I agree with you on two things: there's no way I'd be getting on that bus in London; it's the first thing those unhinged Islamists will target. Secondly, it's better to have just one trusted friend than a hundred you're unsure of.

Although I am not Jewish, I will do all I can (legally) to support the Jewish people and Israel by confronting antisemitism where I encounter it and counter-arguing any fake or false claims some make of the history of Israel, Islam and the Holocaust, also, by voting for politicians that support Israel and the right of its people to live free and defend themselves. I know many Jewish people may feel isolated and abandoned right now, but there are many like me who support you. Never give up.

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I try to do the same (also not Jewish). It can be discouraging but if nothing else my comments may help others feel better.

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Excellent comment on so many levels! Much thanks for your support Chris.

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So grateful for your writing. You give voice to the inchoate jumble of thoughts, disbelief, abandonment and generalized rage felt by so many of us these days. Thank you.

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I too find it so difficult to articulate the profound grief, disbelief, sense of betrayal, fear and rage that I am feeling. Thank you Eve Barlow, for expressing this twisted bundle of emotions so well.

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Oh my people, my poor beleaguered tortured people, my blood libelled, slandered, vilified, harassed, scapegoated, shunned, ghettoised, expelled, looted, forcibly converted, racked, beaten, enslaved, starved, hunted, raped, butchered, beheaded, burnt, crucified, gassed, flayed, mutilated, bombed, and martyred, (Al Kiddush Hashem,) people who have arisen from our own ashes, my beloved flock of Phoenixes! Always demand evidence and think critically that you may arm yourselves with knowledge, I beg of you, meine geliebten Yiddin? Who are these bloodthirsty bellicose “Palestinians” when there is no place called “Palestine” and never has been save as a convenient term of nomenclature in the Balfour Declaration and British Mandate? There is absolutely no historical, archaeological, or even forensic evidence that any such an Arabic country or people have ever existed. Historical facts are impartial, thereby ought never to be offensive, and there really isn’t proof of a “Palestine” at all, as in nada, rien, nichts, efes, garnicht, niente, zero, zip, zilch, and bubkes. I am still waiting patiently for proof of its corporeality and location, as I have for many years.

Should anyone wish to educate me about the so-called “ancient land of Palestine,” by all means please do so? I double dutch dare you to. On your mark, get ready, set, go, start lying: When was it founded? What were its borders? What was its predominant religion predating Islam? Who were its rulers? What type of government did it have? What was its system of jurisprudence? What was its penal system? What was its official language? What was its alphabet? Where are all of its writings, historical records, and other important documents? What kind of military did it have? What was its monetary currency called? What were its agricultural products? What were its trade routes? Where are all of its historical artifacts? Where are all of its archaeological sites located? If it actually did exist at all what caused its demise?

Posing those questions is indicative of neither “racism” nor “Islamophobia.” It is most certainly not “genocidal” either, G-d forbid. Those are all simply the basic features of all recorded civilisations throughout human history.

Even that grizzled Egyptian-born embezzler, Yasser Arafat, refused to call his soi-disant "people" anything but ARABS for over 35 years until it occurred to the cunning ibn sharmuta that giving them a recognisable name swiped transparently from the British Mandate would confer upon them a false sense of legitimacy and claim to indigenously Jewish territory and we all know how well that particularly stealthy propagandistic ploy worked out because practically the entire world believes it at this dismally woeful juncture. That Big Lie would have made Hitler's Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, extraordinarily proud, (Yemach Shemam.) Would you like to know where the word "palestinian" truly derives from? It’s from the Latin "palestinas," which was employed as a derogatory term for the conquered Jews shlepped back to Rome in chains for bloody sport in the coliseum and/or domestic and sexual servitude. What "palestinas" actually means is PHILISTINE. Good luck finding any Law of Return for a long-extinct ancient and barbaric human sacrificing Mediterranean tribe anywhere in the miraculously reborn modern State of Israel.

Darned if I know where the heck this imaginary place called “palestine” might possibly be located. Is it like Oz, Lilliput, or Narnia? Perhaps it’s one of the 72-Virgin Islands?

I do not want a single one of my hard earned tax dollars, pounds, or shekels going to these viciously violent pro-Hamas Jew-and-Christian hating anti-Western terrorist kheffiya-clad Fakestinian fraudster lunatics. Neither in the USA and Europe nor in Gaza, let alone in Eretz Yisrael, including Judea and Samaria. They have already proven themselves to be inhumane sadistic barbarian monsters far too many times over. Why can’t we just let these backwards medieval savages continue infiltrating and attempting to destroy Judeo-Christian civilisation for free?

Thank you so very much, Eve. Yes, we are indeed fighting for our lives right now wherever we may be and must all look within to derive strength and courage from our forebears, the many ancient Jewish warriors, prophets, poets, and kings who preceded us. They are still alive and well in our blood and collective DNA, in addition to our neshamot/souls.

Shabbat Shalom! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧🇮🇱

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Amen v'Amen

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P.S. You put into words, Eve,אחותי/my sister, and so eloquently at that, what so very many of us are feeling, both the anguish and the anger, plus the renewed determination to defend ourselves. I am so impressed! Here is an excerpt from last Sunday’s private blog of mine, “Fifty Shades of Oy Vey:” ™

Oy Gottenyu! Enough already, stam pashut! Maspik! Dayenu, dayenu! This is sheer torture for all of us and we currently constitute a large traumatised family unit no matter how dysfunctional. I am so sick and tired of saying ברוך דיין האמת/Baruch Dayan HaEmet together with ה׳ יקום דמם/Hashem Yakom Damam while waiting for Moshiach, I’YH, despite that tectonic plates move more quickly. I davened קדיש יתום/the Mourner’s Kaddish six times in succession weeping so bitterly that the ancient words fell from my rictus of a mouth like stones damp with blood. When I was just a little girl I used to repeatedly ask my Auschwitz survivor parents, “Mutti, Papa, why do the goyim hate us so much? What did we do to hurt them?” By the tender age of six I had already absorbed an implacable sense of grief coupled with terror and that is truly tragic for so young a child. Having buried too many beloved family members of my own I naively believed that I was already all too wretchedly acquainted with the howling keening agony of bereavement and have always tried my very best to accept G-d’s will despite failing to comprehend it. We Jews are a remarkably resilient people who can proudly lay claim to over 3500 years of recorded civilised history, all while our enemies were still living in caves, genuflecting to clay idols, engaging in human sacrifice and cannibalism, and even employing vivisection as a means of “refrigeration.” We gave monotheism to the other nations of the world together with an entire code of ethics and they have repaid us for our countless gifts and continuing contributions to humanity with little more than over two millennia of horrific persecutions. I have no wish to offend our gentile allies—particularly because I cherish my Christian Zionist friends and have several biological family members who are, as well, and indeed love them dearly—but Christendom has every bit as much to answer for as Islam in its ceaseless efforts to exterminate us. Why? I submit that their Jew-hatred is far less due to jealousy of our collective industry and genius than because we are their conscience. At a mere .02% of the global population it is our very existence, our stubborn survival, that, albeit with several notable exceptions, they find so deeply offensive, especially now that we have returned to our ancestral homeland and can finally defend ourselves against this latest in an endless series of heinous genocidal depredations. צה״ל/the IDF could have vaporised Gaza in about thirty seconds but instead we elected to be humane and treat with these monstrously gleeful Fakestinian rapists and butchers compassionately and limit the collateral damage of any innocent Gazan civilians, as few as they may be. So nu, these medieval bloodthirsty savage barbarians slaughter us in our beds and we are supposed to negotiate with them as if they are rational actors? Peace partners? Even consider giving them their own country on Jewish territory that they may slay us more efficiently? That would be committing suicide on an instalment plan. At this woeful juncture I have finally run out of patience together with compassion. May הקב״ה/the Almighty forgive me but I want every single last one of them—anyone who dared to harm a single hair on a precious Israeli head—hunted down like the loathsome tunnel plague rats that they are and the entirety of Gaza carpet bombed. Grind their bones into dust. Do not pass go, do not collect “72 doe eyed virgins,” just burn in Hell for all eternity! Ptooey, b’nei Amalek! Die die dayenu! I might have eventually forgiven these monsters for murdering us because that is what they have been programmed to do since infancy but how can I possibly ever pardon them for teaching me to hate? Why must I pray screaming? Now we are all amputees with excruciatingly painful phantom limbs. Oy gevalt geshriggen! As a member of the soi-disant “Chosen People” I can only plead, dear G-d, please choose someone else for once? 🤦‍♀️

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Londonistan is toast.. and half of the US is toast.. something’s gotta give.. fast.. Labour in the UK and the Democrats in the US.. have devolved into Nazism and Islamism.. time to fight back..

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Sep 6Liked by Eve Barlow

Eve, although I have never met you I feel so connected and inspired by you. You speak, Nay, shout truth.

I hope you get some Shabbos rest. Blessings.

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Keep up the good fight Eve. Keep up the outrage. Keep up calling out the hypocrisy. Keep up calling out the antisemitism. Keep up your spirits. We need you. Israel needs you.

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Sep 6Liked by Eve Barlow

My periodic jolt of uncut truth.

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I'll keep fighting with you. 💙🇮🇱💙

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To me, the worst participants are those that parrot the hate and lies because they think it makes them part of the cool group.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Thank you for everything you say. You are putting my heart into words. I am so grateful for you.

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You've gained my gratitude and respect and affection. Multiply that by the countless people who read and listen and watch you.

If you ever need anything that fellow Jews can provide, I hope you know that we are here for you.

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Eve - thank you for your continued, passionate and totally rational reporting & advocacy. We need you to stay strong and healthy.

Below are links to some of the finest analyst to help me better understand what’s happening. If you already know or are aware, Glick, Taub, Doron, Lee Smith, Tony Badran, Park Macdonald, Ruthie Blum, Michelle Phillips and many more provide info and analysis that MSM in Israel and of course, the US do not - purposely.

Wishing all pre New Year’s greetings for freedom for our fellow brothers and sisters. This is and has been a long term struggle. The battle never ended.



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Thank God for you Eve.

I thank God for you.

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Next articles everywhere about

MUSLIMS have KILLED over 45,000 CHRISTIANS in Nigeria

MUSLIM countries which KILL and PERSECUT CHRISTIANS. [Afghanistan Algeria, Azerbaijan,Bangladesh, Brunei, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yeman]

MUSLIMs invaded CHRISTIAN ARMENIA causing over 30,000 CHRISTIAN DEATHS and injuries along with the DISPLACEMENT of over 120,000 CHRISTIANS.

kidnapping, rape of Christian girls,forced conversion to Islamic religion, and forced marriage to PEDOPHILE MUSLIM men in Pakistan.

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So item redo video of never again with yes do it again and name the Hollywood actors who support Muslims killing Jews try George Clooney and wife

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