Feb 7, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Thank you for this raw vulnerable piece and for putting yourself out there the way you have.

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This is beautiful writing.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Excellent article! I feel like the we’re in the child’s fable, The Emperor Who Wore No Clothes,and we’re the child yelling that the Emperor is naked and no one is listening

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Eve Barlow

Very personable and appreciate the vulnerability you display here.

I did want to comment on the Joe Rogan issues as I would like to propose a different take on it and indeed on all media sources and influencers. In my MBA class at Yale we spent a couple of classes on ethics. Specifically, as an entity, whether that be a traditional corporation, a media organization, or even an influencer (lets arbitrarily assume the influence involved is over 25,000 people (which dwarfs my messily few 100, LOL) that such an entity or person has a responsibility to act in an ethical manner that is consistent what the expectations and customs are in a free community (for the sake of argument, I am not referring to totalitarian states, such as China or Russia or Hungary). Our discussion centered around a suicide by an individual after trading in Robinhood, when he mistakenly thought he owed hundreds of thousands of dollars (it may have been millions, but I have forgotten the details). We explored the company and the app and found it had very little education nor warnings but was set up in such a way to be enticing to the average user to keep using (like a video game). The question which was not completely settled is whether Robinhood carried any responsibility to prevent such a tragedy and whether it needed to adopt new policies to prevent a recurrence. The conversation essentially centered around the question of do individuals and companies have a primary responsibility to others? Dicks sporting good, another example, chose to stop selling automatic weapons after a mass shooting, and they lost some significant money and traffic because of it. I would propose the same conversations are being had about Rogan, Fox, ONAN, CNN, and indeed Face the Nation and Meet the Press. Do they have responsibility if false information about Covid 19 and vaccines are spread? Does that dysinformation lead to deaths and thus are the media companies and influencers responsible? What about when they spread mis information about the 2020 election? What about antisemitism and then finally what about propagation of racial discord including using inappropriate and offensive language to describe other races and cultures which ultimately cause disruption in our greater community? My point is that the idea of “Cancelling” An influencer or a show may be related to this larger conversation and needs deep thought as we struggle to find what we consider what should be the proper future ethical standards these media influences and media organization should act within.

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Very brave writing.

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omg. You have written here all that I feel. We went through a $hit-storm in May 2020 and all I can say, over 3 yrs later is .. being a free thinker, a true individual, is the definition of human. Of true artist. "Lock-step liberalism" isn't liberalism. "Leftist militants have crapped all over the meaning of "liberty" and "real liberals" for some reason get sucked into their serpents den and never fight back. Glad you're fighting the good fight.

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