Eve, I don’t know you, yet I feel like I do. I didn’t know any of your previous life work. What you offered to me in your vulnerability and sorrow are words to help me express my own. Of all the post I get, yours are the ones I open first consistently. Please, please take care of yourself for yourself but also for me. By doing so, you model for me how to better take care of myself.

Sending so much love and blessings your way and to all Eretz Yisrael.

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May 30Liked by Eve Barlow

Eve, look after yourself and take time out to grieve. What is happening to the world’s Jews is truly horrible. I have seen people I know and love turn their expressions to hatred when they speak about Israel and it shatters me because they don’t know any Jews or anything about how important Israel is to the Jewish people. I have seen the abuse you get online and it fills me with despair, even though I know that much of it is from bots as well as fools. I keep in touch with my close friends from Calderwood and let them know I’m on their side. Most of the people I know who think at all are with you too.

עם ישראל חי

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Thank you Mrs Tennent xxx

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We almost all know Jewish people--they are gloriously everywhere, just not what media bias would have you see. Ask the Universe to bring them to mind in protection and love.

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Eve, I love you. I know we don't know each other but I'm here for you. You're a lion.

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Eve, I've been following you for some time now but I just subscribed after reading this post. Yesterday I read an article in Jewish Journal by Patricia Heaton who founded O7C, the October 7th Coalition. The following excerpt from that article opened my eyes to a disturbing reality in the same way that your posts have. Thank you for speaking Truth in a world that's becoming darker and darker with each passing day. May you be refreshed and restored by God's unfailing love. I stand in solidarity with you and the Jewish people.

"A young Jewish woman recently told me, 'most people don’t know this, but among Jews, we always identify friends we know would hide us if it came to that.'"

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Brian, every Jewish person I know (including myself), has that mental list.

Thank you for listening, learning, and allying. It makes a tremendous difference.

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EMARobbins, I'm honored and humbled to do so.

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I am not going to lie. I am scared. I worry for my children. My elderly parents are despondent from this. I am a pretender in that if you saw me you would never know how it is all backing up. I still say the modeh ani every morning and the shema every night. Because I have to fight to keep my Judaism alive.

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It’s a cliche, as you noted, but please DO take care of yourself.

As for me, I walked away from TikTok during the last Hamas-instigated war against the Jews. Twitter/X followed in 2022, after Elon Musk decided that Andrew Anglin was an individual worth having around. After a brief flirtation with Threads, I deactivated that account as well because of the venom directed at supporters of Israel (especially by Gen Z members). One by one, my social media accounts are shrinking. The only two I have left are Facebook and Instagram, and as soon as someone posts anti-Israel BS on those platforms, they get blocked. Immediately. No flame wars, no back and forth. It’s not worth it. They will never be convinced that they are wrong. It must be nice to have that kind of moral certitude.

The same rule applies for Substack, BTW. I am an admitted political junkie, but I have cancelled my subscriptions to numerous Substacks because of the anti-Israel venom of either the author or the commenters, even Substacks that never before talked about any foreign policy issues. Again, no flame wars. Just simple cancellations. No need for me to financially support someone else’s hatred of me or my religion.

My world continues to shrink, which makes me even more thankful for this Substack.

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You have no idea how much I needed this.

Reading this I exhaled.

I feel empowered to walk alongside you on this “Red Sea parting” journey. Their hatred won’t drown us. We’ve done it before.

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And perhaps the first courageous believing soul was up to his neck in the sea before it parted.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. 2Chronicles7:14

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The last couple of days on social media have been so brutal. I totally understand that you want to break up with social media but please don’t ever break up with Substack! You mean too much to us here.

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May 30Liked by Eve Barlow

This is so relatable. The PTSD takes over.

My trauma happened 10 years ago, and last year I finally felt like I was getting to see the other side of the trauma, and the victimhood cycle that is Veterans Affairs Canada. Last July I booked myself my first solo international trip, to Croatia! My goal was to boost my confidence, show myself I can be resourceful and have fun just by myself. The trip started on Oct 21st. Although I did get some of what I was looking for on that trip, it was impossible not live in the trigger zone. To not think of them, the hostages, the dead, their families. I couldn't truly focus on me. I still feel like that. I've been spending a lot of time in my garden, taking photos of insects and birds.

I feel completely disconnected from people. And have for some years.

I'm trying so hard not to let this harden me, but I feel like I'm slowly turning to stone.

Love you Eve. ❤️

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Dear Eve, what a sabra you are! I have nothing but respect and admiration for you and all you do for our people, and never more so than since this post. I couldn’t agree more about the profound rot of social media and the inherent fakeness of it, especially now. I believe that listening to more than 30 seconds a day of the haters is self-harm. That is my personal threshold. Our enemies want to break us, that is a fact. We won’t let them, that is a more important fact. Reading, learning our history, told by our people, has never felt more urgent, or natural. Reading is literally manna. It’s the quintessential Jewish response that makes everything bearable. Despite all the horror we can remain clear-eyed and strong.

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You are far too hard on yourself. You’ve been a beacon of rational thought and observation. Pacing yourself is perfectly okay. X

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Trying not to be trite - but the meme to put your own oxygen mask on first gets repeated for a reason. Look after yourself.

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I was going to say the same thing. Self protection is essential. It is not weakness.

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I just subscribed. You are doing the right thing. If we don't resist today, we are finished as people. Since October 7 all that I write is also about the horror we are living through.

If we don't, no-one else will.

Keep it up, don't despair, ביחד ננצח! עם ישראל חי!

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I'm not on Twitter/X, but I like the approach I heard someone once recommend: treat social like a hand grenade or a flashbang. Pull the pin, toss it in a room, shut the door.

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Dearest Eve, I write you (once again) to support your intentions towards self-preservation and improving your mental health.

I won’t say ‘don’t stop writing on Substack’ because I think that would be selfish. I value everything you have written and I share your heartbrokenness, as many here do. Because you are so part of our sane world, I implore you to take time so you can come back, stronger. Let it go, just for a while. I’m giving myself the same advice. It’s so hard. Love to you.

Am Yisrael Chai 💙🇮🇱💙💔❤️

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May 30Liked by Eve Barlow

You continue to be my hero. I echo all the encouragement and support of these other comments, and want to offer something back to you. Earlier this year, as a gift to the Jewish community, I created a database of genre fiction with Jewish main characters. I don't know if you enjoy genre fiction - fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mystery, horror, etc. - but if you do, since you're planning to read a book a day I thought you might enjoy reading some Jewish stories in whatever flavor of escapism you enjoy. https://www.readjewishly.com/books

I put everything in this database, literally everything I could find that met the definition of "genre fiction" and "Jewish main character," so if you want some more tailored recommendations for bangers I would be so honored to help. Contact me through the site or via the social media links there because the email associated with my substack account is overflowing and rarely gets checked.

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Wow thanks for doing that Violet, I'll be checking out the database.

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You're welcome, Sanna! Happy reading!

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