Finally made it as a paid subscriber and I've wanted to say this for a very very long time...don't stop Eve. Your words are brilliant. The level of hate you recieve online and to keep on going, to never stop...is inspirational. Sending lots of love and support and hope and joy and most of all...the longest of lives, love from New Zealand.

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Dear Eve, I read every word you write and nod my head throughout. You were born for this; your rock star articles were preparation for the most important mission of your life. You write what we feel but can’t express as accurately as your pinpoint script. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Am Yisrael Chai.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Eve Barlow

I’m a news subscriber. I’m now convinced that this is the best thing I’ve ever spent money on. I’m 80 years old, a veteran of the air war in SE Asia in the ‘70s, a former 40 year resident of Chicago, a retired financial industry executive and I thought there is nothing left that can move me to tears. Well, Eve ended that. I wept (well, more like teary eyed) through the last half of this essay, in frustration, in anger, in sadness at the brokenness of our world and, conversely, in gratitude that a voice like this exists. Keep it up, Eve Barlow, keep it up.

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Bibi laid it on the line, an eloquent “Fuck you” to all the hypocrisy in the UN. It will only stop when the Ayatollahs awaken (or not) in the center of a radioactive glassine pit.

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It’s good to feel optimistic this Shabbat! Thank you, Eve!

Your strength and bravery are only equaled by your passion.

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Another good day. Lots of love and gratitude for you and your work Eve Barlow.

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So damn blessed to have found you and be able to support your work. Your reaction to the film is what has kept me from watching as of yet but now I know I must watch it tonight. You are a fucking freedom fighter Eve. You are so brave and your words have such depth and reach. I love you for it. Me, a 55 YO jew in Cincinnati loves you to bits. Please know everything you are doing is worth it as you speak for so many of us. You represent us and you do it with the verve and vigor we need you too. God Bless.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Eve Barlow

I don't pay for any Substacker, because I am retired, and every penny counts. But somehow, luckily, I just found Eve Barlow, and my soul needs her voice in my life. If only for her talking to the camera about watching the documentary about the Nova festival, her reaction, and losing "friends". Yes - I'm sure many of us have. But the shock of that still vibrates in me like an off key electric guitar turned up to 10 (or 11). Eve, I need your voice in my head. Thank you. I don't know you, and I love you.

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Bravo to the Israeli’s for finally doing what needs to be done in the hell with world opinion!

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Eve, you are a fucking baller. I am seeing life more clearly now, too. My address book is changing and I couldn’t feel more excited. Keep rocking this shit 💛👊🏼

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I wouldn't have phrased it like this, but I appreciate you and your words, Jennifer. And I absolutely 💯 percent agree!

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Having you in our corner, speaking with such eloquence and bravery, is such a blessing 💙 💙💙

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Tears. Love. Recognition. Thank you. Shabbat shalom.

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Every time I read you Eve I say, wow this is her best yet! Then you get even more brilliant! Thank you!

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Sep 28Liked by Eve Barlow

Wonderful writing Eve! Wishing you a Happy Yomtov! Hope to see you soon. 😘😘

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Thank you Eve

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This was an incredible post. Thank you so much 🙏. Shabbat shalom.

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