I love you, Eve. Thank you for the honest, real, beautiful writing. You speak to our collective soul, and I'm so grateful we had you this year. Shana tova u’metukah to you too -- may you go from strength to strength.

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Thank u again

And happy healthy and wealthy new year to you and yours

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Thank you so much for your column. Your essays add so much cheer to my life.

I also have been reading Nevi’im. Yesterday I was reading Isaiah's prophesy about the Assyrians, which the king of Judah did not follow and of course great destruction ensued. But the prophesy said just as your friend said (and I paraphrase), "Chill! The Assyrians are going DOWN! Don't freak, don't do what your supposed allies tell you to do, they don't have your best interest at heart. G-d's GOT this, there's a plan."

I've been spending the past few years watching the energies shift in waves over the globe, while I read about Judaism and its esoterica. Reading, for instance, about how the Jewish concept of angels is that they aren't the cuddly Christian things, they're emissaries with a job that they do immediately, they're creatures of fire — sheer beams of energy. So we've been watching, and are part of, an energetic war that's traversing the globe. I've been thinking about how every new beginning requires an ending. I've been watching, for instance, as fascism rises in the world, there is an equal and opposite movement that says ENOUGH! because that's how history works, excesses generate an impulse towards balance. For a year I've been saying we're at an inflection point, you could graph it, we've been going down down down down down and now maybe — just maybe — we're hitting the trough of that wave and beginning to come back up. It makes me think of fractiles, how trees and snails and all living things grow by the repetition of mathematical sequences. It makes me think about the Kabbalah tree and how the traversal of that tree is yet another sequence, with each excess leading to a rebalancing. And how history moves in cycles, with each repetition not the same but similar, and that's how G-d works.

And between Isaiah and this conception of divine cycles and the recent wins against Hezbollah and all my reading, including your essays, yesterday when I read of Iran carpet bombing the whole of Israel, I wasn't worried. I'm surprised that I wasn't worried because I don't think of myself as a person who really has faith but I just knew everything would be alright. And it was.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is going to go down like Assyria. I just feel it. I have a couple of friends in Iran and they're both kind of under permanent house arrest. I have a Lebanese friend who's here in the US, in exile. Maybe soon, my friends will be free.

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Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Viktor Frankl did the same for me. Happy New Year to our beautiful, brave, exceptional Jewish community and all of our allies.

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Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Jeremiah 29:13 “And if you seek Me, you will find Me if you search for Me with all your heart.” It’s a promise. Blessings on your search!

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Eve you wrote “we have all felt Jewish first and foremost, because the world has made it so.”

Such a difficult year and yet grateful to be on the journey with people such as yourself

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Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Love you Eve. 😘😘😘

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I have hatred for the Ayatollah barbarians; I have contempt for the UN, EU, BBC, et al. chieftains of appeasement; I have resentment of the apathetic masses yearning to be free of any moral obligation.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Eve Barlow

Congratulations on a well deserved honor, Eve. I found Victor Frankl after a life threatening abyss I had fallen into at age 24. Climbing out of the fall was the beginning of life and understanding of all mighty God. Today on the north side of 90 I am filled with daily gratitude for it all.

Following the magnificent performance of BIBI, Mossad and the IDF I wondered how much the current lame US administration contributed to their strength and resolve to stand alone? You know, the karmic law of action and reaction. In the case of the U.S., no action. And With friends like that out of the way, Israel proceeded with right action.

When you are with God, it’s reciprocal and magic happens for all to witness.

Israel’s Rabbi’s have their job to do which is to keep the faith and the doors to magic open.

Shalom on this victorious new day! New year.

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Shana Tova beautiful Eve, wishing you love, peace and the best of health for the coming year. Thank you for all that you do 💓🍎🍯

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I love Frankl's book. It helped me through a dark patch in my life many years ago. L'shana tovah u'metukah!

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And mazel tov! Well deserved !

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Yes I agree. Do not be afraid 🇮🇱. Hashem has got this.

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Thank you, Eve, from a non Jew who loves Hashem and Israel.. While I never use the term influencer (because I'm old), you’ve definitely had a dramatic and heartfelt influence on my life.

Since Oct 7, my plea for the safe return of the hostages has been in every prayer. I watched in horror and rage, as did millions around the globe, atrocities committed by savages. I've cried every time another hostage is murdered and prayed some more..

On another blog, the host said "Extremely Graphic Images, but don't look away!" because they wanted us to see what these animals are capable of. I didn’t look away, and something profound happened to me that day.

The video of Shani Louk and Naama Levi has been burned into my brain and heart. They, for me are the faces of this war. A war which is literally between good and evil. G-d always wins. Bless you dear friend.

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What a blessing you are and have been to many of us who came upon your substack one year ago. Congratulations on being recognized as a visionary by the Jerusalem Post.

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