I live in Paris but I live in a quieter neighborhood fairly far away from the main protest areas (there tend to be specific zones where protests happen in the city : République, Saint Michel, Champs-Elysée, Rue de l'université etc). Last night, at 11pm, there was a protest that came through my street, my little tiny side-street away from anything of importance. So at 11pm on a tuesday night when I'm trying to get to sleep, I had to hear the chants and screams of mostly white liberal young people at my literal doorstep. I've felt relatively safe in Paris up until now because there were strict rules about the protests and the jewish community has security and extra security from the national government. I've gotten used to having to wait in bulletproof security vestibules before entering any kind of jewish space, sometimes using separate entrantes and exits or having bags checked. I've gotten used to the visible discretion of these places. That they often lack signs and are only noticeable by the security cameras and the mezuzot, or the French military who just *happen* to be patrolling that block with their giant guns. But it's so terrifying to see just how mobilized people are against Israel without questionning why they feel the need to be so very involved in this particular conflict and not any of the countless other tragedies happening around the world at this very moment. They seem so blinded by their unexamined antisemitism.

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And what could have possibly gone wrong by making Algeria a department?

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Yes it is scary. May you have courage and safety.

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1940 dejas-vue.

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Devastatingly potent. Absolutely gut wrenching to watch, but the moral clarity of what you said — and the way you said it — is irrefutable. It’s hard to argue with the truth. But it’s so much easier to not seek it out, or just ignore it completely. Social media has absolutely obliterated critical thinking. By the way, where are all the eyes on Darfur, or on the concentration camps in China? I guess for those indoctrinated by TikTok, when it comes to genocide, less is more. I have so little faith in humanity. And I believe in Jewish exceptionalism more than ever. When the suicide bombings start happening in the US, all these uninformed woke idiots will regret that they weren’t sharing posts that implored that all eyes be on underneath Rafah.

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Wonderful speech, Eve. Compelling. And absolutely correct. Not so many left who actually think anymore, social media and the digital age being what it is.

The Hamas and Palestinian propaganda is terrifyingly effective. As Goebbels said, ' Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth.' Shades of 1930s Nazi Germany all around us, that's for sure. One day in the future the keffiyeh will come to represent, as symbol, the evil the swastika represents, and all those fervent keffiyeh wearers will be on the wrong side of history. Unless, of course, the non-thinkers win the day. And we can't allow that.

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I'm not so sure their propaganda is particularly effective at all, in fact in my view it is amateurish. It only appears effective because so many, especially the Jew-hating media are so eager to buy it. Virtually all reported casualty numbers are sourced from the Gaza Health Ministry (hamas), often without attribution. Oh, and all those ginger keffiyeh clad morons are guilty of cultural appropriation, aren't they?

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As amateurish as it might seem, the fact that Hamas propaganda is taken up with relish and acted upon by so many globally is proof of it efficacy. Yes, the Jew-hating media support it, and that only makes it more legitimate in the eyes of those who want to believe it. The fact that the Gaza Ministry, which is Hamas, report their inflated, untrue statistics is just accepted without thought, again because it's what people want to believe; therefore as obvious as it is, it's not challenged. Even after the UN reporting that the numbers are 50% less in real terms, day after day everyone keeps quoting the old statistics. So, assuredly the propaganda is effective, added to each day by more lies and the fire burns and burns on while the hysterical believers support their heroes, who are terrorists. That they are terrorists is also put to one side until it no longer exists in the minds of the believers.

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Thank you for puncturing the BS as per usual.

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May 29·edited May 29

Two modest comments to your powerful speech.

1) Thank you

2) You (and all of us who agree with you, me included) live in a bubble and are struggling to understand what's going on around us. Most of people are no longer interested even to listen to Israeli explanations; no longer interested in understanding what actually happened in the Al Ahli hospital parking or what actually caused the massacre last Sunday Night in Rafah. So, a recall of the 7th october massacre, rapes and tortures by Hamas, or pinpointing what one could really watch if he were really using his eyes on Gaza, it is useful for us (the ones living in the bubble) but, alas, it is useless for the people living outside the bubble.

You are brave in tackling the lies by an overwhelming majority, kol hakavod and todà.

But I guess that we must elaborate something different and more nuanced (a kind of entryism, the "French Turn" way , by Leon Trotsky) to be more effective.

More effective outside our bubble, I mean.

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seeing how easily and quickly people fall for propaganda is terrifying. Much love to you Eve, from a non Jewish ally, stay close to those who understand and can offer support.

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Thanks Eve. I haven't seen the jeep story specifically reported yet. What has been reported by the NYT is that the bomb used by Israel is a precision weapon made by the US that the US has been urging Israel to use precisely because it has a lower payload.

Unfortunately the headline I saw in the NYT was "Israel Used U.S.-Made Bombs in Strike That Killed Dozens Near Rafah" instead of "Israel Used the US-Made Bomb With Lower Payload/Greater Precision Urged by the Biden Administration."

Confirmation bias run amuck.

What does seem clear so far is that there were munitions in the area, which is similar to Hamas having a suicide vest strapped on to maximize the damage if/when attacked with he victims being Palestinians.

We'll know more soon.

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Thank you Eve! Keep calling out the BS, the double standards, the blood libels & the outright lies that are propagated by the media hellbent on destroying Israel…they will not succeed, we will win as truth will prevail…Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱💙💪🏼

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What can the average American do to stop the Muslim invasion of America?

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I am a 74 yo Jew. I am accustomed to fighting alone. The younger generation should not be surprised that they are isolated and alone in the fight. I will never stop fighting and I have taught our daughters and granddaughters the same thing. We are Jews, that means the world is against us. No whining, no complaining, keep fighting. Am Yisrael Chai.

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It is astonishing just how low the legacy media and leftist lemmings can go… Pure Jew hatred… and the west is wearing blinders… it’s a 1933-45 redux.. never thought this could happen again but here we are..

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Thank you

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I hadn't seen the Rafah image before this article, which is probably not surprising since I'm no longer on social media. It seemed to me that 90% of the people who post are assholes anyway. Most of the social media I used to be on had turned into an echo chamber of antisemites, and I won't support that.

Also, I am still confused and amazed that the media, journalists and government spokespersons are still blindly separating the Gazan people into two camps, Hamas and the civilians. To me, there are two truths coming out of Gaza. Firstly, the Gazans hate the Jews and want them dead. The second thing is that Hamas are the civilians, and the civilians are Hamas. There is no way it can be any other way. Over and over again, it has been reported that wherever the civilians end up, lo and behold Hamas is there too. This has been going on for eight months, and people still refuse to accept that the civilians are Hamas. So I ask myself why that is, and the only thing I can think of is that people are feeling social pressure to publically make a sad face for the so-called civilians and frown whenever Hamas is mentioned. I'm not playing that game; to me, they are one and the same.

I would also bet dollars to donuts that Hamas deliberately placed that Jeep full of explosives in the humanitarian camp and that they deliberately ignited it to create a media storm against Israel. There may never be proof of that, but my gut says that's what they did. From what we have seen of their past behaviour concerning their own people, it makes sense. To us in the West, killing our people seems like insanity, but to Hamas, they are just creating martyrs for the cause. We in the West have to learn to wrap our minds around how they think. I believe this is causing much of the confusion between us (East and West). The actions they take and what they believe seem like madness to us, and we can't imagine that a mother would be proud of her son killing innocent Jews or that a family would celebrate the death of their child as a martyr for the cause. We don't get it, so we think, that can't be, they can't really think that...but they do, and it's time we accepted it.

Hamas is on the back foot now and desperate. I fully expect more mass 'civilian' deaths to be blamed on Israel as Hamas tries to sway Israel's allies into putting more pressure on Israel to stop the war. If the same pressure that has been applied to Israel to end this war over the last eight months had been applied to Hamas, it would have been over by now.

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I think you are absolutely right that in the West many people just cannot accept that any group of humans would find honour in killing their own children, their own tribe, or themselves for an ideology. It is pretty incomprehensible, but it’s real and people need to be educated about this. Although when we try we are met with scoffs and anger. It seems like a losing battle. 😣

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I agree with you ... these are very sad days

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Once again, you are my voice. Thank you.

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100 percent!!!!!!

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Seems the masses who throw themselves behind the cause are like the worshippers of the golden calf. It’s groovy to be at the party but we know how that ended. Damn you for forgetting our stolen people and embracing barbarism. When all the Jews are gone, they’re coming for you next!

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