
America thanks you for the love letter. At least I do.

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There’s the online America, which is a petty and censorious place. Then there’s the actual America, which is still open and crazy and friendly and wonderful. I try to spend more time in actual America nowadays.

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Remember Harris daughter supports Muslim killers of Jews...and Muslim black slaves. Owners......and Muslim killers of Christians.....and Muslim convert or kill....and that is your democratic party....

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And the American people are so friendly and outgoing. They come to your door when you move in and introduce themselves and often bring food offerings. As a Canadian I envy them their strong patriotism and sense of their history. Wish a Canadian would write books about our history as Rush Limbaugh did with his Revere series of children's books.

My father was stationed in the U.S. for some years with NORAD and we used to travel around. Never forgot the Howard Johnson ice cream restaurants!

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On "convenience stores." Growing up in San Antonio, we called them "ice houses." We called them that because you could pick up your ice bags there. But not only that--you could take the ice out to one of the picnic tables near the store, put the ice in a bucket, chill some beer, join friends and family drinking beer, and eat some food you bought or brought. Maybe somebody would bring along a guitar.

As a kid, I didn't know "ice house" was local usage. When I drove out to LA for the first time in my late teens, I stopped and rolled down my window and asked where I could find an ice house. The guy furrowed his brow and then brightened and asked, "You mean the nightclub?" No, I said, and described the sundries I wanted to buy at the end of my two-day drive. "Oh!" he said. "You mean a Seven Eleven." He gave me directions.

America has 50 state-size petrie dishes growing cultures that are in turn fun, funky, beautiful, and dangerous. Dialect and idiom luxuriate. Read H.L. Mencken's "The American Language" sometime--it's a long slog but repays the investment..

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I am American and a proud one but we have to do better than choices like Biden and Trump. At least one of them is out of the race. Hopefully, there is still enough time for a sensible moderate Democrat to unite these very divided United States. And, make sure it’s someone that fully supports Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Curious, can you tell me who might be in the running for Democratic nomination that would fully support Israel? I don’t see that person.

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There are no moderate democrats, and I watched a uniting of people at the Republican convention, something I've been waiting to see from either party my entire adult life.

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His name of Robert F Kennedy Jr.

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And he is better than any other candidate out there.

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Eve, Thank you for your always smart and heartfelt writing. One of the (many) deficits of the current educational system in the U.S. is that not enough young people spend time over-seas, out of this country. Time away from all the conveniences and all the choices and all the entertainment might have some benefit. If more young people spent time outside the U.S., perhaps they would realize how bloody lucky they are to be living in this amazing country, even with all its faults and current anger. That said, Americans can surprise. Behind the bluster and arrogance and bad fashion are decent and hardworking and kind and welcoming people. Yes, we have a lot of work to do but we should never forget or overlook or be ungrateful for what this country not only represents but offers. We need to take better care of it. And please, take care of yourself Eve! You are vital.

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Love the positivity and patriotism towards America, even more impressive coming from a Scot.

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I love this article, and as someone whose family is divided between Canada and the US, I have spent a lot of time in both countries. The US and Canada have a lot in common, and the lifestyle is practically the same. We have the same media, the same clothes, the same food, the same stores (mostly). We both drive on the right; we both have big cities, big city crime and miles and miles of empty land that seems to stretch on for an eternity. We both have a lot of guns per capita. US #1, Canada #7 in the world.

Also, even though Canada technically switched to metric some years ago, pretty much everyone I know says they are 5 feet 8 or 165 lbs. I have never heard someone say they were 80kg or 1.3 meters tall; it sounds alien. When we always ask how many miles per gallon a car gets, not litres per 100 km, that's even more confusing.

When we build, it's all in inches and feet. My point is our politicians tried to make us more European with the metric system but it failed. Our biggest source of media is the US. Our biggest trading partner is the US. Many, like me, have our ancestors originating from the US. Our culture is forever tied to the US. I suspect most Canadians know more about the US and US politics than they know about Canada. Canada doesn't have the same drive or determination to do more like the US. We're like the quiet cousin lingering in the background, too timid to step up.

You nailed all the examples of what makes the US great. It's a little like a Seinfeld show: It's a lot about nothing specific really, a great many random nothings, but they mean everything. America is an idea, a fabulous, flawed, energetic and wild idea that refuses to die. We are drawn to it, to its endless possibilities and what it can become. No other country on earth exudes that feeling of freedom, good or bad, safe or dangerous; we are drawn to it like moths to the flame; we know we might get burnt, but we still go.

I've been to other large cities in the world, such as Rome, Lisbon, London, Dublin, and Toronto, but none of them feel like New York. It's the greatest city in the world. When you stand on the top of the Empire State Building or the Top of the Rock, it's simply awe-inspiring; it's massive. When you walk along the narrow streets of Little Italy or hang out in Park Slope, the Upper West Side or the West Village, it all feels different but connected. New York has a history like no other.

In my opinion, the United States is the greatest nation that has ever existed in recorded history. It has the most powerful military in the world and the largest economy by a long shot. It has human rights, freedom, culture and, most importantly, pride in its nation. I know there are a few noisemakers out there protesting, but the vast majority of Americans (like my family) have immense pride in the country.

There is a reason so many, like yourself, want to be there. In America, you can be born in Dogpatch and still be the president, a billionaire, or a famous musician, writer, actor, or anything if you're willing to work for it.

So many people like to bash America, and I suspect it is because they are jealous. People from all over the world want to go there and have done so for hundreds of years. There's a reason for that: freedom is contagious. That's why Russia and China hate the US; they know if given a choice, the vast majority of their citizens would rather live free.

America is an idea that I hope lives for an eternity, imagine the possibilities.

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Yes, enough of the doom and panic. I am very hopeful for the future. Wonderful post!

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Great post. Very patriotic, but with a Scottish accent. Happy to have you. Now if we can just teach you Scots proper pronunciation of the spoken word.

The country can’t handle 4 more years of the fucking Democrats. They are grinding us down. We’re done with the demoralization and astroturf diversity and chaos. I don’t care if you like Donald Trump. But if liberals like what’s been going on here, they’re crazy and there’s not enough medication to fix it.

America has always been about the better future, not in the morose past. Being dragged through the mud by haters since Obama emerged from wherever the fuck he’s actually from has been a global disaster. The shit in Ukraine and Israel and COVID is all connected to this simple fact.

Enough. There’s only one path out of chaos and it doesn’t traverse cultural Marxism and the rest of the garbage the Dems have dumped on the land. You want to save Western Civilization and Israel, vote for Trump. Because he will do his job. The alternative is accelerated decline of the West.

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Eve, thank you for a lovely column

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Love the meanderings of your younger years Eve and though I appreciate your optimistic advice….man, it’s so hard to do.

I struggle with it daily, with some success some of the time. I imagine a time when hostages are free and a successful war behind us. Those are the thoughts that keep me going. Am Israel Chai 💙🇮🇱💙

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Thank you, Eve, for your honest and heartfelt words. It is refreshing to hear someone speak sensibly and without hate towards one side or the other. This is what we need.

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I remember seeing a circle K for the first time, after watching ias a lot d in Australia, Bill & Ted’s excellent adventure.

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What a beautiful paean to America, with all the glorious chaos that liberty drags along in its wake. I love your perspective even more because I’ve always been an Anglophile, envious of Great Britain’s storied history, with all the pomp and pageantry that comes with having a sovereign, a royal family, and a thousand+ years of recorded history. Thank you for letting me see my country through your eyes, in all its astonishing richness and variety.

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