Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

As a woman inside Israel, thank you.

When rage, pain and fear freeze my brain, you give me a voice

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

I’m so proud of your strength. I am so overwhelmed by the incredible stupidity and pure blindness of those who just do not see the difference between Hamas and the Palestinians. I also know that it doesn’t matter. In the end, Jews are always the easy target and I’m so angry that we always stand up for others and yet stand alone when attacked.

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In the midst of the heinous acts of terrorism by Hamas and our “Main Stream Media”, I lost a dear friend of mine, Helga. Helga was a German Jew several,years older than my 82, who was able to escape the Holocaust! She emigrated to this country, married another escapee, and lived a wonderful life on Long Island, teaching elementary school until she retired. Although I am not Jewish, while I was working on Long Island, I joined her family in many Seders and attended Temple with them as well. I am now sitting shiva here in Florida in her memory, as I just was advised of her passing that happened before the slaughter. I am thankful that she passed without knowing the horror of Hamas or our gutless press.

Every act we do in our lifetime impacts our soul; the good elevates and brightens the soul - every evil act leaves a blackened stain. It is simple, Helga shines brightly while Hamas and those MSM and other Hamas apologists’ souls are black as the pits of Hell.

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This! Yes, yes, yes! The insane level of support for Hamas among so many feminists and LGBTQ+ activists just floors me.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

You nailed it perfectly. As you described these women and their ridiculous posts I realized the source of a lot of my anxiety over the past week. As if we needed more of that.

Thank you Eve. You really get it.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

This has been my personal experience and nightmare. The woke millennials and liberal american jews in my life, people I have thought were my friends, people I have stood by, supported and stood up for; they have been unmasked! They are propaganda pushers for hamas! I feel like I am stuck in a twilight zone episode!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

It's the " pick me" vibes they give off, desperate for attention

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

This is brilliant. I want every woman I know to read it. This week this idea has just been driving me mad. I have said it over and over- but you have captured it in a way that is perfection.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

I’m from the left and because I’m speaking out I have Jewish women coming to me for support and comfort. I’m not Jewish but I am a lesbian feminist and I know the only place I’d want to live in the Middle East is Israel. I’ve been shocked over so many years of the blindness of feminist to the misogyny of Islam. Is it having to be in lock step with Noam Chomsky? That ego bloated male privileged jerk. I’ve just been so horrified and disturbed at the celebration over Hamas. I’m not going to shut up because Silence = Death

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

Eve Barlow is my first read when I wake up. Thank you for your strength, knowledge

And bravery.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

Oct 7th has completely changed us. We now know that absolutely NOTHING has changed in people’s opinions about Jewish people since the beginning of time. What an eye opener. 💔💙🇮🇱

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Eve Barlow

You have done it again Eve 👏 thank you for every word!!!

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The Liberal woke women will never get it because they believe that to be a true feminist you have to degrade men. (God help their sons.). If you’re open to degrading one-half of the population in order to build yourself up, it’s not a stretch to throw in another group that doesn’t fit the current narrative in their simple brainwashed minds. I am praying for you, Eve, and all the Jews in Israel and around the world.

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As I self-proclaimed mom blogger who has shared many a real life and virtual space with other millenial moms, I can affirm everything Eve has said.

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Bill Maher show Fri, clips on youtube. Epic takedown by Bill and Jamie Kirchik of Mr. pro Palestine, "human rights, feminism" guy Matt Duss, foreign policy shill and would be Secretary of State for a god forbid Bernie Sanders admin. He was left scrambling, looking like a fool on Palestine and women's rights, and Hamas, but still tried to blame Gaza all on Netanyahu.

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Despite thousands of years of slavery, explusions, mass genocide, pogroms and prejudice, I guess we Jews are just too unfashionably "white" and "European" to possibly be considered to be either victims or indigenous. Like high achieving Asians, we're an inconvenient anomaly to the oppression narative rainbow.

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