We're very fortunate you found your true calling, Eve. Heartfelt, honest, to the point, no-nonsense journalism. Thank you.

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Wow, so beneficial to get first hand reports through you, Eve. Yasher Koach! Am Yisrael Chai!

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Quite a contrast comparing what the young IDF soldiers have to do compared to Jewish American college students and young adults mostly afraid to speak up, defend themselves or stop the presses...go on the offense against the Islamists and Progressives.

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Golda Meir said “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”

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Jan 3Liked by Eve Barlow

I’m 100 percent with you. I admire and believe in you and your mission to call out the people who want us to be exterminated Again. I just don’t understand how you can support Israel’s Trump criminal equivalent Bibi. Just terrible

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Just wanted to express gratitude to you and all the amazing Israelis and allies giving everything for survival. Stay safe. Thank you Eve.

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After the war Israel can give aid to Gaza. During the war? It is US-driven insanity.

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Crucial information you've given us access to, Eve. Puts everything in such a new light. All we hear, month after month, before October 7 and after, is the terrible plight of the Palestinian people in their 'open air' prison, controlled by the evil Israelis (see in particular veteran ABC (Australia) reporter John Lyons, who continues his years old vendetta on Israel and the Palestinians, the oppression of both Gaza and the West Bank). I can only say if only the truth were told (and you're telling it) - indeed, if only journalists sought the truth and told it ... which essentially is their job ... then everything would shift into place and there would be no room for terrorists to become cult figures and heroes. People are believing what they want to believe, but with your kind of expose it renders them ignorant idiots.

Kol HaKevod to you. Kol HaKevod to the IDF. And Kol HaKevod to the Israeli people, so supportive and generous and warm-hearted as you have portrayed them in the hospital system and elsewhere.

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I thoroughly agree with Suzanne..you really have found your calling. Very interesting and insightful, a perspective one would never get from most other reporters who are busy stumping only for the Palestinians and anything they can find that they can criticise Israel for. Sympathy died and fairness went out the window the minute Israel went to defend itself. I go to your column now to get a more complete picture...makes me sick how the press here has managed to turned this whole thing into condemnation of the country that was living trustfully and peacefully beside its neighbour until that same neighbour turned on them and attacked. Keep up the excellent work...what you are doing now is two thousand fold more important than anything in the music business. That seems like such a revolting sewer now, where artists at the end of the day are not the leaders and independent rebels and thinkers they imagine themselves to be, but sorry, simpering panderers gushing their politically fashionable PC pablum to the fans that buy their records. I was never so disillusioned and disappointed in my former music and guitar heroes as I am now. This conflict encompasses alot of the really big questions and principles we should stand up for, and most of us are caving. And through this conflict we are seeing, sometimes in really painful discoveries, what people, friends and family too, stand for and where their hearts really lie.

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I so appreciate your true and heartfelt reporting of what happened and continues to happen to Israelis since October 7th. Please continue to be our eyes, ears and spokesman to share the atrocities that were committed to our “families”.

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thank you, as always

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