This is a Muslim religious world war.

Anything said other than that is useless.

These are not students. They are Muslim enemy combatants attacking america. Can we please start labeling them as Muslim enemy combatants who have invaded America.

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Amen to that. These are not “student protests”, and calling them that gives them cover for what they really are: Hamas Nazi rallies. The federal government MUST step in and put a stop to this, or we are headed to a repeat of 1930’s Germany and the ensuing holocaust.

Where is Biden? Hiding out in the White House, snickering that Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” is coming to fruition?

This is all beyond frightening.

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Send in bagels and lox and let them deal with that. I’m so tired of their entitled attitude coupled with their ignorance of the truth of the history. They need to all stop the cosplay and read and learn history and what it truly feels like to have to fight for survival. It’s so easy to be a privileged student and make demands for hot food and batteries and pretend to understand being a member of a hated minority group.

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Don't forget the cream cheese!

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Niall Ferguson, Hoover institution professor; "Nazism would not have taken over without the Universities"

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As Lee Kern said, wonder how long until the Columbia students cleared from the lawn claim refugee status and start calling their expulsion a Nakba

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The amount of sheer selfishness and narcissism on display here is astounding.

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I wonder if the self-loathing Jews amongst them realise they’d be the 1st to be shot, beheaded, raped, mutilated, burned & paraded if they dared step foot in Gaza??

Bunch of idiots, the lot of them…🤦‍♂️

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I read in the Economist (I believe) an interview with a protestor's ("Trillium") mother who extolled the "bravery" of her daughter. Let me tell you what bravery is and it's not hiding behind a keffiyeh. Bravery is an IDF soldier going into Gaza to rescue hostages while at any time a Hamas human piece of trash can pop up from a hidden tunnel with a Kalashnikov. The apples in California don't fall far from the trees.

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The young soldiers in the IDF are the exact opposite of the entitled pseudo warriors across the globe. So proud of the Israelis; so appalled at the uni students and their sponsors.

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Can't wait until these performative clowns find out that they've been tools of Qatar, Iran, Hamas, etc.

Oh, wait, they by and large agree with those groups in hating Jews (including a bunch of self-hating Jews who seem to think that if they're nice to the bear, it will eat them last).

Our country is just so messed up..............

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They'll never admit it to themselves.

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'No, a keffiyeh isn’t a scarf. It’s a bourgeois Swastika.'

Touche. And that Palestinian flag is a bourgeois Nazi flag. If they ever get their own state, someone please design a new flag to represent a new (hopefully more peaceful) era.

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“This is the evolutionary arc of a keffiyeh-wearer.” Sums it up right. What will tomorrow bring? The big picture I hope. Thanks Eve ☮️🇮🇱

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It’s clear why they don’t need any more nuts...

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Glamping macht frei.

Pinch me, I’m Jewish 😮‍💨

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It looks like they played right into your joke from yesterday about the emergency air drop of ph-9 bottled water…

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Thanks, Eve. Superb. You make me laugh. How can we not laugh?! It's the height of absurdity. I expect we'll reach yet another height tomorrow.

You're right, though, they're if not insane, becoming insane, as they go further and further away from reality. I only wish they'd become mute, too.

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There’s dumb and there’s these dipshits. As Einstein said: there are two things that are infinite in the universe, the universe itself and human stupidity. I mean who doesn’t want free bagels, but I digress.

Who are these photo-fascist fools trying to impress? Each other I guess. They don’t seem to be getting a lot of traction in the rest of society. Surely the cynical murderers who run Hamas are laughing their asses off at yet another PR victory. I can’t imagine that none of these imbeciles realize that jihad is isn’t just about Jews, but maybe they are just that ignorant.

Setting aside that this is a top down effort funded by hard left money from bad actors, these masked twerp cowards need to be identified and made famous for their views. So do their professors and the administrators. Name names. And they also need to be confronted. If the state won’t protect its citizens, then the citizens need to step in.

The only good news in all of this is that but may destroy the Democrats, who are basically just anti-American Marxists at this point. Today we find out that the UN is funneling US billions to the Taliban. So now we are funding the Taliban , Iran, The Palestinian terror complex, and mass illegal immigration of mostly military age males.

How does that serve American citizens?

Please. You cannot vote for this party. I do not know what else you need to see to understand it’s neither in the interests of America or its Jewish citizens to support this destructive crap.

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Eve, you are ESTHER, I love you so damn much.

Also please someone help me understand why no coffee and sunscreen!?!?!?!? I’m serious! Baffling.

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