Michael Rappaport makes us laugh and feel justified, Noa Tishby advocates, Hersh Goldberg Polin’s family ( and the many others) make us cry…. But you, with your eloquence and your brutal sting, make us feel heard and not alone.

You were missed. Sorry it took this horror to bring you back.

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Eve, you rip off the scab again and again and make us feel it again and again. And that's exactly what we need to keep us from going numb and catatonic. Bless you. Feel the virtual arms lifting you up and supporting you. Be strong for yourself and for us.

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We missed you. Stay strong. We need you.

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As I sat crying over this latest attack in Tel Aviv, your message came through. Thank you Eve for posting through the anger and angst, if just to tell us we are not alone in our disgust and outrage ❤️💙🇮🇱💙❤️

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100% with you Eve!

The keffiyehs & watermelon emojis disgust & repulse me…as do those stupid, entitled, aggressive useless idiots who burn our flags & parrot the hatred spouted by terrorists who want nothing more than to destroy Israel, kill all the Jews before moving onto the annihilation of western democratic values.

We shall prevail.

Am Yisrael Chai


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Good to have you back Eve. And at an ominous moment, a Houthi drone in downtown Tel Aviv. Unthinkable yet here it is.

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Yeah, I’m with the folks that love and miss your voice. You know bands that just make a sound that just moves you in all the right places? Your voice is that band for me. You release a single like this and it’s on read repeat. Cheers ❤️✡️🇮🇱

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Eve thank you for coming back. The reason you had to come back are horrific. The attack on Tel Aviv has taken my breath away. It chokes me with fear and grief. More death and destruction, more Jewish blood spilled while the world silently watches. I missed your words. I wish I could give you the world’s largest megaphone. Thank you for your rage!

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Eve, as a fellow LA resident frustrated by all the anti-Israel virtue signaling in our city, I wanted to send you a hug of support. It is exhausting. I hope you have a support network here. If not, you are welcome to join our Jewish affinity group. Our rabbi cantor is also super cool and super musical.

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I'm in LA and looking for some likeminded people on Israel. Can you share which congregation?

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Temple Judea in Tarzana

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Ty Eve for your words remember you are not an island we all care about you

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You speak for us all. We are tired, distraught with the progressive West, the silence, the lies about Israel and Jews that spread so easily. We are worn out defending our people. Yet when I remind myself about the IDF and their constant spirit I feel re-energized. It IS a war of attrition but it is one that must be fought. Your voice is important. Stay the course.

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We missed you so much! I wish I could come take you out for breakfast and hang out and be humans together. I was blessed to go to an event at the Penn Center for Jewish Life last night - a dinner for a group of young visiting Israelis who just finished some of their IDF service. They have mostly received a warm reception here but were kicked out of a bar a few nights ago where they had been dancing to American and European and Latin music and then when they played an Israeli song, the manager cut the music off and told them they had to leave. They were calm, proud, and absolutely charming. I almost put my cat in the carrier to follow them home. We also had a speaker from the Jewish Federation of Philadelphia talking about how much money they had raised to give to small businesses in Israel that were collapsing because their employees got called up to go to war. It's amazing to be surrounded by an unambivalent, unambiguous Jewish community who is dedicated to helping and preserving Israel and Jewish life in this country too, not hemming and hawing about it. We love you and we need you Eve. Someone has to tell it like it is.

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You were missed and as others have commented, I am so sorry that it took yet another terrorist attack to bring you back to our inboxes.

I share your rage at the ignorant, hateful types who parade around in keffiyehs and proudly scream their hatred of anything and everything Jewish/Israeli. It is often Gen Z members who are doing this, with the connivance and support of their so-called educators. These are our future leaders. And then people wonder why I am always depressed?

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This is so true, making the Gen Zers like my daughters who are proudly Jewish and Zionist feel particularly alone, traumatized, depressed.

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I feel badly for your daughters. They are unfortunately surrounded by hate and ignorance.

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You probably know that we Jewish grandmothers can’t resist giving advice. It is a good thing you gave yourself some time off, Eve. Keep doing it, in daily bits. Keeping our sanity is an important part of the battle. Celebrating what is beautiful in humanity, in community, in the arts, in nature — it all helps, too. Finding and fighting little battles that we have a chance actually to win. Taking a break from the news and from anger. Weathering this storm of hatred that has happened before and will happen again. We got this!

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Every time a Westerner posts a Palestinian flag emoji, or walks around with a Palestine sticker on the back of their iPhone, or wears some t-shirt conflating Palestine with BLM or LGBTQIA issues or whatever the virtuous aneurysm their brain is having that day and wearing as fa-shun, they are emboldening Iran and its terror proxies. I stare at them like my eyelids have burned off. I think to myself: Strut along now. Curl those dumbbells. Sweat for Sinwar. Rave for the resistance. Work it like you’re empowering a ring of organizations that want to annihilate the Jewish people AND eventually the West. Dumb pricks. Keep telling the truth, Eve.. People are waking up from the mental anesthesia, whether you can see it or not.. the tide is turning.. never stop being a truth teller..

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Whenever I've see someone wearing the Palestinian flag as a logo on t-shirts or as any sort of apparel in public I've been getting close enough to quietly and calmly call them a, "terrorist" and keep.going on my way. Looking them in the eye and saying it like it is has been less stressful than enraged yelling. I've done my share of yelling too and can't say I won't be yelling again but this is the better option for my own sanity and might (that's a big might) make at least one person reflect.

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And the NYT has basically buried the story.

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I hadn’t heard a thing about this and I use alternative media. I need to check Dailywire.

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