
Eve you’ve done it again! Thank you! I always wondered why I just could not jump on the Swift bandwagon. I was too old? Bored with the idea of someone who had to have serial relationships and then bitch about them in a song? And amazed at the “adults” who were behaving like awe struck teenagers drooling over her every word. She seemed like a harmless vapid pop princess and I did not understand why she was so beloved. I also did not know why the press and media coverage was so positive— I was suspicious that she had her own catch and kill machine. And she has so much power. She did help bring out the vote. But her friendship w the Hadids was deeply suspect. They are so publicly antisemitic and anti Zionist. They have huge followings. As you indicated their father is even worse. His apology is a non apology. It was insulting. He is racist, homophobic, antisemitic, anti Zionist, and hateful. Swift has not taken a strong stand against their hateful ranting. She clearly does not want to lose any fan$. Her lack of a spine is as obvious as her music is bland.

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I can say that I have never listened to a Taylor Swift song, let alone an album

But, she is sold a a commodity and behaves as such

Her political views, which I dont agree with, are staged for her audience and can't afford to lose - literally

As you point out Eve, she has not left high school which I believe is why the *forty year olds* love her - they haven't left either

We have nurtured an immature society where everybody is supposed to support the hurt feelings of the few - it is our downfall

And just so we're clear Taylor Swift doesnt give a rat's ass what happens to Israel & JEWS - as long as she gets her cut of the pie

Hadid is a different issue, he is a coward

He holds his Jordanian citizenship which he believes protects him - it doesn't

Someone should ask him why Jordan wants no part of PALESTINIANS=HAMAS

We all know the answer & it is seated in the history of HAMAS=PALESTINIANS, despite what Jordan's Queen wants people to believe

Someone should ask HADID what he thinks of JORDAN repelling IRANIAN rockets

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So my Wife, who is Swift curious, put on her new album yesterday. I didn’t know it was her, and said “why are you playing spa music?” Like, seriously, it sounded like background music you would hear at the Cheesecake Factory bathroom. Glad to hear I’m not alone lol.

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Apr 21Liked by Eve Barlow

You are heroic

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Eve, I discovered your writing through your advocacy for Israel. I found it lovely to discover the sharp edge of your music criticism through the first half of your essay on Queen Taylor.

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Agree, as an Always Miley, Sometimes Beyoncé and Never Taylor. I just can’t. I won’t. I’m a Gen X-er who must believe the music and the musician. An Always ALANIS, per my feminism trajectory into adulthood. Anyway, Hadid is a douche and his apology is moronic. I highly doubt “pinkwashing” is part of his 75 year old vernacular or concern seeing that he attacked Richie’s gayness, among other attributes, before he got struck by the blowback that apparently forced this fake non-apology. As for the status of “black and brown people” in Israel, he sounds as though he has never seen the place with his own eyes, despite his deep identification to his refugee status spent on a throne in Los Angeles. You raise a great point about the overlap of disingenuous cult behavior between the Swiftys and the SJWs. Sequin bodysuits and Amazon kiffiyehs stand for the same bullshit. You are very validating. I was worried that my personal thoughts on these things were indicative of my becoming the cliche of a middle aged misanthrope who can’t relate to the kids anymore.

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“…this Hollister WB Yeats” 😂

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Great work again, Eve, pointing out as you do with passionate acuity and erudition the appalling fallacy of every aspect of life we are now living. Not long ago Taylor Swift was in Australia and I was able to witness on news channels the hysteria and worship of both teenagers and their mothers! at the mere sight of her, not to mention her 'singing'. Even our politicians were swooning, especially at the apparent revelation that her trip here had boosted the economy. Indeed a Queensland high school even offered to suspend exams until after her performances as students would be boycotting those exams to travel to Melbourne for the extravaganza!! We need to rescue the word 'priority' here and remind people it still exists. We are now living in a netherworld where any sign of intelligence is dashed to the ground before it's finished lifting its head and celebration of the facile and the superficial is feted. Reading and listening to you helps keep me sane and invigorates my own personal Jewish activism.

The likes of Hadid, using the vehicle of an Apology to persist with his own delusion of refugee status and victimhood, his hatred of Jews and Israel, further adds to the whole blighted mess we find ourselves having to navigate.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21Liked by Eve Barlow

I need to apologize. I don’t think I’ve mentioned enough lately how much I fucking love you.

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I don't listen to Taylor Swift so can't comment on that. But your is the first account I've read about retribution for being a critic of hers, and it makes me angry on your behalf.

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Splendid writer. Refreshing to read.

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Can’t get over Paste withholding the name. Publishing an anonymous review nullifies the whole point of having a critic in the first place: being able to get to know them and their track record, which helps the reader assess or understand an artwork and whether they might enjoy it or not. More than once I’ve listened to musicians I wasn’t familiar with because it was you who championed them. I would have just ignored an anonymous opinion

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Eve, I adore you and read everything you write and you are our champion and seer. But as a 55-year-old lawyer, mom of two deeply engaged in combatting antisemitism on Canadian campuses and for whom a day does not go by when I don’t think about the hostages, I have to say I really enjoyed listening to the double album over and over again on Friday and Saturday because right now music is a balm for the soul. I don’t know Taylor Swift. Nor do I need to. But I’ll take my joy where I can find it. Music does that. And decoding these albums with friends and young’ins has been a small joy in a sea of loss and sadness.

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"...just because TikTok says something’s right, doesn’t mean you should live by it."

Pretty much, yeah. I cannot comprehend the grade school level social media thing at all. Influencers? Gimme a break!

"Where are the adults in the room?

There aren't anymore. They've all gone away, shaking their heads in disgust & disbelief.

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NBC a few weeks ago: “You’re not just getting older. Song lyrics really are becoming simpler and more repetitive according to a study published Thursday. Lyrics have also become angrier and more self obsessed over the last 40 years the study found.” I’ve never gotten the obsession with Swift. I initially thought some of her songs were catchy and even downloaded one or two but then just got bored, and turned off by the hype. She was the first to come to mind when I read this.

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Thank God you were are on the same page with the Swifter. Her Grift is so tired. I know people who paid 3K for a ticket to see her so their daughters would be happy for a few hours. It’s insane to me that she gets away with it. The music is painful. The dancing is worse. I don’t really like Beyoncé as a person but her talent is undeniable. They are not in a similar category. It’s bizarro world

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