I think that it’s already “mission accomplished” for you, Eve. You are ALREADY a great writer. Your words are filled with passion and meaning, and I am privileged to read them.

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May 6Liked by Eve Barlow

You are a great writer Eve! I think you strive to be a greater writer & when you’ve done that an even greater writer & an even greater writer still etc etc.

Keep doing what you’re doing as your writing is not only bringing much joy to your readership but your words are so very important to be written & read.

Love your work Eve 🙏🏽

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May 6Liked by Eve Barlow

If you aren't a great writer, then I've never encountered one.

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I had a sergeant who kept a sign over his work desk: "If you wait until the last minute to do something...it will be done in a minute."

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What a stress free way to live in this world. Unless the sergeant is strangled by the people who depended on them getting work done that takes more than one minute, that sergeant will live to 100.

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Holy Moly are you ever a good wordsmith!

"...the plague of a worry that refuses to die in slumber."

"...a diamond that requires pressure, more pressure, even more pressure over the course of years, decades, a lifetime." et cetera et cetera

I read few lines to my wife and she just nodded and said, "Poetic"

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Yes! So well expressed, I felt that in my gut. My best writing was always in the wee hours with a deadline looming. Facing that torturous tension between the desire/need to be “seen” and the fear of exposure to the crowd. Your bravery in entering the public arena time and again (while so many of us cower backstage) is always inspiring. You’ll get beaten up, make mistakes, suffer humiliation, but you’re engaging - and learning, and perfecting your craft! Which is really living. Keep on, as Theodore Roosevelt described it, “daring greatly”

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*she said while procrastinating on her Hebrew homework*

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Your writing is such a gift.

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Thanks Eve: for the writing, the inspiration and everything that you do x

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Those 3am thoughts. I love old school jotting down to paper. Most just use notes on their phone or post on SM. I’ve sent some kamikaze letters out that I immediately regret and can’t take back. With Eve she never has to take back anything because she writes with so much conviction and knowledge. She also has a great sense of humor which draws you in to her POV. TG for her! She should be an inspiration to all these Genz’ers but they’re way too high and GULLIBLE! Keep on insatiably writing Eve! We can’t get enough 🔥🔥

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beautiful, thank you for sharing.

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Shout Eve, let it all out! You're a beautiful shining star. Most of all you're an excellent writer.

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I’m a trial lawyer and words have been my life. You, my dear, already are a writer!

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Thank you Eve

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You are an amazing writer 🌟

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