received the intelligence about hostage location from somewhere. I will always be careful with judging those living in the war environment who don't help with information, especially those with children to protect.

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Eve, the BBC R4 coverage on the PM programme at 5pm on Saturday was the most sympathetic to the hostages of any I've seen or heard on the BBC. It was joyful as it should be.

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It is beyond astonishing that the brainwashed useful idiots hired by Soros and Qatar protested a hostage rescue at the White House. This horrid regime must go. This is their base. Now it is time to finish the job. No mercy. No kid gloves. The media and UN world are beyond visibly corrupt. Fuck them completely. Finish the job, Tzahal. Rescue whomever you can. Start from zero. Let’s fill the corrupt media with pictures of more Noas and Shlomis. Now.

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My hats off to the Israelis, who are a determined nation willing to stand up for themselves, their way of life and their people. This was fantastic news, and it must be said that it only happened because the Israelis have not given up despite the enormous pressure being put on them from around the world. The Israelis have shown tremendous courage and tenacity in this fight, not just on the battlefield but in their unwavering commitment to getting their people back from Hamas. Israel has set the bar high as an example to the world of what a country should do when attacked by a band of murderous thugs.

I am sure these four recovered hostages will have a long road to recovery, both mentally and physically, but I can imagine they are overwhelmed to be back home with their loved ones. I hope Israel (with their allies' help) can recover more hostages in the coming days and weeks.

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Noa and the other three men were held in “private” homes. Homes of journalists and doctors and others who also worked for and had ties to Hamas. These are not innocents but adults capable of making decisions. Note that Israel did NOT kill the children in those homes, only the adults that were preventing the hostages from leaving.

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Glad to see a post from you conveying news that brightened your spirits and all those who love Israel and the Jewish people. Seeing Noa looking well and smiling was a blessing. Also appreciated the passage from Isaiah 54:17. All the Palestinians who died during this operation is the fault of Hamas. The hostages shouldn't have been in Gaza in the first place, and no Palestinian need have died if they had been willingly freed long ago.

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