“Where is Amal Clooney today as this news lands? On a yacht, I imagine.”


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Sep 11Liked by Eve Barlow

Reason and logic seems to apply to everything and everyone in the world except the Jews. A story as old as time. My dad has told me we’re on our own for as long as I can remember. That being said, I wear it as a badge of honor. There’s no team I’d rather play for. Happy birthday to your dad. Grateful to him for bringing a person like you into the world. G-d bless him and the IDF.

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Many thanks for your birthday greetings Jonathan. You words are most kind and much appreciated by " the old man". Abi Gezunt.

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Your words and deeds give me strength. Yasher Koach.

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Yes, survival is ugly, but your voice is perfection. Thank you for sharing it. It helps me, and so many others, to keep going.

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Another column from the heart. No surprise so many people are listening; you’re writing what we’re feeling. Outrage and disbelief. I tell myself that if I ever wondered how I would have behaved in 1930s what I do today is the answer. I urge everyone to become involved and make a difference. Together we are lions!

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Back in the day, pre-Oslo, there was a lefty Israeli MoK named Yossi Beilin—he was the main architect of the Geneva Initiative—one of the more sensible attempts at a peaceful solution. Sadly, he was also one of the main negotiators of Oslo, and says he still loses sleep over it. To the point, and I write this because you more than hinted at it in this post—Beilin was advocating for Israel to wean itself completely from U.S. aid, in order to free itself from U.S. influence. I supported that (terribly unpopular) premise then, and in retrospect, I still wish they had done it. I can’t help but wonder how differently the picture would be today. 😓

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

How is it that Trump is not better for Israel than Harris? As president, he helped establish the Abraham accords and with moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Presently, he has made clear that Israel needs to do what it needs to do to finish the job. Although he’s generally out of his mind when it comes to most things, somehow he appears to have moral clarity when it comes to Israel. I don’t think anyone believes for a second that the Keffiyeh-wearing morons make any impression on him other than that they should all be deported. Only he is going to stand up to the inane oppressor-oppressed and anti-colonial curricula that has fed this madness and dominated our schools. Harris, on the other hand, boycotted Netanyahu’s address to Congress and is running with Walz, who cozies up to Islamists. She has expressed openness to limiting arms shipments to Israel at a time when the message to the world must be clear and strong that the United States recognizes that Israel is fighting the war for all of Western civilization. The entire field of "intersectionality" is a malign and intellectually dishonest construct of the Left--a Left that consolidates its grip on power in our institutions if the Dems control the Executive and Legislative branches. Sure, in better times it would be nice to be able to embrace Harris as the more acceptable human to be our next President. These are not those times, and Jews may just have to hold their nose and vote otherwise. As you say, “survival is ugly”

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Obama-Biden started the deals with Iran. Trump stopped in his term. Harris has advisors from the Iran deal. She’s bad news.

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Thank you! The a pox on both your houses ignores the significance evidence of Donald Trump’s support of Israel and the Jewish people there and here.

Realize Trump isn’t a details guy. He may never have heard the ridiculous and unsubstantiated figures about Palestinian casualties. He is clearly and significantly preferable to Harris.

Democrats have been raving anti Semites forever. Think Franklin Roosevelt turning the ships back. Obama was particularly loathsome. And obvious.

Your column is necessary to keep the story in the public eye. But please in your anguish do not ignore the history of Donald Trump’s support for Israel

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Trump was correct in his response “she hates Israel” and he should have used his support of Israel to show her as the liar she is. The only two state solution she cares about are Michigan and Minnesota.

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Eve, you are definitely not alone.The guy you met on the hike is just like me. There are hundreds of millions of us. We are horrified by the selective moral outrage and the naivety of the West. Israel is THE metaphor for the West. If Israel is defeated Europe is next. How can any bright person think a two state solution is possible when you are dealing with the same people as ISIS. So we hope and pray that Israel will succeed. Without Israel we are all lost.

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Agreed on Trump and Harris and their debate. Harris offers lame talking points that betray a lack of vision and just serves to pander to as many people as possible. Trump is stuck in repeating October 7 would not have happened under his watch. Four dark years are coming with Israel indeed standing alone.

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Eve your writing is always so centering. You are laser focused on the real issues. The one thing that tears at my heart and shades the dim light of my hope is the frightening feeling that we won’t see any of the remaining hostages alive. In that case my fear is that we are waging a war of attrition against a never ending enemy.

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Happy birthday to your father! I am sure he is bursting with pride.

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What Eve said…….every single word!

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Wonderful post Eve. I will share with those who will agree and especially those who ask me not to send such posts. Your constant focus on the real issues at hand and consistency of vision is inspiring. May your father be blessed with many more birthdays enjoying good health and happiness. He has already been blessed with a strong, creative, original, loving, and prophetic daughter.

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You being here gives me hope, Eve. Thank you for your voice ❤️

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Let us be hopeful. Gallant said just yesterday that Hamas is no longer capable of fielding a military effort, just small scale guerrilla attacks. Accordingly, Hezbollah is going to receive the attention that it’s been begging for. That is a major victory that deserves recognition. Despite everything, we are not helpless. We are not weak. Hang tough. Stay frosty.

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