Who gives a fuck what Biden says. He is half dead. Israel isn’t listening. It’s over. America has lost our moral leadership on the world stage. Bibi will have to fight this thing till the bitter end and then he will have to resign in shame for allowing Oct 7th to happen in the first place. As will every leader of IDF and Mossad and Shen Bet. But no body stops until this thing is thoroughly over. Biden is a worldwide joke. Fuck him!

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Amen. The fact that so many people in the Biden administration seem so desperate to keep the IDF from finishing the job and destroying Hamas is precisely why Israel needs to completely and utterly destroy them.

I feel sorry for the normal Palestinians who just want to live their lives and are caught in the crossfire and Israel should do anything they can that won't adversely affect military operations to keep them out of the line of fire. But, if instead of creating a society and a country they're willing to just keep feeding generation after generation Hamas' genocidal hatred and glory days fantasies of Islamic conquest and keep allowing Hamas to burrow under their homes, store weapons in their hospitals, launch missiles from on top of their children's schools, and use them as human shields, oh well. If they want to be martyrs to the fantasies of a death cult, oblige them. Take a page from the Saudis. They launch a missile at Israel? Pinpoint the origin and turn it into a large, smoking crater, and never, ever apologize again for doing it.

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You are so spot on.

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deletedJun 2
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Oh, I have no doubt that some connected people on the Egyptian side are making a ton of money smuggling. It would be very embarrassing if the Israelis start releasing videos and 8x10 color glossies of that and stockpiles of purloined weapons that we and the EU sold the Egyptians.

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This Administration has hampered Israel every step of the way, from the days after 10/7 to now. It placates terrorists and terrorist regimes such as Iran, all in the pursuit of some grand “regional” realignment that is the brainchild of Obama and his minions, who are pulling the strings. None of it is to Israel’s benefit and all of it has fed and nurtured the antisemitism that has exploded around the world, and especially on American campuses. This new “deal” is pure gaslighting by a mentally diminishing President of whom it famously has been said (paraphrasing) that “he’s been wrong about every major foreign policy issue in the last 40 years.” And in the last 3+ years he’s demonstrated exceptional weakness (e.g., the Afghanistan debacle). Israel has to do what it has to do, and I hope it does so, and soon. Bibi is Bibi, he needs to be held to account for 10/7, but the alternatives to him now seem weak and uninspiring, despite the open interference by the US in Israeli politics. Finish it already and then it is time for new leadership in Israel. And in the US too (no good choices but Biden seems to be the absolute worst of the bad choices, and if he doesn’t survive 4 years, the incredibly lightweight and worst choice will step in, and she’s no friend to Israel).

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deletedJun 2
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There is something very significant in what you have declared Rachel. In fact the whole concept of the American voting system is a mystery to those who are citizens elsewhere. The idea that 70% of the US electorate register as either Democrat or Republican , despite the fact that they can vote for the opposite party in a general election is not a concept that would go down well in other democracies. People in the UK just don't take their politics that seriously and membership of the 2 main parties is at an all time low. As an onlooker from across the pond I have to say to my fellow Jewish tribe members, why always with the Democrats. A decade ago, while my wife and I were having a coffee across from Lincoln ( a republican) centre New York after the annual happy, peaceful Israel parade ( that was then)I asked middle aged jewish lady what she thought of Obama. " He's great" Why, I continued.She then declared " because I am a democrat". I went on to ask and remember she'd just come from the parade. " Are you happy about Obama's policies towards Israel?

She answered, " what do you expect him to do?"

There is the rub. Once a democrat always a democrat. In fact you're a democrat before you're an American and the vast majority of Jews in NYC, LA and Orange county are Democrats first.

Again why the democrats? The question to me is rhetorical because I know the answer lies in jewish values so that the more affluent we become you can't lose your social values. This despite the fact that the Democrats flipped and became the party of wealth at the millenium.

In the late 1960s as a 19 year old student I spent a few days in a friendless, dirty and dangerous democratic New York City totally dofferentto the Giuliani version of the 1990s. In the Python film The Life of Brian there is that famous line " What have the Romans done for you?" I asked that of New Yorkers re the democratic administration in 1969. I also now ask a similar question to American Jewry. What have the Democrats done for you and Am Yisroel of which a lot on here are members even if some of those Jews who may not read Blacklisted don't really know who they are, don't value or even go out of their way to reject that membership and sit in campus grounds with the other useful idiots of dark forces?

What was FDR's administration doing when the evidence was pouring out of occupied Europe? What were Jewish liberal leaders in America doing? They were relying on FDRs administration which in 1939 included the antisemitic and Hitler appeasing Joseph Kennedy.

Yes, the John F. Kennedy and Johnson administrations provided aid to Israel but military material was sourced by Israel through US European clandestined channels for 1967. It was not until 1973 and the Nixon/ Kissinger Republican administration that America openly and directly armed Israel and by actions and deeds allied itself with the State of Israel. ( The myth created by the watermelons that the US turned Israel into a super power in 1948 being absolute rot)

Israel and the Jewish people never had more stalwart friends than when Ronald Reagan( Rep)was in the White House and Margaret Thatcher( Conservative) was in Downing Street ending the Soviet Empire in a bloodless way. They both came close to losing their lives in office but they never gave in to terrorism and were unafraid to call out evil.

There are only 240,000 Jews in the UK but in 2019 as a result of a guy whose friends were Hamas and Hezbollah called Jeremy Corbyn potentially becoming Prime Minister Jews en masse stopped voting labour ( their natural party for the same reasons as American jews vote Dem)and voted for Johnson after a deep breath.

So now you've had Obama and now Biden and what have those democrats done for you? In between, well that's another matter but we did get the Abraham accords.

If an American is a Democrat before they are a thinking person with a faith or none who has the ability to learn the truth and distinguish it from dogma and potentially dangerous propaganda especially in the world of bots and AI at an instant then we have a big problem Jews and non Jews.

Therefore, Rachel, your decision to not vote for Biden is perhaps more significant than you may have considered. Will others follow and leave Biden's blue team as he would probably call it.

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I’m Canadian and have found Trudeau’s government to be illiberal and populist. I will be voting conservative for the first time in my life. We have to consider, as you say, what they are doing to stop the antisemitism everywhere. The answer is babkas.

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Jun 1Liked by Eve Barlow

It’s true. We have lost. In part we lost last election when the voters in Israel could not see beyond the Cult of Bibi. When they could not see that Bibi is antithetical to safety, security, a pluralistic Israel, and what his election required in government: Ben Gvir, Smotrich, and the Haredim.

Bibi and Sara are our modern Ahab and Jezebel.

We lost 20 years ago when young Jewish students sounded alarm bells and we were laughed out of every organization that purportedly was representing the Jewish community. Those leaders are still in power, sitting on budgets astronomically large and have been sitting in deafening silence as antisemitism has reached favor pitch.

We lost because we became complacent as a people, everywhere, while our enemies persisted. We still have not learned that we always have to be on guard. We still have not learned what surviving, thriving, and never letting defenses down requires.

We need more from everyone and everywhere.

We lost this war before October 7th.

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If you believe Gantz or Gallant, let alone Lapid *shudder* would be better for Israel then you have lost ALL credibility for those of us who understand, and LIVE THERE. Bibi has plenty of faults and while I myself am not his biggest fan, all of the above names will do nothing but bend their knees to American dictates. No thanks.

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Bennett is the one who should lead. Bibi is substantially worse than everyone, has axed all political rivals, emboldened Hamas, funded Hamas, watched Hezbollah grow, pretended that he was equal to and friends with Xi and Putin, watched the Haifa port go to the Chinese, has watched the PA deteriorate in such a way that we should be expecting Hamas to takeover Ramallah shortly, want me to keep going? Like the cost of living in Israel? Want to keep placating the Haredim with billions of shekels while they provide nothing back? He’s been a disaster. King Ahab reincarnated

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

I once would've agreed with you about Bennett (and Shaked ftm), and truly thought he (they) could be the future.

Then he outright lied to his supporters about bringing into his government a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, and turned out to be just one more self-serving politician. I don't trust him, and while I can agree with all your points regarding Bibi, at this particular critical moment I think he the ONLY one who is willing to stand up against Obama/Biden.

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My counter to that is that he has forced such isolation of Israel it doesn’t matter. Trump can’t be trusted either - he literally let Russia control the Northern Arc and gave Iran immense section relief. It’s about navigating the isolation now and to be frank, you can’t have someone in office who is more concerned with their personal issues over those of the nation.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

We are fighting a justified war , and if that "isolates" us from a Jew-hating world.....so be it.

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who are those leaders?

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You can go through nearly every Jewish advocacy group and find them. Everyone from AJC to ZOA has been noticeably silent…except when they send out fundraising emails

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deletedJun 2
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ADL has been horrible. Pawns of Biden/Obama

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We have not lost because we were always on the losing side. I knew, my parents knew as did my holocaust surviving grandparents. We became so progressive that we sold ourselves out to be part of society. A society that never accepted us. They merely tolerated us for what we could do for them. We have served their purpose so the tolerance is gone. Wipe them out they chant. We will never be wiped out, we are stronger than they think they know us to be. 🙏🏼

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And Obama is making these decisions anyway. And he hates Israel and is an antisemite.

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deletedJun 2
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As a Jew who doesn’t “vote for them” I agree “we” swing left but I truly am hearing from friends and family that are done with this clown show and will vote for Trump over this and many other issues. So we will see. I know Eve’s politics aren’t my politics but I am with her on this issue so much I pay for her content. A lot of people have big decisions to make.

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Of course it's a bad deal. No mention of Hamas disarming, no mention of AT LEAST exile for Sinwar and his fellow sick sewer rats. Hamas gets to remain....Hamas.

Biden ambushed Bibi with this.

Obama/Biden/Blinken can all go to hell.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

If Canada attacked America and raped thousands of women, tortured, killed. or kidnapped tens of thousands of Americans, and then hid behind women and children, Joe Biden would not stop fighting under their army was crushed and their leaders in one of our prisons. It is absurd to ask Israel to do less.

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I have been saying the exact same thing. If Canadian “militants” sent 10 paragliders into Buffalo NY with 400 (let alone 4000) armed combatants and burned and raped and murdered New Yorkers we would be in a war now. Spoken as a Canadian…

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I agree.. Sinwar has won , he knew our compassion was our Achilles heel and he exploited it.. and the Biden , and Obama before him, have sacrificed good to evil, truth to lies and made the world much more dangerous.. 💔

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There is simply no way in hell that Israel will a accept this suicide pact from FJB. It is simply more proof that FJB’s regime is pure evil (I won’t call it an administration, they can’t administer a lemonade stand), and they must be replaced… the democrat socialists are truly National Socialists.. this so called agreement (Israel hasn’t agreed to it) is beyond farcical.

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This is so well written and inciteful and at the same time so utterly depressing. The world is like you say being groomed by terrorists and the more we try to discuss/ reason/debate the more they dig in and don't even try to argue back ... just name call

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This is Obama's deal. He endorsed it on Twitter/X, his people cooked it up. It is, therefore, conclusively toxic to Israel. As it was meant to be. Netanyahu would know this all too well: Obama's had a hair across his bony a** for Bibi for years. Stay well clear, Israel. It's not even a trap. It's an undisguised insult to the Jewish people. As it was meant to be.

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People have forgotten how Obama treated Israel in his first administration. The rude reception was only a harbinger of everything we've seen since from the Democrats. The squad don't hide their hatred, for Israel and the Jewish people, they revel in it. When people tell you who they are, listen.

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Biden has been trying to run two wars simultaneously: Israel in Gaza and the Ukraine NOT IN Russia. Until three days ago Ukraine was forbidden by the US to bring the war into Russian territory - now they've been given permission to do so in relation to Kharkiv, 20 miles from border, if it is under attack - so Biden has been encouraging Ukraine to fight back against Russia for over two years while tying their hands behind their backs. Just the same with Israel - GO GET HAMAS, GO GET THOSE BADDIES! , then cutting to what we can or can't do, saying we're killing too many, telling us there must be a ceasefire, and now this travesty of an end the war plan. You know what, Biden is playing war games as if it was all a Play Station; he's playing with people's lives and their future while in some artificial, peculiar US cocoon of power and politics. Stuff him. We shall not do as we're told, the way Zelensky has, but because of him and the success of the Hamas plan of division, destroying the unity of the Israeli people, we are in the dreadful place Eve has described so definitively. We must save what we can from this awful muddle and keep on with the military campaign to destroy as much of Hamas' military and political body as we can. And no return of Palestinian prisoners. None of them should step foot outside the gaols they're in. Hand over our people, surrender or die. That should be our ultimatum. The world doesn't have to like it. They can return to their armchairs and have a snooze.

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We have yet to be invaded by George Clooney Lebanon

We have yet to watch a US destroyer sink

And we have yet to watch the suicide bombers blow up your local supermarket

It ain't over for 10 more years

The Muslims want America in chaos

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As much as I love your massage and your writing, I have to disagree on this one. The deal MUST be made and sooner rather than later. The hostages have to come home it's the most basic contract between us and our government. It has to do anything in its power to always save our people.

We lost on October 7th. There is no real win after what happened. We keep.losing because our government has no real strategy on how to finish this war. Hamas is an ideology (a disgusting one) and you cannot destroy that. You can destroy their military abilities, which we largely have, you can destroy its governing ability, which we haven't because our ultra extremist government won't talk about the "day after" and won't form any plan (with allies in the middle east and the rest of the world) for a new governing body in Gaza that is not Hamas. And meanwhile the army has to return to the same.places they already been in because Hamas came back to the vacuum left there, and soldiers keep dying and innocent civilians keep dying, and our economy is dying, and our diplomatic relations our dying and our country is dying. We are not torn apart internally because of Hamas, we are torn apart because of our government that lost its support and legitimacy a long time ago and our prime minister who cares only about himself. Because he and his ministers lost their compassion and their humanity for their own people and because we are desperate for a change.

Our army and we are strong enough to defend ourselves if, or rather when, the seacefire deal is broken. We have to bring the hostages home. Period.

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Biden just lost my vote. Not going to vote Trump, Kennedy or any of the other losers running for president. I'll vote down ballot but just not Biden. Let the Palestinian protestors vote for him (they won't anyway). What's the difference between the pro Palestinian protestors and the January 6 protestors? Nothing. Both groups want to topple Democracy any way they can including violence. How about doing something about that Democrats? How about doing something about that Joe?

I've read that Biden is trying to curry favor with the Ayatolla in exchange for a better relationdhip with America. Now I believe it. The price to cement the deal? Jewish lives. Fuck the Ayatolla ass kisser.

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I've never voted for a republican before, but I'm writing in Nikki Haley. I just can't vote for any of these pathetic clowns.

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By not voting for Trump you may inadvertently be electing Biden. Hold your nose and use your vote to stop Biden from destroying us all.

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