It’s all unbearable. Seeing thousands of people descend upon a single performer like that—that is evil. I hate them all too. I will never forget who turned away. I’m ending relationships, & some have simply evaporated. So be it. They don’t deserve us. So many cowards.

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I've known since I was a young child that mobs are evil and those who participate are relishing evil. I looked at the pictures of the mob at Malvo and I see no difference between that mob and a KKK mob lynching, a Muslim mob stoning a woman, the descriptions of the mob madness at the Salem witch trials, the BLM mobs threatening people, Rwanda, the Red Guard, the mobs of WWII Germany, and so on. I just listened to Eden Golan sing and I'm reminded of Tolkien and the gift of Galadriel to Frodo, a light so powerful the shadows could not survive. Beautiful.

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You are right. Know your worth. I have already told one a...... that I would rather have one Jew than a million of whatever he is. Now he is making a bit nicer, trying to engage. I won't engage. I speak over them. I would never knowingly speak to a rapist in real life, they are rapists by extension and they can fuck off.

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The Eurovision was a watershed moment as it provided the irrefutable evidence of how anti-Semitism is now going mainstream among Europe's youth. And its establishment too by the way. No matter what politicians say and do, it is here. Universities, arts events, whatever they are going ahead with cancelling Jews and scrapping collaborations with Israel. It will be a long and hard battle to fight this.

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

I'm feeling myself grow angry. The University protests have reached Canada's east coast and the creator of "Free Palestine Halifax" keeps talking about "Haifa, Palestine" and Palestinians returning to Haifa. I'm the only one pushing back, to a group of 10k people. I'm feeling burnt out and very alone where I live. It's hard for me to take care of myself at the best of times, I have anxiety and PTSD from being raped and bound while serving in Canada's army. It happened 10 years ago and after October 7th my night sweats returned. People praising rapists. I feel like I never sleep. As an ally, I want to offer all the support I can, but I'm having difficulty finding ways to keep myself above water. I don't know how, but we will get through this.

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Same here. I have PTSD from a rape and after October 7 it came right back. I cried every night for months on end. No one cares about our trauma. But we care about each other. Sending you love and support.

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To you as well. ❤️❤️❤️

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Sending you both love and support. I am so sorry you are going through PTSD.

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

How are you Eve? We all know. The real question is, where do you get your strength? And please keep it up! We need you! Your voice is the one true, clear signal in the midst of all of this madness. Thank you!

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

True to form, the New York Times dines on its crow in hiding, running the UN inflated numbers story way down the scroll and also permitting its woke trio of journalists to write the story in a way that seems to assure the reader, “but don’t worry. Just be patient and those women and children numbers will go right back up where you want them.” Count the Grey Lady among the women Islamic extremism has subjugated, only willingly in her case.

As John Spencer tells Sam Harris in their recent conversation, never before in the history of war coverage has there been such a focus and obsession with body count, and in real time at that. The reporting cares not for nuance or context, and it completely ignores what have been universally accepted rules of war — things that would not only add essential perspective to their reporting, it would simultaneously have to credit Israel with managing to have the lowest civilian to combatant kill ratio in the history of modern warfare — a ratio that is even lower now in light of the new numbers.

I find most of these so-called liberal people like the one you reference who can’t get their flags straight or the ones who feel the need to pontificate their ignorance for want of social acceptance to be just as bad, if not worse, than the MAGA folks they revile and look down upon. They both were so excited to be given permission to say the ugly things out loud, and committed so fast and hard to a snowball of hate masquerading as patriotism on one side and social justice on the other, that for them to acknowledge anything as going too far would be like an admission that everything they’ve gone along with up till now is proof of how loathsome they’ve allowed themselves to become.

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“Saying the ugly things out loud” - a-freakin’-men. It feels good to accuse an oppressed people of committing genocide. It’s like fucking heroin to these people, and they’re not going to let facts get in their way.

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I went to a Yom Hazikaron ceremony in my hometown Sydney this week and the closing speaker told us the story of Seargent Roi Dawy who fell in battle in Gaza, z"l. In one of his last messages to his family he said: "JUST GET STRONGER FROM EVERYTHING". These words were prominently displayed in honour of the Yoms, on a building at the entrance to Jerusalem by the owner of the building, for free, along with a photograph of Roi. I put these words on my office wall. They have become my new mantra. Fuck the haters, and the morally and spiritually bankrupt, they have nothing on us! Xxx

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I am not Jewish. I care about you. I have been ostracised so I speak from experience. STOP giving them your fucking time. You are too good for them. Before the Oct massacre if you had seen someone you knew treat someone like that, would you still want to know them?. Could you still be friends? Or would you be too disgusted?? Head up darling, things will never be the same again. Now you know. Leave them in the dirt. I love you, I love Israel, there are many more who feel as I do but we are a minority.

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Truly lovely post, Margaret. But, I don't think that those of us who love Israel are in the minority. It's that the actual minority, who hate Israel and use that hatred as a socially acceptable "beard" for their anti-Semitism, are so vociferous, demanding, and attention-seeking.

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Brianna Wu sums it all up. We’re all here right beside you Eve and we all shine on. Much love 💗💗💗

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Shouldn’t it be good news that fewer Gazans have died? Instead of expressing relief, or questioning the reliability of ANY information coming out of Gaza (every reporter and NGO person there is compromised), for sure they’re now busy coming up with how to keep it a “genocide” (“half-genocide”? “genocidal-ish”?)

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“We want a genocide, and by god, we’re going to get one—even if we have to invent it!”

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I get it. Losing ‘friends’ in this way is hard….there is sadness, anger, disappointment and disbelief. We had expectations that were unknowingly built on such fragile foundations. I’m glad I now know the truth but it still sucks to feel so deceived.

The privilege of connecting to strong heroic Jews around the world, yourself included Eve, and especially witnessing the fortitude of the nation of Israel is what inspires and uplifts me. Thank you Eve. Please stay strong.

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Yes! Connecting to amazing Jews all over the world is the one upside of all of this. I have met such incredibly strong people!

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The thing that disappoints me the most is when people realize I support Israel and that I will call out antisemitism any time I see it, is what they say to me:

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were Jewish!”

No one says that when I support any other group. Ever. I’ve had people close to me for 25 years say that to me with a straight face when they know damn well that I’m not. I’m losing friends left and right and honestly it’s time for them to go. I’m returning to the US from a trip to Europe and what shocks me is how blatant the antisemitism has been here.

Someone who considers himself a total progressive asked me to define antisemitism.

Home isn’t great, but no one’s asked me that.


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I hate them too. Fuck them. Fuck almost everyone. It’s a whole new world. The Jews in my life have trembling knees and the rest “don’t really know enough to speak on it.” Ok. Fuck them too. Heads up, Jews! We are the people of Israel and we are eternal!!

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Eden Golan, a joy to watch amongst all the evil and the ignorance. 20 years old and full of grace and dignity as she exposes her full identity with such courage to the haters. She glows with who she is and nobody can take it away from her. Her voice full of beauty. In contrast, those booing and hating and prancing around in their keffiyeh garb are dolts, Paleolithic poseurs who have left development behind and don't know how to think, and glory in hate; I'm sure the Paleolithics of long ago would do a better job of cave dwelling than these privileged, self-righteous, vacuous protesters could ever do.

Don't get too exhausted, Eve. That's what they want. To see things clearly, as you do, and as I certainly do, might seem an isolate place to be in, but it's been ever thus for those who don't run with the crowd. Our writing, our art, the few special people in the minority who understand, the unknown possibilities that are always there ... this is where soul is, and hope. And it's important we keep on keeping on, gathering inspiration as we go from those who will not be daunted.

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

You have every write to be furious and wounded. This resurgence of persecution of the Jewish people is obscene. The hounding of a gifted, lovely Jewish singer is unforgivable.

I just wanted you to know that in quiet spaces, not captured by cameras, people like me (a shiksa) do advocate for the Jewish people -- in small but hopefully meaningful ways. We insist on respect and protection of the Jewish people. We do not forget.

I teach history of culture in the modern age at a community college. I've been assigning students many more readings published by the Holocaust Museum. When a student recently commented with the egregiously false equivalence, "What America did to the Japanese was like the Holocaust," I shot that that shocking fallacy down immediately, and fiercely, with a barrage of facts.

Moments like the discussion in my class don't get captured by the videos and photographs on the internet. But they happen. Keep that in mind.

I always think of Denmark. Come to think of it, I'll add a discussion of Denmark's protection of its Jewish people to my teaching.

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I too am more afraid of the "ordinary people" who are just going along. I play a game where I count the keffiyeh wearing people in my neighborhood I walk by. So many. Yesterday I saw one in the city. I really wonder what these people think they are saying by wearing the symbol of a terrorist organization. But I'm afraid to ask because I'm afraid I wouldn't get just verbal abuse, I'd be the victim of physical violence. The only place I feel safe is in my highly security protected synagogue. I wear my Star of David proudly though. Sometimes people look at it. I don't "look Jewish" to them, maybe, or maybe they're just shocked that someone would proudly and openly display a symbol of the Jewish people here. They look at me funny. I used to talk about the situation in hushed tones but now I don't. I talk as loud as I please. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm converting. It is a long process and I need to pray about it a lot and study, but I feel more Jewish every day. I've met a lot of other people who converted and they all say the same thing. "I always felt Jewish." In any event, as a convert or a "friend", I love you Eve. We are all supporting you from near and far. You're our guiding light!

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

I’m a convert. My husband are kids are Jewish. I live an orthodox Jewish life. I’ve worked in local day schools and synagogues. All my design clients are nonprofit Jewish organizations. My entire life centers around the practice of my religion. Although I am not ethnically Jewish, I identify 100% as a member of the house of Israel. October 7th ripped my heart open. And in the face of the immense suffering all around me—the grief of the families of the victims, the hostages, and the unbelievable valor and strength of our soldiers, my own pain is as nothing. But I will say it here—it hurts when friends and family don’t ask how I am because they don’t think I’m as affected by October 7th since I’m “not *really* Jewish.”

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Just wanted to say you are Jewish. And scene.

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Thank you. <3

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May 15Liked by Eve Barlow

I described the last month to a friend as “walking around inside of a panic attack.” I’m so glad that Israeli went to that table to set them straight. A few months ago I would have done the same. But you’re right. We are SO TIRED. Orwellian doublespeak is draining us of our vitality. I feel as if I’m on a reverse drip in some madhouse hospital where they drain you of life fluids drop by drop.

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