Spot on, Eve. I go into some kind of blissful state of sharp acuity and reciprocal co-ordination of heart, mind and soul when I read your words. Because they are so obviously right. They say it how it is, and one can only wonder at the muddied receptors that pass for brains of all the people out there braying in hysterical accord for, ultimately, what will become their own enemy, their own undoing. Go figure. That's what mass mania and crowd mentality + hatred for Jews breeds. Thanks, Eve.

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Thanks Eve, you rock. It is depressing to see how much effort it takes to bring sanity and plain facts to the debate. Only last weekend it began to dawn on some commentators and politicians that Iran is the source of all chaos and instability. It has been in our face since 1979 but appeasement feels so much better apparently.

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If I could put an exponent on the "heart" I would! Keep it up Eve.

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One of your best columns yet! Bravo for the defiance I hear. You (and the rest of us) will not be silenced into submission.

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It’s time to send the UN packing and out of NY. They should go to Cuba or Venezuela, and we should withdraw. We should start a new organization and only accept countries that support western civilization.

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Amen, I’m with you on this. UN does not stand for United Nations. It’s become the mouthpiece of the Caliphate.

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Apr 23Liked by Eve Barlow

I am disgusted by the coverage of all of the chaos on campus. It is so misleading. I don't see "protests" I see riots. These people are not anti-war, they are pro-hamas. They are chanting it out loud. They are not "anti-Israel" or "pro-Palestine" or "pro-Gaza" or "anti-Zionist." There is only raw Jew hatred. They shout this proudly, with bloodlust. This is the modern incarnation of Naziism. It would be a powerful story if only someone beside Eve would write about it. Thank you, Eve, for your courage and vision and wisdom. God bless you and keep you safe.

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Thank you for being here.

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You're the best Eve, thank you for being you 💙

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“I am so proud to be one of us.” We are so fortunate to have you as one of us. Thanks for all that you do. 💪🇮🇱

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Brilliantly written. Thank you for being a strong and brave voice. Chag pesach Sameach

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It's all so ... I've literally run out of words to describe how frustratingly horrible much of the world is. Your words are a salve -- "it is punk to be pro-Israel" - so right. Keep your spirits up and we will fight on.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Almost each one of Eve's essays becomes "one of the best ones yet." Unique ability to see things clearly and write extremely well. This latest post will get forwarded to friends and family, one of which urged me to read the truth as it appears in the Jacobin, and pleaded with me not to send them "this shit again." Having read but not subscribed to the Jacobin, I can understand why the lies and distortions that appear in the Jacobin and other outlets like it, have misled this young relation. Not only should they see Eve's posts, but they (used in the singular) need to see it. As Eve stated so well in the introduction to her post, "My superpower is not needing you to like me."

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

I'm thinking we need a t-shirt quoting you: It's Punk to be Pro-Israel. Thank you for keeping so many of us sane. I refrain from passing along stuff about Elaine Stefanik because, except for these hearings, she's generally a right-wing horror - and FreedomTv is a Christian outlet - so I'm finding other videos to use - but I cherish your words and thank you for alerting me to what's going on in the city I loved and lived in for 12 years. Here's an OP from the Times of Israel that dovetails what you say. I'd love to see one of these WW students scream at the morality police of Iran like they're doing at the NYC cops, btw.


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Well done, you’re speaking for all of us who are wondering what the fuck is going on here?! The world has seriously gone mad. Right is wrong, wrong is right and the feminists - oh you holier than thou feminists. The ‘woman-for-women’ posse. How dare you. You failed to be on the side of right and we will never forgive you. Or forget.

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Sharpening my horns… We are punk and we will win the war of ideas and intellect. Am yisrael chai, m-fers.

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I bow at your alter. ✡️

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Columbia may be the worst of the Ivies in terms of openly allowing--if not endorsing--anti-Jewish/anti-Israel hatred, and that's saying something.

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U of P is pretty bad too says my sister in Philadelphia.

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I live in that area. She’s not wrong.

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