Another brilliant article. Thanks Eve. You cut through all the crap to say it how it is. In 100 days the world has literally been turned upside down. Everything we thought was real and true has been questioned and challenged. Frightening for the future.

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There are many human rights organizations in the world, even too many. There are many people in the world who fight against injustice, against oppression, against cruelty and against violence. There are even too many of them.

How to prove that they are anti-Semitic? Very simple. They don't work or fight when it's about the Jews.

There are many anti-Semites in the world. Too many of them.

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"Jeremy Corbyn is a lesson" or a lesion? Yes.

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I heard a commentator, I think Adam Guilette, said he doesn't call it antisemitism, it sounds sanitized and clinical. He says "Jew-hatred" instead. Exactly right!

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I, like many others on social media, was posting birthday stuff for beautiful baby Kfir on 3 January, thinking that was his birthday. (I had thought it was later in the month but thought maybe *that* was incorrect, so I went along with the 3rd. Oy.) It's the 18th, though, correct? I know this isn't the entire focus of Eve's piece, but I just want to make sure I do my private little prayers for Kfir on the proper day. I mean, extra ones, because he's always in my heart and I think of him every day.

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Excellent post!!! And what a disgusting sticker. I got hateful comments on a post I made about the hostages. These people really think Jewish lives don’t matter.

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I lost two friends in England over the execrable Jeremy Corbyn because they denied that he was/is in any way Antisemitic. The way I see it, if you deny that you may as well deny that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

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I don’t understand people like David Baddiel who seem to argue that “deep inside” Corbyn is not actually an antisemite. I say whatever’s inside is irrelevant. If it perpetually looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….🦆

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"Deep inside the man who raped the woman doesn't hate women at all"

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This is our message: “The Jews weren't gifted a country because we were persecuted. We returned to our indigenous homeland via a self-determination movement known as Zionism. Zionism is as old as Judaism itself, for in the Torah the Jews have always prayed to Israel and Jerusalem, and our genes have determined that we have direct lineage to the Levant, not to mention the overwhelming amount of archaeological evidence that exists there tying our history and our roots to the modern state of Israel. The Jews reclaimed one country as our homeland. That is the context for Israel.” Bravo Eve. 👏👏👏

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To add to your good post this morning, below is a link to a good summary by the AJC of the historical connection of the Jewish people to Israel.


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Where is the Red Cross/Red Cresent/Amnesty International? Why are they not demanding an accounting of the hostages?

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The Red Cross finally released a statement this morning but didn't mention Hamas or Israel once.

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I fantastic piece Eve. So much truth, so much to unpack. I keep reading it & finding more. Brilliant.

Keep fighting the good fight...please.

I stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱

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We have been very spoiled in America that no war has touched our shores in over 100 years. However, it has also left us unprepared for what to do when even an idealogical one occurs, never mind the physical intimidation that has been seen on our streets where we thought we were safe. 100 days sits in my gut like a tumor at this point. Growing everyday and having what we thought were doctors to help with eradication of the cancer, instead, feed it to help it grow. Ignoring the diagnosis as hysteria and saying that if only you hadn't smoked, the tumor wouldn't have happened in the first place. It is our fault, and I will simply not accept it and any fellow Jew that does has sold their soul to the doctors above.

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